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Backorder Processing

with SAP R/3 vs.

SAP APO Global

Patti Kimler
Product Manager
PTU Applications
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 2
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 3
Backorder Processing (BOP) – the Basics

 When is an order a backorder?

 When a schedule line doesn’t have a confirmed quantity

 What should a backorder processing solution do?

 Simulate results
 Lend visibility to the situation
 Run in a reasonable amount of time
 Allow selection of orders based on business requirements
 Allocate product in a prioritized way
 Allow results to be sorted in a meaningful way

 Note that both solutions — R/3 and SAP APO — can satisfy all
these items, to some extent

 SAP AG 2005, 4
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 5

 ATP check for orders in question must be set to take

place in APO

 R/3, mySAP ERP, or SAP CRM as an order

management system

What does that mean?!

 Typically, in the setup of Global Available-to-Promise (gATP),

you specify (once) in the SAP APO Core Interface (CIF) that
you want your ATP customizing settings transferred from R/3
(or mySAP ERP) to SAP APO

 Then, in another integration model of the CIF, you must have

selected the ATP check switch for the materials you have
specified in that integration model

 SAP AG 2005, 6
Core Interface Settings – Integration Models

 SAP AG 2005, 7
mySAP ERP and mySAP Business Suite

SAP R/3  Real-time business
 Standardized  Powered by SAP NetWeaver
business  Enterprise Services Architecture
SAP R/2 processes
 Real-time  Client-server
 Distributed
mySAP Business Suite
 Integration
 processing
International mySAP PLM
 Mainframe




SAP NetWeaver
1972 1979 ... 1992 2000 2003
 SAP AG 2005, 8
mySAP Business Suite

SAP Enterprise Portal

Business Information Warehouse & SEM

Supply Chain Event Monitoring SCEM


Design Buy Make Move Sell Service

 Strategy- Product Innovation  Strategy- SRM, Global Visibility  Strategy- Operational Excellence  Strategy- Customer Intimacy
 Value Based Initiatives  Value Based Initiatives  Value Based Initiatives  Value Based Initiatives
 < Time to Market  < Supplier Consolidation  < Inventory  > Revenue
 > Product Quality $  < Material Consolidation  > Customer Service  > Market Share
 > Life Cycle Product $  < Maverick Spending  > Global Resource Mgmt.  > Profitability
 > Collaboration  > Collaboration  > Operational Efficiency  > Customer Satisfaction
 < 20% Development $  < 5-15% Material Cost  < 10-30% Inventory  > 2-3% Market share- AMR
 < 21% Scrap & Rework  > Productivity 20-30%  > Rev.-Customer Service  > Margins-5%>25%- Bain
 < 7% Manufacturing $  < Planning Cycles- Days  > Selling Efficiency-$10>1
 < 20% Warranty  > Customer Satisfaction
 SAP AG 2005, 9
Where SAP APO Fits in SAP SCM

 SAP Advanced Planning

and Optimization
(SAP APO 4.1)

 SAP Inventory
Collaboration Hub
(SAP ICH 4.1)

 SAP Event Management

(SAP EM 4.1)

 SAP NetWeaver (Web AS, BW, …)

(SAP NetWeaver ‘04)

 SAP AG 2005, 10
Evolution of SAP SCM Functionality
Initiative • Collaborative • ASCN vision • SAP APO 4.0 release
• MRP II for Planning Planning announced • SAP ICH 4.0
• SAP R/3 MM/PP • Collaborative • SAP is market leader • SAP EM 4.0
• Transportation Mgmt. scenarios in Q2
• SAP NetWeaver
• Warehouse Mgmt. • SAP APO available • Strategic integration
in partnership with MIT
• Partnership with • RFID pilots for Metro
Auto ID Center
ILOG Store and P&G

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

• SAP enters APS • SAP APO 3.0 SCM • SAP APO 3.1 • SAP APO 4.1
market with stand- Content Workplace Industry Release • SAP ICH 4.1
alone solution • SAP LES R/3 4.6 C • Supply Chain Event • SAP EM 4.1
• Decentralized • Transportation Management 1.1
• SAP NetWeaver
warehouse mgmt. Planning • CRM SCM Integration
system integration
• Radio frequency • RFID-enabled SCM

SAP SCM release

in ramp-up since June 2004
 SAP AG 2005, 11
Global ATP – The Technical Perspective

 SAP AG 2005, 12
Key Capabilities

 Multiple Operating Modes

 Batch
 Interactive
 Simulative

 Filter

 Sorter

 Support for Product Allocations

 SAP AG 2005, 13
Batch Backorder Processing

2 modes:
Direct update of batch backorder processing

 BOP runs and immediately updates the results to the database

without an intermediate step

Batch backorder processing with postprocessing

 BOP runs, saves the results to a buffer, and protects the

assigned quantities with temporary quantity assignments

 The results can be updated or rejected. If rejected, the

temporary quantity assignments are deleted

 SAP AG 2005, 14
Interactive Backorder Processing

 Similar to batch backorder processing with postprocessing,

except for the addition of a pre-configured worklist

 It can be accessed directly from the menu structure within

SAP APO, or used as a postprocessing function of Batch
backorder processing

 Filters and sorts are available to both operating modes

 SAP AG 2005, 15
Interactive Backorder Processing – With a Worklist

 SAP AG 2005, 16
Interactive Backorder Processing – Without a Worklist

 SAP AG 2005, 17
Simulative Backorder Processing

 No temporary quantity assignments are written to liveCache

 No orders are updated in R/3

 The results can be viewed in a log but cannot be

updated interactively

 The results can be saved in the buffer or deleted

 SAP AG 2005, 18

Plus a Userexit!

 SAP AG 2005, 19

Plus a Userexit!

 SAP AG 2005, 20
Product Allocations and Backorder Processing

 As of SAP SCM release 4.1 (currently in Phase II Ramp-Up),

product allocations may be checked as part of
backorder processing

 In prior releases, product allocations are neither checked

nor updated

 Also as part of release 4.1, if product allocations are checked by

BOP, a new icon will display on the results screen telling you
that this occurred

 SAP AG 2005, 21
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 22

 ATP check must be set to occur in R/3

What does that mean?!

 You’re using R/3 and not APO for ATP checks

 SAP AG 2005, 23
The Selection Screen



 SAP AG 2005, 24
The Results

 SAP AG 2005, 25
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 26

APO R/3 and mySAP ERP

 Redistribution flag  No redistribution flag – releases
all orders’ assigned quantities,
then rechecks them if they
didn’t have a check before

 Redistribution for each  No redistribution

basic method
 Filter has 28 fields plus userexit  Fixed filter with <10 fields

 Sorter has 25 fields  Fixed sorter

plus userexit
 Changes are committed to
 Able to confirm new database with no comparison
results with old prior to
database commit

 SAP AG 2005, 27
Comparison (cont.)

APO R/3 and mySAP ERP

 Schedule line check available  Schedule line checks for stock
for all documents transport orders only

 Date configuration – material  Date configuration – No

availability or goods Issue option (material availability
date is used)
 Possible to preserve the lesser
quantity that has been agreed  R/3 and mySAP ERP do not
upon without giving more differentiate between confirmed
quantity and requested quantity
 Possible to improve and not
degrade confirmations  No opportunity to preserve
what was done previously

 SAP AG 2005, 28
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 29
The Highlights

 R/3 and mySAP ERP have limited sort and filter fields
 With no user exits available to expand the selection

 R/3 and mySAP ERP are not as flexible as mySAP SCM

 Dates aren’t configurable
 Operating modes are selectable
 Schedule line checks are limited to one document type

 No way to preserve previous check

 Orders are opened, quantities are released, check is redone

 No new development taking place

 SAP AG 2005, 30
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 31
SCM 4.1 – gATP Developments

 Better support for time zones

 Usability of ATP
 Configurable rules-based ATP results screen

 Usability of Backorder Processing

 Enhanced usability
 Better icons to explain what occurred
 Correct and reject individual orders
 Improved links from the results display
 Product Allocations
 Link to TP/VS added in 4.0

 SAP AG 2005, 32
But SCM 5.0 Is Coming, and …

... It’s HUGE! (my boss said I should keep saying that, to get everyone ready for it)

 SAP AG 2005, 33
gATP Highlights in SCM 5.0

 Temporary facility closure

 A hurricane just hit my Florida distribution center

 Alternate locations to use when a primary facility is closed

 Ship out of Texas and Georgia instead

 Maximum numbers of substitutions in RBA

 Locations and location products, not products

 Consolidation
 I’d like to take all these orders sourced from different
locations and consolidate them at this single location before
I ship them to the customer

 Drop ships/Third party

 I’d like the vendor to deliver this to the customer

 SAP AG 2005, 34
gATP Highlights in SCM 5.0 – More!

 RBA in Stock Transport Orders (not location, just

product substitution)
 The product you requested is not available,
substitute another

 Reassignment of order confirmations

 I’d like to borrow from Peter to pay Paul, automatically,
not manually, based on criteria that I specify

 Event-driven backorder processing

 I’ve just gotten stock in and I want to allocate it to a
group of high-priority orders that are waiting for it

 This is not a complete list

 SAP AG 2005, 35
Event-Driven Backorder Processing?!

 Uses something new called the Order Due List, which is also
used by reassignment of order confirmations

 Uses Workflow

 Allows an event, like a stock receipt or a return order, to trigger

a run of BOP against the Order Due List

 The Order Due List will contain your highest priority,

unconfirmed orders

 Brilliant!

 SAP AG 2005, 36
How to Decide?

 If R/3 or mySAP ERP’s ATP functionality just isn’t enough

of a solution anymore, consider the APO gATP solution in
mySAP SCM. However, don’t wait for SCM 5.0!
(Remember, it’s HUGE)

 Prioritize what you need and figure out what release it’s in
 SCM release notes are posted on

 How many APO releases back are you?

 If you’re on APO 3.0 or 3.1, consider upgrading now to at least
4.0, if not 4.1
 Why? Chances are there’s a lot in 5.0 that you’ll want to roll-out,
and it’ll be a smaller bite if you’re not tackling all the interim
releases before you can get to 5.0
 Also, 4.0 and 4.1 are smaller releases from a gATP perspective
(Remember, 5.0 is HUGE)

 SAP AG 2005, 37
What We’ll Cover …

 What is Backorder Processing and what should it do?

 SAP APO’s Backorder Processing

 R/3’s Backorder Processing

 Let’s look at them both now – SAP APO vs. R/3

 The gaps – Where R/3 falls short

 What’s new in Global Available-to-Promise and coming up soon

 Key takeaways

 SAP AG 2005, 38
Key Takeaways

 The BOP program you use is dependent on the system in which your
ATP check takes place
 APO’s Backorder Processing has more Sort and Filter options than
R/3 or mySAP ERP, with user exits to add even more fields
 APO’s BOP is scalable – no need to do a full run every time
 With any BOP solution, force it to do what you really need it to do.
Use variants, etc., to tailor your BOP runs
 If R/3’s ATP solution just isn’t a solution for you, and you’ve already
got all or part of mySAP SCM in place (i.e. APO DP), consider
implementing gATP and attaining the benefit of the BOP program,
among other things
 Never assume that the product as it is today is the product that you’ll
be using tomorrow. New enhancements and opportunities are always
right around the corner
 It is possible to implement BOP without an ATP check in the order,
and there are successful implementations that have done it!

 SAP AG 2005, 39
Your Turn!


 SAP AG 2005, 40
To Contact the Speaker

Patti Kimler
Product Manager SCM
PTU Applications
M 386-334-4756
HO 386-960-5257
 SAP AG 2005, 41

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