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An Overview
What is Investigatory Project?
 A formal, systematic application of the
scientific method to the study of problems
 detailed study of a subject, especially in
order to
 discover (new) information
 reach a (new) understanding.
Why do Investigatory Project?
 Develop the scientific attitude
 Curiosity
 Determination
 Open-mindedness
 Acceptance of failure
 Objectivity
 Humility
 Skepticism
 Patience

 Apply the scientific method

Scientific method Research process

•Observation •Observation
•Problem Identification
•Problem •Formulation of Hypothesis
Identification •Literature review
•Hypothesis •Formulate a research plan
Formulation •Data collection]
•Data interpretation
•Hypothesis Testing
•Drawing conclusions
•Drawing Conclusions •Comparing results with
published studies
•Writing a scientific paper
•Submit paper for
The Scientific Method
 Curiosity
 Always try to seek, inquire, and discover
 Determination
 Be persistent in your endeavor.
 Be firm and self-confident.
 Open-mindedness
 Open yourself to new ideas
 Don’t be one-sided.
 Acceptance of failure
 Consider failure as a step toward success.
The Scientific Method
 Objectivity
 Do not be influenced by anything but pertinent
physical observation.
 Humility
 You should not be arrogant.
 Skepticism
 Do not accept things blindly without questioning.
Develop the doubting attitude unless presented with
reliable data.
 Patience
 Wait calmly for the result of the investigation
Your Investigatory project…
 Should NOT just be done for compliance
 Doesn’t have to be very complicated
 Must be fair
 Honest
What must it contain?
 Title page
 Title of the study
 Requirement Headings
 Name of School
 Subject for Which the Paper is a
 Names and Sections of the Researchers
 Month and Year of Submission
 Background of the Study/Rationale
 What is the context of this problem? In what
situation or environment can this problem be
 Objective of the study
 What you need to attain in this study
 Experimental Procedure
 Describes the materials and methods so that
a competent worker could duplicate your
 It must be detailed and fair (not doubtful).
 Results are presented without interpretation
 Results are processed and presented after
predigestion, analysis, selection, and
 Include negative results
 Use
 Text
 Graphs and Graphical tools
 Tables
 Explanation of the meaning of the results
 Results interpreted in the light of other
published results
 Include
 Exceptions
 Anomalies in the data
 Errors
 Unsettled points
 Suggestions for new methods and future
directions for research
Discussion section must
 Have you explained the meaning of your results?
 Have you explained the
anomalies/differences/inconsistencies in your data?
 Is your discussion aligned with your research
 Have you explained why, in case your results differ
from what other researchers found?
 SUMMARY of the findings
 CONCLUSIONS to answer the problem
 RECOMMENDATIONS: use of the results of
the study, future studies
Investigatory Project.

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