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Linux process control with C

Process in linux
• A process is defined as an “instance” of an
executing program.
• Any time a user executes a command at a
command line, a Linux process is created.
• Every process on a Linux system has a unique
PID. Users and programs use this PID to
communicate with other processes.
• Key command to find out various processes
and their properties on a Linux system is ps.
Process types
• Interactive process : initialized and controlled
through terminal session. They are not started
automatically as part of system function. These
process can run in foreground and background. Job
control feature of Linux can be used to switch a task
between foreground and background.
• Automatic process: they are not connected to a
terminal, they are queued into a spooler area where
they wait to be executed on a FIFO basis.
• Daemons: server process that run continuously.
Mostly they are started at system startup and wait in
background until their service is required. e.g. netid
Process creation phases
• The three important phases of creation of
processes in Linux are as follows:
– Fork
– Exec
– wait
• Forking creates a process by creating a copy of
the existing process.
• The new process has a different PID and the
process that created it becomes its parent.
• Otherwise the parent and the child have the
same process image.
• If the child does not do an exec, both parent
and child would continue to execute the same
code from the time forking was invoked.
• Forking creates a process but it is not enough
to run a new program.
• To do that, a fork child need to overwrite its
own image with the code and data of its own
• This mechanism is called exec and child
process is said to exec a new program.
• No new process is created here and the PID
and PPID remain same for child and parent
process remain unchanged.
• While the child is executing a new program,
the parent process normally waits for the child
process to die.
• It picks the exit status of the child before it
does something else.
The shell creation method
• When the system moves to multiuser mode, init forks and
execs a getty for every active communication port.
• Each one of these gettys prints the login prompts on the
respective terminal and then goes off to sleep.
• When a user attempts to log in, getty wakes up and fork execs
the login program to verify the login name and the password
• On successful login, login forks-execs the shell process.
• Init goes off to sleep, waiting for the death of its children.
Other processes getty and login self extenguish by overlaying.
• When user logs off his shell is killed and is intimated to init.
init getty shell
fork Fork-exec login Fork-exec
Zombie process
• Zombie processes are the leftover bits of the dead processes
that haven’t been cleaned up properly by their parent process.
• Since they are already dead, hence zombies are no processes
at all.
• When a sub-process exits, its parent process is supposed to use
the ‘wait’ system call and collect the processes exit information.
• The sub-process exists as a zombie process until this happens.
• However if the parent process isn’t programmed properly or
has a bug the never call ‘wait’, the zombie process remains
eternally waiting for its information to be collected.
Impact of zombies
• Zombie persist until their parent process ends.
• Then they are adopted by init and cleaned.
• More number of zombies eat up space and
PIDs which are limited in Linux, so new
processes can’t be launched.
• Signals are mechanisms to communicate with
• Linux supports 31 non real time signals each
identified by a number from 1 to 31 or simple
• For instance ‘SIGKILL’ or signal number 9 tells
the program that someone tries to kill it.
• To handle a signal, one of the threads of the
program stops its execution and temporarily
switches to signal handler.
• Each one of the signals can be in one of the
following three states:
• We may have our own signal handler for our
• Signals may be handled by default signal
• Signal may be ignored or blocked.
Creating a process in background
• To run a job in background using &
– Use ‘&’ operator after command
– Syntax is ‘command &’
– Example: ls *.doc &
• Alternate method ctrl+z then bg
– First suspend the process using ctrl+z
– Next use the bg command to send the suspended
job to the background.
Handling processes in Linux using C
• The kernel of OS assigns each process running
in memory a unique ID to distinguish it from
other running processes, called as process ID
or PID.
• A library function getpid() can be used to
know the PID.
• When the execution of program comes to an
end, process stands terminated. Every time we
run a program a new process is created.
Display PID of current process

int main( )
printf ( "Process ID = %d", getpid( ) ) ;
return 0;
Parent and Child process
• From a running process we can create another
process hence creating a parent child
relationship between the existing and newly
created process.
• We can do this by a library function
Output : called
fork(). Before Forking
After Forking
After Forking
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
int main( )
• Fork creates a child process and duplicates the
code of the parent process in the child process.
Thus duplicates the output.
• When control returns from fork of the parent
process, it returns PID of the child process.
• When control returns from fork() of the child
process, it always returns a zero.
• We can use this functionality to segregate the
code that we want to execute by parent
process or child process.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
#include < unistd.h>
int main( )
int pid ;
pid = fork( ) ;
if ( pid == 0 )
printf ( "In child process\n" ) ;
/* code to play animated GIF file */
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <stdio.h>
int main( )
int pid ;
pid = fork( ) ;
if ( pid == 0 )
printf ( "Child : Hello I am the child
process\n" ) ;
Exec family
• To execute a process as part of the child
process, we first create a child process using
fork() and then we should call an exec()
function to execute the program on the disk.
• exec family of functions are used as under:
– execl() function permits us to pass a list of
command line arguments to the program.
– Execv() does the same job except that command
line arguments are passes to it in form of array of
pointers to strings.
#include <stdio.h>
# include <unistd.h>
int main( )
int pid ;
pid = fork( ) ;
if ( pid == 0 )
execl ( "/bin/ls","-al", "/etc", NULL ) ;
printf ( "Child: After exec( )\n") ;
• After forking the child process, we have called the execl()
• This function accepts variable number of arguments.
• The first parameter is absolute path
• The remaining parameters describe the command-line
arguments for program to be executed.
• The last parameter is end of parameter marker which always is
• Finally the command hence created is :
• Ls –al /etc
• As a result, all contents of the /etc directory are listed on the
• Also note that printf () will not be executed since execl() function
overwrites the image of the calling process with the code and
data of the program to be executed.

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