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Computer Engineering

Semester: VII
Subject: Mobile Computing
Subject code: 410701
Teaching Scheme
Text Book:

• 1. Mobile Computing , Asoke K Telukder, Roopa R Yavagal, TMH.

• 2. Mobile Communications, Jochen Schiller, Pearson.

Reference Book:

1. Principles of Mobile Computing, - Hansmann, Merk, Nicklous and

Stober, Springer.
2. Mobile Computing, Raj Kamal, Oxford.
3. Mobile Computing, Wandra & Wandra, Akshat Pub.
4. Android Wireless Application Development, Shane Conder, Lauren
5. Professional Android 2 Application development, Reto Meier, Wrox,
Wiley India.
UNIT - 1
Mobile Computing Introduction:

• History of Wireless Communications, Types,

propagation modes Wireless network
architecture, Applications, Benefits, Future.
What mobile users need, SOC and AOC client,
Architecture for mobile computing, Three tier
architecture, design considerations for mobile
• History of Wireless Communications
Modern telegraph machine
First radio station
Family seat together to enjoy news
and entertainment
Radio was in car with big antenna
During 2 world war they need wireless communication
Willkie talkie
Optical telegraph
Radio shows serious vision of a mobile phone
After world war
First series of mobile telephony
MTS mobile large bulky
After a decade GSM introduces
small in size
Sms introduced
Video call
1991 Ericson introduce mobile video call
• Simplex – radio
• Half duplex – walki talki
• Full duplex - mobile
• Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to
a variety of devices that allow people to access
data and information from wherever they are.
Sometimes referred to as "human-computer
interaction," mobile computing transports data,
voice, and video over a network via a mobile
device.Mobile devices can be connected to a
local area network (LAN), or they can take
advantage of Wi-Fi or wireless technology by
connecting via a wireless local area network
Evolution of G-Technology-1G to 5G

• Wireless communication has achieved global revolution

in a very short span of time and the most vibrant Indian
buzzword as on date is "kar lo duniya mutthi main".
The software testing managers find great challenge in
testing applications based on such dynamic
• The old generation had only choice to use "wireless", to
convey an urgent message through the post offices. This
wireless technology with the passage of time has
undergone a tremendous change and has reached new
heights of ‘4G’ technology.
No internet
Nolia 5130
express music
enhanced data for GSM evaluation
• Nolia 5130
2005 to 8
express music
enhanced data for GSM evaluation
2.5 G
You tube
2.75 G (E) edge connection
Dongle whats up
• The ‘2G’ wireless systems were voice-
centric and could handle only short
message service (SMS). In 2001 the third
generation 3G came with fast networking
technology-having data transfer rate of
384 Kbps much higher that of ‘2G’. The
‘3G’ technology has enabled web
browsing, video chatting and apps
downloading in a much faster and user-
friendly way. This technology is being
used worldwide
• Fast
• 3g
• Umts/wcdma
• Video calling
• Tv movie
• Mobile broadbend dongle
LTE (Long Term Evaluation).
Live tv in Hd
• ‘4G’ technology is in place these days with data transfer rate of 100
Mbps and is referred as LTE (Long Term Evaluation). Cell phones,
tablets and laptops, can use ‘4G’ networks. With this network
technology we can avoid hurdles which were experienced in ‘3G’
models, like frequent disconnection during video chatting, buffering
while watching movies on internet and ‘3G’ network.
• Video chatting on cell phone or using laptops becomes much easier
without any connectivity error and it gives the feeling of talking face
to face irrespective of the distance. Downloading of movies, songs
are now a matter of fraction of minutes. With ‘4G’ technology the
problem of buffering is not seen, as all the videos get buffered in
• With ‘4G’ technologies it has been possible to see entire range of
products by sliding screen of cell phones. This application of ‘4G’
technology popularizes the online shopping worldwide using mobile
apps to access the merchant website. The worldwide popularity of
Flipkart, Amazone, Jabong, Myntra, Snapdeal etc. in the field of
online shopping is solely due to 4G technology.
• Live tv in Hd
• LTE (long term evaluation)
• Technology is rapidly improving and more
we are likely to receive the ‘5G’ technology
by 2020 having data transfer rate of 10
Features of Wireless Communication

• The evolution of wireless technology has brought many

advancements with its effective features.
• The transmitted distance can be anywhere between a
few meters (for example, a television's remote control)
and thousands of kilometers (for example, radio
• Wireless communication can be used for cellular
telephony, wireless access to the internet, wireless home
networking, and so on.
• Other examples of applications of radio wireless
technology include GPS units, garage door openers,
wireless computer mice, keyboards and headsets,
headphones, radio receivers, satellite television,
broadcast television and cordless telephones.
• Advantages and
Wireless - Advantages

• Wireless communication involves transfer

of information without any physical
connection between two or more points.
Because of this absence of any 'physical
infrastructure', wireless communication
has certain advantages. This would often
include collapsing distance or space.
• Cost effectiveness
• Wired communication entails the use of connection wires. In
wireless networks, communication does not require elaborate
physical infrastructure or maintenance practices. Hence the cost is
• Example − Any company providing wireless communication services
does not incur a lot of costs, and as a result, it is able to charge
cheaply with regard to its customer fees.
• Flexibility
• Wireless communication enables people to communicate regardless
of their location. It is not necessary to be in an office or some
telephone booth in order to pass and receive messages.
• Miners in the outback can rely on satellite phones to call their loved
ones, and thus, help improve their general welfare by keeping them
in touch with the people who mean the most to them.
• Convenience
• Wireless communication devices like mobile phones are quite
simple and therefore allow anyone to use them, wherever they may
be. There is no need to physically connect anything in order to
receive or pass messages.
• Example − Wireless communications services can also be seen in
Internet technologies such as Wi-Fi. With no network cables
hampering movement, we can now connect with almost anyone,
anywhere, anytime.
• Speed
• Improvements can also be seen in speed. The network connectivity
or the accessibility were much improved in accuracy and speed.
• Example − A wireless remote can operate a system faster than a
wired one. The wireless control of a machine can easily stop its
working if something goes wrong, whereas direct operation can’t act
so fast.
• Accessibility
• The wireless technology helps easy accessibility as the remote
areas where ground lines can’t be properly laid, are being easily
connected to the network.
• Example − In rural regions, online education is now possible.
Educators no longer need to travel to far-flung areas to teach their
lessons. Thanks to live streaming of their educational modules.
• Constant connectivity
• Constant connectivity also ensures that people can respond to
emergencies relatively quickly.
• Example − A wireless mobile can ensure you a constant
connectivity though you move from place to place or while you
travel, whereas a wired land line can’t.
•Types of Wireless
Spread spectrum is authority to control the signal
like traffic controller
• Light we can see
• X ray
• Gama rays
• Fm Radio
• Am Radio wave
Spectrum controlled by government give
liacence to company for frequency
22 circle (cluster)
Radio waves are electromagnetic signals, that are transmitted by an
antenna.These waves have completely different frequency segments,
and you will be ready to obtain an audio signal by changing into a
frequency segment.
Radio waves
Frequency= positive negative
cycle repetition
The main disadvantage of microwave signals is, they can be affected
by bad weather, especially rain.
Infrared—tv remote
• Wi-Fi is a low power wireless communication,
that is used by various electronic devices like
smart phones, laptops, etc.In this setup, a
router works as a communication hub
wirelessly. These networks allow users to
connect only within close proximity to a router.
WiFi is very common in networking applications
which affords portability wirelessly. These
networks need to be protected with passwords
for the purpose of security, otherwise it will
access by others
Explain types of wireless
• Propagation modes
Ground wave propogation
Skywave propogation
Line of Site
•What user’s need?
Types of client
Some times on
Always on
•Wireless network
•Architecture of
Mobile Computing
Two tier architecture one person handle client..
he can’t handle many people at a same time
Opened restaurant
Cook has to make food only no need to manage customer waiter
manages the customer
• Explain 3 tier
Architecture of Mobile
Architecture of mobile computing
design considerations for mobile

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