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Assessment of the Trauma Patient


• Distinguishing between patients who have and don’t have significant


• Performing a focused history andphysical exam for a trauma patient

• Sizing and applying a cervical collar

• Ongoing assessment

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


Scene Size-Up

Initial Assessment

Trauma Medical

Physical Exam SAMPLE History

Vital Signs & Physical Exam

SAMPLE History & Vital Signs

Detailed Ongoing
Physical Exam Assessment

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Significant Mechanism of Injury

• Ejection from vehicle

• Death in same passenger compartment
• Fall of greater than 20 feet

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Significant Mechanism of Injury

 Rollover of vehicle
 High-speed vehicle collision
 Vehicle-pedestrian collision

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Significant Mechanism of Injury

 Motorcycle crash
 Unresponsive, or altered mental status
 Penetrating injury of head, chest, or abdomen

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Hidden Injuries

• Seat belts
• Airbags
• Lift and look

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Significant Mechanism of Injury

• Falls greater than 10 feet

Differences for Infants • Bicycle collision

and Children • Vehicle in medium-speed


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

If Significant Mechanism of Injury:

 Reconsider mechanism of injury.

 Continue spine stabilization.
 Consider requesting ALS.
 Reconsider transport decision.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
If Significant Mechanism of Injury:

 Assess mental status.

 Do rapid physical exam.
 Assess baseline vital signs.
 Obtain SAMPLE history.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Mechanism of Injury Interior of Vehicle

Deformities to a vehicle’s interior may show where person

struck the surface and reveal a mechanism of injury.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Bent Steering Wheel

Broken Mirror

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Distorted Pedals


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Deformed Dashboard

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

The assessment and management of a trauma
patient need to focus on time and patient
priority. In some cases, the patient does not
have the time available in his/her life for the
EMT-B to take a lengthy approach. On patients
with significant MOI, try to limit the scene
time to a “platinum ten minutes!”

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Rapid Trauma Assessment

 Head
 Neck
 Chest
 Abdomen
 Pelvis
 Extremities
 Posterior

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Inspect and Palpate for DCAP-BTLS

D = Deformities B = Burns
C = Contusions T = Tenderness
A = Abrasions L = Lacerations
P = Punctures/ S = Swelling

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00



Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00



Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00



Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00



Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Mechanism of Injury

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Head: DCAP-BTLS + Crepitation

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Neck: DCAP-BTLS + Jugular Vein Distention and Crepitation

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Chest: DCAP-BTLS + Crepitation and Breath Sounds (Presence
and Equality)

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Listen to both sides of the chest. Is air entry present? Absent?
Equal on both sides? Compare left side to right side.

Mid-clavicular Mid-axillary

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Abdomen: DCAP-BTLS + Firmness and Distention

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Pelvis: DCAP-BTLS (Compress Gently)

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Extremities: DCAP-BTLS + Distal Pulse, Sensation, Motor

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Posterior: DCAP-BTLS

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Vital Signs

 Respirations
 Pulse
 Skin color, temperature, condition
 Pupils
 Blood pressure

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

SAMPLE History

S = Signs and symptoms

A = Allergies
M = Medications
P = Pertinent past history
L = Last oral intake
E = Events leading to problem

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Interventions and Transport

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Cervical Collar Sizing and Application

STIFNECK TM Rigid Philadelphia Cervical

Extrication Collar Collar TM

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Sizing a Cervical Collar

Measure patient’s
1 neck. 2 Measure collar.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Seated Patient

Slide collar up
toward patient’s chin.

Stabilize head and

neck manually.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Seated Patient

Wrap collar around

back of neck.

Position front of
collar under chin.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Seated Patient

Rearrange fingers to
maintain support.

Secure collar.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Supine Patient

Stabilize head
and neck.

Kneel at patient’s head.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Supine Patient

Slide back of collar under

patient’s neck.

Maintain stabilization.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

STIFNECK TM Collar — Supine Patient

Maintain manual

Secure collar.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

No Significant Mechanism of Injury

 Reconsider mechanism of injury.

 Perform focused physical exam based on:
• Chief complaint
• Mechanism of injury

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
No Significant Mechanism of Injury

 Assess baseline vital signs.

 Obtain SAMPLE history.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Who Needs a Detailed Physical Exam?

• Patient’s condition determines whether a detailed physical exam

is needed.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Who Needs a Detailed Physical Exam?

• A patient with minor injury and no significant mechanism of injury

probably does not.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Who Needs a Detailed Physical Exam?

• A patient who has a significant mechanism of injury.

• If unsure, do a detailed physical exam.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Detailed Physical Exam

• Assess areas examined in rapid trauma assessment plus:

• Face
• Ears
• Eyes
• Nose
• Mouth

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Detailed Physical Exam

 Examine more slowly than trauma assessment.

 Reassess vital signs.

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

D = Deformities B = Burns
C = Contusions T = Tenderness
A = Abrasions L = Lacerations
P = Punctures/ penetrations S = Swelling

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Ears DCAP-BTLS + Drainage

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


DCAP-BTLS plus  Discoloration

 Unequal pupils
 Foreign bodies
 Blood in anterior chamber

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Nose and Mouth

 Teeth
 Obstructions
 Swollen or lacerated tongue

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00
Nose and Mouth

DCAP-BTLS plus  Odors

 Discoloration
 Drainage
 Bleeding

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Neck: DCAP-BTLS + Jugular Vein Distention and Crepitation

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Chest: DCAP-BTLS + Crepitation and Breath Sounds
(Presence and Equality)

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Listen to both sides of the chest. Is air entry present? Absent?
Equal on both sides? Compare left side to right side.

Mid-clavicular Mid-axillary

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Abdomen: DCAP-BTLS + Firmness and Distention
Pelvis: DCAP-BTLS (Compress Gently)

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Extremities: DCAP-BTLS + Distal Pulse, Sensation, Motor

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Posterior: DCAP-BTLS

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Perform the steps of the rapid trauma assessment —

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

Reassess Vital Signs

• Respirations
• Pulse
• Skin color, temperature, condition

• Pupils

• Blood pressure

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00


1. Give examples of patients with and without significant mechanism

of injury.
2. What do the letters DCAP-BTLS stand for?
3. Which trauma patients should have a detailed physical examination?

Assessment of the Trauma Patient Rev. 00

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