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Community Engagement

TNHS 2019
Life most persistent and
urgent question is “what are
you doing for others?”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Citizens Social
Participation Community

Citizen’s Supporters


Communica -

1. Community Activists: Work with others on local

problems, form a group to work on local problems,
active membership community organizations, contact
officials on social issues.
2. Apathetic Inactive: no participatory activity, not
even voting.
3. Passive Supporters: vote regularly, attends patriotic
parades, pay all taxes but don’t indulge in social
4. Protesters: Join in public street demonstration,
protest vigorously if a government does something
morally wrong, attend protest meetings, or refuse
to obey unjust laws.
5. Communicators: Keep informed about the state
of the nation, engaged in discussions, write letters
to newspaper editors, send support or protest
messages to national and local leaders.
6. Volunteerism: It is an essence of democracy
which refers to the principle or system of
supporting or doing something by voluntary
efforts or actions. It comes from the word
voluntariness or the quality of being free in
the exercise of one’s free will; and that such
act or deed is performed without
valuable/material consideration.
What is Community Engagement?

• The process of working collaboratively with and

through groups of people affiliated by geographic
proximity, special interest, or similar situations to
address issues affecting the well being of the
• It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about
environmental and behavioural changes that may
improve the health of the community and its
What is Community Engagement?

• Often involves partnerships and coalitions

that help mobilize resources and influence
systems, change relationships among
partners, and serve as catalysts for changing
policies, programs, and practices
Goals of Community Engagement

•To build trust

•To enlist new resources and allies
•To create better communication
•To improve overall health outcomes
as successful projects, evolve into
lasting collaborations.
Why is Community Engagement Needed?

It is needed to guide the development of

the project agenda by:
• Expanding or redefining the focus of the
• Identifying unexposed information, and
• Creating a network of revenue
resources and funding partners
Why is Community Engagement Needed?

With community engagement, the

diversity and the number of identified
stakeholders can be expected to
increase. Stakeholders are are educated
on the issue and invited to contribute to
the process thereby expanding access to
available knowledge and skills.
When the majority of the community members are
engaged at the beginning and throughout the
project, people appear to:

•Be more receptive to the

•Have the capacity to implement
change, and
•Maintaining long term partnership
When majority of the community members are
engaged at the beginning and throughout the
project, people appear to:

•Be more receptive to the outcome

•Have the capacity to implement
change, and
•Maintaining long term partnership
The dynamics of Group Decision Making

• Making a decision is never easy. The process of

making such decision is full of numerous components
that require much time to define the issue and
gather the facts.
• Since community decisions reflect the values of a
group, facilitators work with the group to clarify its
values and build its vision in relation to its mission.
• Through group discussion, facilitators can capture
many ideas and solutions for the intended issue
The dynamics of Group Decision Making

• The end part of the decision making process is

the beginning of the planning process where
ideas are transformed into goals, objectives,
and strategies.
• The facilitator within thebgroup within the
implementation process , will inspire the
group to identify who will be responsible for
the implementation and will set the deadline
of the project
The dynamics of Group Decision Making

Below is a list outlining the steps in the

decision making process:
• Create a favorable environment for dialogue
• Define the first issue
• Gather the available date/facts
• Clarify the issues in relation with values,
ethics, vision and mission
• Search/be opened for alternative solutions
The Dynamics of Group Decision Making

Below is a list outlining the steps in the

decision making process:
• Select the best practice /solution
• Design the implementation plan of action
• Implement the plan
• Evaluate./asses the impact
• Revise the plan and assess again
The Six Thinking Hats (Edward De Bono)

• Critical and creative thinking training course

from Edward De Bono that helps individuals and
organizations throughout the world to become
more effective and innovative thinkers.
• Its philosophy is that community members have
the skills and techniques that they need to
make the best decisions in a fast, smart and
efficient manner
The Six Thinking Hats (Edward De Bono)

1.The White Hat

2.Red Hat
3.Black Hat
4.Yellow Hat
5.Green Hat
6.Blue Hat

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