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Presenters :

Muhammad Abdullah Virk

Hafiz Abdul Basit
Mudassir Qayyum
Gift For the Darkness

“Gift for the Darkness” has double meaning in Lord of Flies. On one hand, the
phrase describes the offering left by Jack in chapter when he kills the sow and leaves
her head on a stick for the beast. That bloody sacrifice might be seen as a gift for the
darkness personified by the beast.
The phrase could also apply to Simon, who has a gift for the darkness, not in
violence, but in his ease of wandering through the jungle at night.
Characters :

Ralph Piggy Maurice Samneric

Jack Simon Roger Littluns

Ralph represents leadership, the
properly socialized and civilized
young man. Ralph looks like the
"golden boy," he is tall, attractive,
healthy, decently intelligent and
Ralph is the one who conceives
the meeting place, the fire, and the
Piggy :
Piggy is a fat, shy twelve-year-
old boy who has asthma and
wear glasses. General lack of
physical skill or stamina. Piggy
represents the scientific and
rational side of humanity. He acts
as Ralph's advisor
Jack :
The leader of the hunters. Jack
represents evil and violence, the
dark side of human nature. Jack
is not a good-looking boy. He is
described as having red hair and
blue eyes, with plenty of marks,
and a face that looks "crumpled."
Golding says his face is "ugly
without silliness."
Simon :
Simon is a calm, passive boy who
claims no leadership or intelligence,
but shows a wisdom beyond his years
as he is the only character to realize
that the beast is imaginary. He is
murdered by the very ones he had
wanted to help. He mostly spends
time alone, wondering in the jungle.
Maurice :
Maurice is a hunter and goes on attacks of
Ralph's camp with Jack. He remains loyal to
Roger :
He is the only character to knowingly kill
someone on his own and also the hangman of
jack’s tribe. Roger used smaller rocks at first to
aim at some littluns and then let the big boulder
go, which sadly ended Piggy.
SAmneric :
The twin boys who are in charge of
keeping the signal fire going. Until
they are captured by the jacks
tribe, they remain loyal to Ralph.
They speak as one, often finishing
each other's sentences, so that the
other boys pronounce their two
names ( SAM and ERIC ) as one
word “Samneric”.
Littluns :
The littlest boys, around ages
six and up, only care for having
fun and nothing more. They
remain with Ralph during the
rebellion. They live their lives
in the day eating fruit, and at
night, having visions about how
the Beast is going to eat them.
Symbols :
 Conch Shell (Symbolizes law order and democracy)
 Piggy’s glasses (Symbolizes rational though/intellect)
 They signify man’s ability to perceive, to think. That thought can be
misused for destructive purpose is shown when Piggy’s glasses are
used to smoke Ralph out.
 Night and Darkness a typical symbol of evil, “the powers of darkness.”
The boys would have recognized the daylight; as would they have
Simon. The beast is more real at night.
 Face paint (Symbolizes hiding true intentions and nature
turning them into anonymous savages who are freed
from the chains of “civilized” behavior.
 Stick sharpened on both ends Represents how much evil
has taken the boys over. First it was used to offer the
beast the pig sacrifice; next to offer it Ralph’s.
Theme :
 The most obvious of the themes is man's need for civilization.
Contrary to the belief that man is innocent and society evil, the
story shows that laws and rules are necessary to keep the darker
side of human nature in line.
 Evil (the beast) is within man himself.
 Itis human nature they only support powerful person without
knowing what is good for them.
 Ralph doesn't understand the appeal of Jack's aggressiveness
and Jack's reaction to the vote storming away shows that he's
still a child.
 Jack paints his face and tells his followers that they're going to
have fun and hunt and he and his tribe also get a lot of sick Glee
out of killing a pig and getting covered in blood. It is showing
that how much evil has taken the boys over.
 Now another important part happens when Simon hears from
The Lord of the Flies first of all it tells him “I'm part of you”
meaning savagery is a natural state of humans there's dramatic
irony in the Beast itself speaking to Simon.
 Lordof the Flies is a translation of Beelzebub a name used for
Devil. Simon's encounter with this character show his odds of
goodness up against this darkness possibly inside of us all.
Summary :
Thinking about the beast

Jack and his hunters

Jack accuses Ralph

Jack leaves the group

Samneric and Piggy joins Jack

Simon wandered alone

Jack becomes the chief of the new group

Offering something to the pig

Lord of the flies

Jack emerges from Ralph’s camp

Simon on the verge

Question # 1
What were the reasons Jack gave to
remove Ralph as a Chief?
Answer :
He said that Ralph is a coward as he ran away from
the beast, Ralph thinks that our hunters are not good,
Ralph is Like a Piggy, He says things like Piggy, He isn’t
a proper chief, He is not even a hunter, he had never got
us meat, he isn’t perfect, He just gives orders and expect
people to obey for nothing.
Question # 2
What happened when Jack asked Whoever
wants Ralph not to be a chief?
Answer :
The boys stood frozen. There was a deadly silence. Jack
again asked for hands up, but the silence continued, breathless
and heavy and full of shame. He asked again, but the response
was same as before. He then said I am not going to be part of
Ralph’s group anymore and anyone who wants to hunt when I
do can too and then he left.
Question # 3
What were the reasons for killing the pig?
Answer :
Jack wanted to become the chief therefore he
wanted to hunt and kill the pig and organize a feast in
order to get more biguns away from the conch and they
will leave some part of the kill for the beast so that beast
won’t bother them.
Question # 4
Why burning fire was more important for
Ralph than going to the Feast?
Answer :
Ralph believes that smoke signal from the burning
fire is the only way that can lead them to escape the island
otherwise they might die there therefore he wanted other
boys to pay more attention to burning fire rather than go
to feast and celebrate.
Question # 5
What did Lord of flies say to the Simon?
Answer :
Lord of the flies said that you are a little silly boy.
You should better run off and play with other boys. Aren’t
you afraid of me? There in no one to help you and I am the
beast. You are thinking of hunting and killing me, but you
can’t, I am the part of you. You are a poor misguided
child, I think better than you.
Any Question ????

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