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Topic 2

The Nature of Small Business

Zainon Che Mat

Reasons for increasing interest in
small business
1. The number of small business is growing rapidly
2. Small firms generate most new private employment
3. The public favors small business
4. There is increasing interest in small business
entrepreneurship at high schools, and colleges
5. There is growing trend toward self-employment
6. Entrepreneurship is attractive to people of all ages
Small Business
• Business is considered as small when:
– Independently owned and operated
– Owners contribute most of the operating capital
– Main decision making functions rest with the
– The business has a small share of the market in
which it operates
Quantitative aspects of the business
• The number of staff that work in the firm
• Annual wages and salaries expenditures
• Legal structures of the firm
• The total annual turnover
• The dollar value of the assets
• The share of the ownership that is held by the
Small business definition
• Small business: a small scale, independent
firm usually managed, funded and operated
by its owners and whose staff size, financial
resources and assets are comparatively
limited in scale.
General Aspects
1. Owned by just one or two individuals
2. Financing provided by the owner
3. Limited market share
4. Limited life span
5. Sometimes run on a part time basis
6. A low level of net profit
7. Limited product or service offering
8. Often home-based
9. Geographically limited to one or two locations
10. Often a family-based business
11. Located only in the private sector
Differences between small and large
1. More female-owner managers
2. Managers have fewer qualifications
3. Fewer union employees
4. Fewer hours of operation each week
5. Less likely to use formal management improvement and
planning techniques
6. Less likely to access government assistance
7. Less likely to export
8. Less external financing
9. Less likely to want to grow bigger
10. More likely to fail
11. Differences in managerial perspectives
Advantages & Disadvantages
1. Advantages
1. To be independent
2. Ability to fulfill personal goals and interests
3. Family benefits from establishing a firm
2. Disadvantages
1. Uncertainty
2. Financial loss
3. Business collapses, the owner may lose all he
original investment and personal assets.
Factors leading to success and failure
• Finance
• Marketing
• Production
• Personnel
• Personal
The economic significance of the small
business sector
1. Employment opportunities for people
2. The next generation of large firms
3. Competition
4. Innovation
5. An outlet for entrepreneurial activity
6. Exports
7. Specialised products and services
8. Support to big business
9. Decentralisation
10. Distribution of economic resources, wealth, and
11. Flexibility in the overall economy
Differences between entrepreneurship and small
business management
Entrepreneurship Small business management
Definition The process whereby an The administration of a small
individual discovers, evaluates independent business venture
and exploits an opportunity
Firm size Large, medium or small Small
Degree of risk involved Very variable Small
Number of people involved in Can range from very small to Small
the business very large
Economic sector Found in private, government Found only in private sectors
and not-profit sectors
Growth focus High Variable
Key individual Entrepreneur Owner-manager
Key attributes of the individual High need for achievement; Moderate need for
high internal locus of control; achievement; good
high risk taking propensity; organisational skills to manage
creative and innovative; efficiently, no/little
growth oriented innovation; moderate growth
Unique contributions of small
1. Encourage innovation and flexibility
2. Maintain close relationships with customers and the
3. Keep larger firms competitive
4. Provide employees with comprehensive learning
5. Develop risk takers
6. Generate new employment
7. Provide greater employee job satisfaction
Why People Start Small
1. Satisfying personal objectives
1. Achieve independence
2. Obtain additional income
3. Help their families
4. Provide products not available elsewhere
2. Achieving business objectives
1. Service objective
2. Profit objective
3. Social objective
4. Growth objective
What Leads to Success in
Managing a Small Business?
1. Serving an adequate and well-defined market for the
2. Acquiring sufficient capital
3. Recruiting and using human resource effectively
4. Obtaining and using timely information
5. Coping effectively with government regulations
6. Having expertise in the field on the part of both the owner
and the employees
7. Being flexible
Doing an Introspective Personal
• Analyze your values
• Analyze your mental abilities
• Analyze your attitudes
Areas of Concern for Small
Business Owners
1. Poorly planned growth
2. Loss of independence or control
Review Questions
• How does a small business differ from a large
• In your opinion, what are the three most
important causes of business failure?
• Byrd, M.J., and Megginson, L.C. (2009), Small
Business Management: An Entrepreneur’s
Guidebook, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, Irwin.
• Scarborough, N.M. (2014). Essentials of
Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management, 7th edition, Pearson, Global
• Schaper, M., and Volery, T. (2007),
Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2nd
Pacific Rim Edition, John Wiley & Sons
Australia, Ltd.

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