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R.A. 8504

 “ Philippines AIDS prevention and

Control Act of 1998”…
What is AIDS?
 Caused by HIVirus
 Virus weakens immune system
 Unprotected sex
 From mother to her child
 IV drug use c contaminated needles
 Transfusion with infected blood and blood products
 Unprotected contact with infected blood and bleeding
wounds of infected person
 Thru blood extraction
Is There a Cure?
 NONE!!!!!!
 (anti-retroviral drugs)
 A - abstinence
 B - be faithful
 C - condom
Coverage of Program (workplace)

 All employees regardless of

employment status
 A. Preventive Strategies
1. conduct HIV/Aids education
2. Screening/Diagnosis/Treatment/Referral
> screening not mandatory
>company shall encourage positive health behaviour
>shall establish referral system
>shall facilitate access to livelihood assistanc
 B. Social Policy
C. Confidentiality
>access to personal data relating to HIV status
>applicants shall not be compelledto disclose her HIV status
>co-employee shall not be obliged to reveal any information
relative to co employee
D. Work Accomodation
>shall accommodate employees with AIDS
>grant flexible leavearrangement, rescheduling of working time
Roles and Responsibilities of
Employees and Employers
 Employer’s
>company and employees shall develop, implement, monitor and
evaluate workplace policy on AIDS
>provide information, education and training on HIV for its
>ensure non-discriminatory practices
>ensure confidentiality
>company, thru HR should ensure adequate funding
 Employees
> employee organization shall undertake an active role
in educating members in control/prevention
>promote and practice healthy lifestyle
> employees shall be non-discriminatory
> shall not have access to personal data of co-
>shall comply with universal precaution/preventive

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