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Team 1

Grant, Sean, John, Lucas

What is Technology?
A broad definition of technology would be any tool that is formed by humans.

Oxford defines technology as “the application of scientific knowledge for

practical purposes, especially in industry.” [Oxford, 2018]

The broad definition would include obsidian spear points used by prehistoric
hunter-gatherers, while for the latter definition the development of
technology would only commence when people began to understand the
world through primitive scientific methods.
What is the meaning...

Instructional Technology uses Technology as the how information is

disseminated and how the class interacts with each other.

This could be as simple as a lesson on a chalkboard or the use of an online

class utilizing shared documents to create content.
How has the definition of instructional technology
changed since the early 1900s?
The original label for the field included monikers like audiovisual instruction,
audiovisual communication, and education tech. In the United States it was
also known as instructional technology.

How has the definition of instructional technology
changed since the early 1900s?
It has roots as far back as the 1900s - the first example was an education film

Marked increase visual materials such as film, pictures, lantern slides. Would
become known as visual instruction.

“The enrichment of education through the seeing experience, [involving the

use of all types of visual aids…”
How has the definition of instructional technology
changed since the early 1900s?
Advancement in radio and sound, shift from visual to audiovisual,
“instructional media.”

Moved from thinking about it purely as a media device to a process, and
eventually focusing on the learning rather than the instruction.

Instructional Technology should be viewed as looking at instructional

problems and examining feasible solutions.
How has the definition of instructional technology
changed since the early 1900s?
1970 by the Commission on Instructional Technology (First Definition):

“... media born of the communications revolution which can be used for
instructional purposes alongside the teacher, textbook, and blackboard …”

1970 by the Commission on Instructional Technology (Second Definition):

“... goes beyond any particular medium or device… It is a systematic way of

designing, carrying out, and evaluating the whole process of learning and
communication …”
- What are the main focus areas, general membership profiles
and conferences of AECT?

This organization’s focus is on providing an international forum for

those in the industry, advising policymakers and setting the
standard for best practices in the field. The organization is
comprised of researchers in the field of educational theory, various
levels of educational organizations, professional development and
educational technology. The AECT has a yearly conference and
hosts a design competition.

- What are the main publications of AECT?

Educational Technology Research and Development and TechTrends.

- Which Journals would be most important for your classmates to read regularly?

Educational Technology Research and Development would be arguably most useful

as it would keep readers abreast of the most up to date ideas, research etc.
Reference List

Oxford Living Dictionary. (2018). Retrieved from:

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