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Transition between Ideas

•using transitional expressions,
repeating key words and phrases,
using pronounce reference and using
parallel form.
• 1. To add to a statement or viewpoint. Equaly important,
finally, further, furthermore, what1S more, moreover, as well
as, in addition, to expand, firstly (secondly, thirdly and
sotorth), not only this... but also (note you must include also
after but), in fact, another way to, besides, in general, more
specifically no matter what.
• 2. To show similarity. Similarly, likewise, in a similar manner,
like, in the same way, such as, at any rate, also, even so, in
other words, ingeneral, more specifically, at the same time,
in addition to, for the same reason.
• 3. To contrast. However, nevertheless, rather,
whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, on the
contrary, by comparison, compared to,
although, conversely, but, meanwhile, in
contrast, after all, otherwise, alternatively,
nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless, in any
case, even, yet, despite this.
• 4. To express an alternative. Or, either. or, whether. of,
converse this can be relevant in at least two, first.. second,
or firstly.. secondly(using ly is grammatically correct).
5. To make a concession. Granted, naturally, of course.
6. To place statement in a particular context. In this
connection, from
this perspective, from this viewpoint, this point of view, in tHis
of thought, from this standpoint, from this standpoint, so
conceptually one could argue.
• 7. To place a statement in a timely fashion. Previously,
before this, to begin with, at first, ultimately, later, then, since
then, since, after tat, soOn, next, gradually, while,
meanwhile, furthermore, sometimes, eVentually , finally,
lastly, summing up, in summation, in conclusion, [ther are
three reasons for this firstly, secondly, thirdly, soon,
sometimes, when, now, once.
• 8. To show cause and effect. As a result, consequently, as a
consequence, hence, due to, in view of, on account of,
accordingly, for this reason, therefore, following on from this,
thus, hence, moreover, that is why.
• 9. To prove a point. Because, for, since, for the
same reason, obviously, evidently, indeed, in
fact, in any case, that is, demonstrably, in all
likelihood, in all probability, no doubt,
seemingly, therefore, in that,owing to, on
account of, considering, be reason of, hence,
consequently, in view of, insofar as,
increasingly, more importantly, even though,
particularly, above all, especially since, in any
case, by far, even if.
• 10. To give an example of an earlier point of view. Fof
example, for instance, in this case, to illustrate, as an
illustration, to take another example, namely, that is, as
shown by, as illustrated by, as expressed by.
11. To repeat, insist on or refer back to an earlier point As
previously mentioned, as I have said, in brief, as I have noted,
as has been noted.
12. To emphasize when adding a conditional
statement.1ndeed, obviously, patently, apparently,
accordingly, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably,
understandably, in accordance with, according to, othewise,
as tar as.
12. To conclude a paragraph or an essay. Thus, lastly, a brief,
in short,
on the whole, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusions as I
have shown,
as have said, in summary, to summarise, in conclusion,

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