Strategic Planning

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STRATEGY Prof. Dr. Muhardi, SE., Msi.

PLANNING Rangga Satria Nugraha
Rahmad Dwi Wahyudi
• Perencanaan strategis merupakan dasar
strategi dan proses dimana strategi
• Perencanaan strategi dibutuhkan oleh suatu
rumah sakit pendidikan
• Hasil yang diharapkan dari perencanaan
strategi adalah tujuan, perbedaan antara
rumah sakit, dan adaptasi dinamika
perubahan kesehatan
• What is strategic planning?
• Why plan?
The procces of strategic planning

1. Organize planning effort

2. Analyze external information
3. Conduct an internal analysis
4. Generate strategic alternatives
5. Deploy strategies
The procces of strategic planning
1. Organize planning efforts
• Planning team composition
• Facilitation
• Timing
• Strategic analysis tool
• Resources
2. External analysis
• Customer analysis (konsumen dan
• Competitor analysis
• Industry analysis
• Enviromental analysis
3. Internal anaylsis
• Strategic analysis
• Performance analysis
• Portofolio analysis
• Structure and style
• Systems analysis
• Financial resource
4. Generate strategic alternatives
• Strategic matching
• Game and scenarios
• Game theory
• Scenario planning
Healthcare strategy guidelines
If your Local Then follow strategy guideline:
market is:
Rapidly changing • build key technological advantage
• Develope organizational resource capabilites
• Build strong network and partnership
Mature • Market share will have to be “stolen”; margers and acquisitions
will probably be utilized
• Payer and patient are more sophisticated, and compete with
lower costs and prices
• Rationalize produk line portfolios
• Focus on inovation, event though it will slow down
• Look beyond local markets for growth oportunities

Fragmented • Focus on costs

• Define local market better, based on need, location, and
produk lline
Healthcare strategy guidelines
If your hospital is a Then follow strategy guideline:
Market leader • Be offenssive (find way to sustain/strengthhen position)
• Do not give up market share, sales, or customer easily
• Increase investmesnt in capital and marketing programs
• Make competitors “follow the leader”
Challenger • Find a vacant niche or try to specialize
• Build a distinctive image or reputation
• Grow your market share through growth strategy
Laggard or follower • Consider alliances or venture with for-profit hospital chains
• Find a new way to compete (e.g limit focus to only a few
product lines)
• Sell facilite (divest), harvest certain product lines, or slash
5. Deploy Strategies
• Internal alignment
• Feedback
• Deploy and Revise
Strategi dibuat melalui lima-tahap
proses perencanaan. Tahap pertama sumber
daya disusun, membuat metodologi, dan
menyusun perencanaan-perencanan.
Kemudian dilakukan analisis eksternal
dengan tujuan untuk mengumpulkan
informasi mengenai tren pasar dan peluang
yang dipertimbangkan dan ancaman yang
harus dihindari.
• Analisis internal dengan berfokus untuk
melihat kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam
• Sebuah proses pencocokan strategi akan
membantu strategi mana yang akan dapat
digunakan dengan melihat permintaan dari
lingkungan eksternal maupun kemampuan
internal. Dan akhirnya strategi benar-benar
dapat digunakan, dievaluasi dan dapat

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