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The Universe and the Solar System

Learning Objectives:

Describe the structure and composition of the

Explain the red-shift and how it used as proof of an
expanding universe
State the different hypothesis that preceded the Big
Bang Theory of the Origin of the Universe
Explain the Big Bang Theory
Structure, Composition, and Age

• Made of 4.6 baryonic matter

• 24% cold dark matter
• 71.4% dark energy
• Hydrogen, helium and lithium
• Stars- building blocks of galaxies born out of clouds of gas
and dust in galaxies
• Main sequence stars
Birth, evolution, death, and rebirth of stars

Galaxy- is a cluster of billions of

stars and clusters of galaxies from
13.8 billion years old.
91 billion light-years.
Expanding Universe

Red Shift as evidence for an expanding universe.

(Edwin Hubble)
The galaxies are moving away from each other.

The spectral lines of starlight made to pass

through prism are shifted toward the red part of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Cosmic Microwave Background

CMB accidental discovery

in 1964 by Arno Penzias
and Robert Woodrow
Origin of the Universe
Non Scientific Thought
Egyptians think the world came from an infinite
Kuba people in Central Africa believed that an
intense stomach pain of god Mbombo (Bumba)
vomitied the stars, sun and moon.
India believed that a man named Purusha
sacrificed himslef and his head, feet, eyes, and
mind became the sky, earth, sun, and moon
Origin of the Universe

• Steady State Model

Is said that new matter is created as the
universe expands thereby maintaining its
Now discredited.
Origin of the Universe
Big Bang Theory
Postulates that 13.8 BYA, the universe expanded from a
tiny, dense and hot mass to its present size and much
cooler state.
Withstood the test for expansion:
1) The redshift
2) Abundance of hydrogen, helium, and lithium
3) The uniformly pervasive cosmic microwave background

The theory rests on two ideas:

General Relativity
Cosmological Principle
Evolution of the Universe according to the
Big Bang Theory

From time zero (13.8 billion years ago) until 10-43 second later,
all matter and energy in the universe existed as a hot, dense, tiny
state. It then underwent extremely rapid, exponential inflation
until 10-32 second later after which and until 10 seconds from
time zero, conditions allowed the existence of only quarks,
hadrons, and leptons.
Then, Big Bang nucleosynthesis took place and produced protons,
neutrons, atomic nuclei, and then hydrogen, helium, and lithium
until 20 minutes after time zero when sufficient cooling did not
allow further nucleosynthesis.
From then on until 380,000 years, the cooling universe entered a
matter-dominated period when photons decoupled from matter
and light could travel freely as still observed today in the form of
cosmic microwave background radiation.
As the universe continued to cool down, matter collected into
clouds giving rise to only stars after 380,000 years and eventually
galaxies would form after 100 million years from time zero during
which, through nucleosynthesis in stars, carbon and elements
heavier than carbon were produced.
From 9.8 billion years until the present, the universe became
dark-energy dominated and underwent accelerating expansion. At
about 9.8 billion years after the big bang, the solar system was

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