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Mathematics in Our World

Applications of Math – Daily Lives

• Jeepney fare
• Vendors in giving change
• Math involves computing
• Traffic – travel time – before that – shower, breakfast, changing
clothes… morning routines … time
• Allowance- check if budget is enough
• Watching weight – calories.. Food intake – nutritional info in goods.. It
pays to check the label
• The heart of math is more than just numbers –which seemed to be
uninteresting and meaningless
• Beach trips,.. Mountain climbing… different shapes around
• Cloud transforming from stratus to cumulus…rainbow…color hues has
to be exact measurement – appealing to the eye
• MATH reveals simplicities of nature and permits us to generalize from
simple examples to the complexities of the real world
• Fibonacci Latin term “fillis Bonacci” – son of Bonaccio – Father
Guglielmo Bonaccio
• Johannes Kepler – known for his laws of planetary motion – observed
that dividing a Fibonacci number immediately before it in the ordered
sequence yields a quotient approx. equal to 1.618… denoted by Phi
called the Golden Ratio
• Nature has its laws --- law of freely falling bodies (Isaac Newton)
• Newton and Gottfried Leibniz developed modern calculus in the 17th
• The devt of Calculus would not be possible without the Cartesian
Coor System by Rene Descartes – the fusion of geom and alg
• Albert Einstein – father of theory of relativity E = mc^2 mass and
energy eq ,,,
• Marie Curie – a Polish chemist 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
developing techniques of isolating radioactive isotopes and two
radioactive elements
• Biological Scientists – use math – investigate treatment procedures by
modelling and simulating bio processes
• Wo math all these inventions and discoveries are not possible
• The 20th C saw many breakthroughs --- sciences and engg… w/c
creatively and critically employed math
• Programma 101 – first personal computer released in 1965
• Landing on the Moon – Jul 20, 1968
• First GPS satellite launched in 1989 for Military use– today there are
24 GPS sattellites in orbit – help locate position– Google map-- waze

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