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Chapter 2: Analyzing Ideas

Claims & Arguments

Joshua Raj.J
What is claim?
A declarative sentence used in
such a way that it is either true of
false ( BUT NOT BOTH)

1) Intelligent beings once lived on Mars
2) This book is interesting to read
3) You should brush you teeth at least once a
4) Green dreams sleep peacefully
Joshua Raj.J 2
Non- Claims
1) Shut that door !
2) Dear God, let me be a millionaire
instead of a starving student
3) How often do I have to tell you
wipe your feet before you come into
the house

Joshua Raj.J 3
Are the following claims ?
1) Your instructor for this course is a male
2) Your teacher is short
3) Cats are nasty
4) I wish I could get a job
5) 2+2 = 4
6) Brad Pitt is a women
7) Every mollusk can contract myxamotosis
8) “ I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him
9) A friend in need is a friend indeed
10) Are all teacher capable of giving good
11) I am two meters tall
Joshua Raj.J 4
A collection of claims, one of which
is called the conclusion. The others
are called premises, which are
supposed to lead to, or support, or
convince that the conclusion is

Joshua Raj.J 5
Premises and Conclusion

Conclusion: Sheep are the dumbest


Premise 1: If the one in front walks

off a cliff, all the rest will follow it.

Premise 2: And if they get rolled over

their backs, they cant right
themselves Joshua Raj.J 6
Identify premises and conclusion
How can you go to the movies with
Sarah and not me ? Don’t you
remember I helped you fix your car
last week?

Joshua Raj.J 7
Identify premises and conclusion
If you don’t take a course on critical
thinking you’ll always end up being
conned and an easy target for
politicians. So you should take a
course on critical thinking. You’ll be
especially wise to take one from the
instructor you have got now- He is a
great teacher.

Joshua Raj.J 8
Identify premises and conclusion
Homosexuality can’t be hereditary;
Homosexual couples cant reproduce,
so genes for homosexuality would
have died out long ago.

Joshua Raj.J 9
Vague sentence
A sentence is vague if it is UNCLEAR.
What is speaker intended( IMPRECISE)

The degree of vagueness needs to be


Joshua Raj.J 10
Vague sentences
1) Cut up to half
2) Now 25% larger
3) New and improved
4) Now better than ever

Joshua Raj.J 11
Subjective claims
A claim is subjective if: Whether it is true
or false depends on what someone( or
something) thinks, believes of feels.

It invokes personal standards

Ex: When I went shopping with my best friend

yesterday, we saw a girlfriend and boyfriend
arguing in front of everyone. She
automatically assumed the guy is a bad
boyfriend due to seeing the girl crying
Joshua Raj.J 12
Objective claims
A claim is objective if: Whether it is true
or false does not depend on what
someone( or something) thinks, believes
of feels.

It invokes impersonal standards

Ex: Lionel Messi won the best player

award in 2011.

Joshua Raj.J 13
Ambiguous sentences
A sentence that can be understood in
more than one way

Eg: Zoe saw the waiter with the glasses.

Dogs smell better than horses

Joshua Raj.J 14
Subjective claims
A claim is subjective if whether it is true
or false depends on what someone(or
something) thinks, believes, or feels.


Joshua Raj.J 15
Objective claims
A claim is objective if whether it is true
or false does not depend on what
someone(or something) thinks, believes,
or feels.


Joshua Raj.J 16
Good argument
A n argument in which the premises give
good reason to believe the conclusion is
2 tests for good argument to be good.

1. CONTENT( good reason to believe the

premises is true)

2. FORM( Premises lead to, support and

establish the conclusion)

Joshua Raj.J 17

Your instructor is a male

You’re a student of this college

Therefore, your instructor teaches

critical thinking.

Joshua Raj.J 18
Valid Argument
It is impossible for the premises to be
true and the conclusion false( AT THE



Joshua Raj.J 19
Invalid Argument
If it is possible for the premises to be
true and the conclusion false( AT THE

E.g The sign on the parking meter says

“ Out of order”
Therefore, the meter isn’t working

Joshua Raj.J 20
Sound Argument
Form is valid and its premises are all true

E.g. Some pesticides are toxic for humans

Anything that is toxic is unsafe for
most humans to consume
Therefore, some pesticides are
unsafe for most humans to consume.

Joshua Raj.J 21
Strong Argument
If it is possible but extremely unlikely for
the premises to be true and the
conclusion false( AT THE SAME TIME)

E.g Every year as far back as I can

remember, my roses have developed
mildew in the spring. Therefore, my roses
will develop mildew this spring too.

Joshua Raj.J 22
Weak Argument
If it is possible and likely for the
premises to be true and the conclusion

E.g Jonathan is a bachelor. So, Jonathan

was never married.
I didn’t get mail today and neither
did sujithra and darshaini.
So, there must not have been any
mail deliveries today
Joshua Raj.J 23

Valid Invalid

Valid & Sound Invalid but


Valid but
Unsound Invalid and
Joshua Raj.J 24
Repairing Argument
Maria: Ellen had to go to hospital with
asthma, right after visiting a friend a
friend who has a cat. She was really sick.
She must be allergic to cats.

Tom : Maria, you’re not reasoning well.

That’s not a …………………….

Joshua Raj.J 25
I was wondering what kind of pet
Dick has. It must be a dog.
How do you know?
Because I heard it barking last night.
(Premise to be added: “All pets that
bark are dogs.”) – this is false
“Almost all pets that bark are dogs.”
1. A good argument justifies acceptance of the
2. A valid argument assumes that if the
premises are true. Then the conclusion is true.
3. A sound argument is a valid argument with
true and conclusion false
4. A strong argument assumes that is unlikely
for the premises to be true and conclusion false
5. A weak argument assumes that is likely for
the premises to be true and conclusion false
6. Sound argument and strong argument are
good arguments

Joshua Raj.J 27

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