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Social CRM Technology Issues

Customer Relationship Management, Session 19


Dealing with Social CRM Vendors

Key Technology Challenges

Social CRM Technology Trends

Social CRM Security Risks

Dealing with Social CRM Vendors
When an organization sets out to select the best
software for its Social CRM initiative, the
challenge is to determine which vendor camp
best fits the organization’s needs.
Key Technology Challenges
Technology Challenge 1

This challenge involves

Social Media monitoring
and filtering. Social
Media filtering describes
how the monitoring tool
utilizes rules-based filter
searches on specific criteria
Key Technology Challenges
Technology Challenge 2

This challenge involves the integration of social

insight into Social CRM customer profiles and
elsewhere in the Social CRM system

Most vendors offer standard APIs to achieve the integration

Some vendors have created business process flows &

programmed this social insight integration directly into their
Other vendors have written software to reach out to filtered
social insight and pull this insight into their Social CRM
Key Technology Challenges
Technology Challenge 3

This challenge involves customer

engagement, includes the process
by which the organization leverages
the social insight stored in the
customer profile and elsewhere
with Social CRM application.
Social CRM Technology Trends

Rather than trying to keep up with each new

technology, organizations should track major
technology developments that are most likely to
impact the Social CRM industry’s future and their
own organizational Social CRM efforts
Social CRM Security Risks

Social Media communities open the

organization to all kinds of new
exposure. The organization must
create a security culture and then
provide the tools to reduce
security risks.
Customers of the Future and
Their Impact on Social CRM

Customer Relationship Management, Session 20


Happy Hotels: Debbie Jones Case Study

Leveraging Social Graph Tools

Happy Hotels: Debbie Jones Case Study

Transactional information
How many stays per year, average amount
spent during each stay, loyalty membership
status, etc

Demographic, behavioral, & lifestyle data

Marital status, number of children, home
ownership status, types of cars, etc
Happy Hotels: Debbie Jones Case Study

Her friends also

stays in Happy
Write experience Hotels
on Facebook

They also discuss

their stay on
Stays at several Social Media
Happy Hotels
Leveraging Social Graph Tools

The advent of Social CRM-inclusive of

its extensive links to Social Media tools-
has raised the bar by creating a two-
way dialogue with the customer of
the future
Sales Force Automation 10
Customization: Fields
 Administer standard fields
 Create new custom fields
 Create selection fields: picklists & lookups
 Create formula fields
 Work with page layouts
 Work with record types and business processes
 Maintain data quality

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