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A Presentation on Developing a

Destination, special Reference to


By Abhijohn De and Mainak

Under the Guidance of Prof. D.Dutta
Destination Development

It is a process used to develop a unique identity

and personality that is different from all
competitive destinations.

“selecting a consistent brand element mix to

identify and distinguish a destination through
positive image building”
A Destination Developing is:

A way to communicate a destination’s

unique identity to visitors
A means of differentiating a
destination from its competitors
A uniform “look” that all destination
partners can consistently use
(Destination) Product Mix

 Product Length
 Product width
 Product Depth
 Product consistency
Product Levels
Core product

Facilitating product

Supporting product
Bankura as a Product
Bishnupur Temples,Mukutmanipur.

Susunia,Joyrambati,Terracotta Horses.

Bishnupur Temples
 Problems  Solutions
 Accessibility  Sign Boards
 Direction &  Repairing Roads
Suggestion  Conducting
 Awareness Seminars 4m Govt.
 Ignorance  Training To Guides
 Professional Guide  Incredible India’s
 Accommodation Promotions,
 Conservations Banners, posters.
 A.S.I interferences.
 Promotions
 Problems  Solutions
 Picnic spots  Restrictions of
 Road connectivity Garbage.
 Promotion  Infrastructure
 Local people not develop
conscious  Surveying what
 Accommodation people want in the
 Lack of activities
 Conducting Games
& competitions
 Activities with
 Problems  Solutions
 Promotions  Advertisements in
 Susunia springs every where and
the holy water
 Activities
 Promoting activities
 Only domestic
like trekking
 Encouraging the
 Stone carvings
becoming obsolete local people
as livelihood  Improving roads
Macro environment affect
Socio-Cultural, Natural, Economic, Technological, Political legal.

 Society shapes our beliefs, attitude, values and norms. People

absorb almost unknowingly and defines their relationship to
themselves, to others, to organization, society and to the
 Air & water pollution, Greenhouse effect. Use of Bio-Fuel.
 Low income, mostly low, high, medium high income Groups.
 Penicillin, open Heart Surgery, Birth control Pill, Nerve gas, 3D
television, Happiness pill etc.
 Laws, Govt. agencies, business Legislation three main
purposes -protect companies unfair competition, consumers
unfair business practices and lastly interest of societies from
uncontrolled business behavior.
SWOT Analysis
• Strengths:
– Geographical Diversity – Mountains, Forests and Natural beauty
– Cultural Diversity
– Wealth of archaeological sites and historic monuments
– Manpower costs are low
– Luxury hotels
• Weaknesses:
– Lack of adequate infrastructure
– Intolerant attitude among certain sections
– No proper marketing tools used
• Opportunities:
– Proactive role of govt. in framing proper policies
– Allowing entry of more multinational companies
– Growth of Domestic Tourism
• Threats:
– Economic Conditions of the other countries
– Political turbulence in Kashmir, Gujarat
– Aggressive strategies approached by other countries for tourism
Destination Segments features
 So the importance of tourism to a destination
can generate or destination development
 Employment in hotel, restaurant, retail establishment
and transportation.
 Support industries, profession like university teachers
professors, lecturers….
 Multiplier concept like tourism expenditure are
recycled through the economy.
 Tax revenue help the state.
 Stimulate exports of place to place made products.

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