ITC e Choupal

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ITC e-Choupal

Presented By:-
Pritish Baruah (UR18017)
Arjya Pragyan Mohanty (UR18033)
Daivakari Kapoor (UR18036)
About ITC e-Choupal
● World’s largest rural digital infrastructure- empowering 4 million farmers
● Tackles the issues of weak infrastructure, fragmented farms and
numerous intermediaries
● Is a virtual marketplace where farmers can transact directly with a
processor and realize better prices for their produce
● Bottom up model
● Virtual vertical integration
● Objective of e-choupal
- Creating shareholder value with the social aim of alleviating poverty
- Involvement of farmers designing and management of e-choupal, sense
of ownership among the farmers , e-choupal as new age cooperative
● Infrastructure-
- Hardware - computer, printer, VSAT (very small aperture terminal), solar
panels, and batteries
- Software - Web portals, training and communication
- Telecommunication - upgraded BSNL exchanges with RNS kits

● Stakeholders Involved- ITC (International Business Division),

Meteorological Deptt, Agri Universities, Farmers, Sanchalaks, Sanjoyaks
Business Model
● Leverages IT to cluster all value chain participants
● Blend of click and mortar
● Village internet kiosks managed by sanchalaks
● Real time and customised information provided to farmers to take
decisions and align their farm output - control over better quality,
● Benefits from lower net procurement costs
● Efficient transaction processing system and a low-cost distribution
channel - Earns service charges from all participating companies
● Disintermediation savings, Freight costs, Quality Control and Risk
Management through virtual vertical integration and horizontal spread
e-choupal Supply Chain Model
Digital Divide Framework
Digital Divide Components
● Physical access to ICTs: sets up physical service support at choupal
through sanchalak
● Technology illiteracy: sanchalak (able to read and write) has access to
functional computer
● Information illiteracy:
❖ sanchalaks access the information (about market prices, weather and soil
conditions, modern farm practices and farm inputs) and facilitate its
dissemination to farmers
❖ enhance the ability of farmers to take decisions and align their farm
output with market demand and secure quality and productivity
Digital Divide Dimensions
● Economic: using e-commerce to bring farmers and rural producers to the
mainstream markets
● Political: govt regulated markets, APMC, PACS. Traders have a say and
not farmers
● Social: both small and large farmers have access to information, price
and market means
● Cultural: timely real time and customised information in local language
provided to both small and large farmers
● Spatial: generally located within walking distance or a 5 km radius

Note: there was no mention of caste and class but only large and small farmers
ICTD Evolution Framework
ICTD 1.0 to ICTD 2.0 :

1. Passive consumer to active (involved) consumer

2. Key Application : Content driven to Services driven
3. Supply driven approach to centralized and demand driven
4. ICT 1.0 early and mid 2000s : Internet kiosks as main instrument with
5. ICT 2.0 : Choupal Pradarshan Khet ( Technology in Use)
6. ‘Community Based’ to ‘Individual’ Service Delivery : Shift from desktop based
interface to mobile platform (no sanchalak required)
7. Business Model Innovation : ITC e Choupal 4.0 Hand holding of Agri
Startups Tech provider to Digital platform provider
8. Pro poor to Para poor
9. Development Paradigm : Between human development and development 2.0
● Blockchain for SCM couples with IoT for monitoring and tracking of
produce from choupal to marketplace, ensure transparency
● Power backup through solar panels to deal with erratic power supply
● Inclusion of mobile based choupals will reduce dependence on
sanchalaks however India being digitally literate is a rosy picture
● Use of VSAT for studying weather conditions, initially relying on
Meteorological Deptt for information
● Use of sensors to examine soil health and nutrients
● Equipments for quality assessment check of farm produce
● Use of Blockchain also for agricultural finance, will have access to credit
history, helps farmer and institution in planning agriculture and also crop
insurance claims

1. Covering 35000 villages serving 4 million farmers

2. Hand holding of 20 agri tech start-ups
3. High dependance on electricity and telecommunication
4. Economic Sustainability : Rs. 30 lakh in mid 2000 to Rs. 1.5 at present per
kiosk set up cost
5. Reduced information asymmetry
6. Scalability : Expansion beyond 21 States ; challenges in north east
7. Replicable with necessary customization
8. Farmers productivity and incomes improved
Thank You

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