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 TheConcept paper is a brief
document. Depending upon the
requirements of a specific academic
program, the Concept Paper may
range from as few as 2-3 pages to as
many as 10-20 pages. The essential
point of the Concept Paper is to
explain the importance of a particular
research project.
Concept Explication
 The process by which “abstract
concepts” are systematically linked to
observations in the real world.
 Conceptual Definition- tells you what a
concept means in abstract or theoretical
 Operational Definition- links a concept to
the concrete world by telling you how to
observe and / or measure the concept.
Functions of Concept
 Meaning Analysis (conceptualization &
1. Deductive process
2. Process of developing interrelated and
operational definitions
 Empirical Analysis
1. Inductive process
2. Process of evaluating definitions on the basis
of empirical evidence (observations)
6 steps of Meaning
 Identification of concept
 Literature review about the concept
 Empirical description of concept
 Develop tentative conceptual definition
 Develop tentative operational definition
 Data gathering
Identification of a Concept
 A competent journalist writes
Identification of Concept
 Singular concepts- People(Duterte),
Places(Manaoag), Things(Necklace)
 Class concepts- Politicians, Cities,
 Rational concepts- caused by; grater
than; relate to
 Variable concepts- gender; self-efficacy
Scientific concept
 Abstractness- observed in many place
and times using varying methods.
 Operationalizability- translated into way of
observing the concept.
 Precision- clarity of construct
Concept Clarification
An analysis of an abstract concept through investigation of examples and the identification of
critical and less critical attributes
Instructional Purpose
To analyze an abstract idea to develop a deeper understanding of its meaning and implication.
Abstract ideas and concepts might include, but are not be limited to, heroism, courage, freedom,
and patriotism. Identification of critical and less critical attributes will aid in discerning the
boundaries or fuzziness of the concepts.

•Student 1-Page
•In Search of a Hero
•Teacher 1-Page
Can be applied to many abstract concepts in social studies and character development. As
teachers struggle to help students gain greater understanding of character traits such as heroism,
courage, and persistence and social studies concepts such as freedom, patriotism, tolerance, and

Should not be used with more concrete concept that are more easily understood with other
How can a concept paper
improves our society?
 Research concept proposals regarding
economic growth and eradication of poverty
that establishes insightful basis for making
decisions for the communities or for a nation is
one situation in which a concept paper may
be effectively used to improve our society.

This kind of concept papers identifies

situations in which a concept paper may be
effectively used to improve our society.
Thank You!

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