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Grounded Theory

Elyssa Kay V. Martinez, MAELT
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
EdD English Language Teaching
The intent of a
grounded theory study
WHAT IS is to move beyond
GROUNDED description or discover a
THEORY? theory, an abstract
analytical schema of a
Grounded Theory: A specific
methodology developed by Glaser & Strauss process, action or
(1967) for the purpose of building theory from
data. interaction (Strauss &
It is used to denote theoretical constructs
derived from qualitative analysis of data Corbin, 1998).
(Strauss & Corbin, 2008).
1. FOCUS -developing a theory grounded in data from the field.
2. PROBLEM - grounding a theory based on the views of the participants
3. DISCIPLINE - drawing from sociology
4. UNIT OF ANALYSIS - studying a process, interaction, involving many
5. DATA COLLECTION -using primarily interviews with 20-60 participants
6. DATA ANALYSIS STRATEGIES - open coding, axial coding, selective coding
7. WRITTEN REPORT - generating a theory

(Creswell, 2007)
Theory Description or
Visual Model

Open Coding Categories Axial Coding Categories

Selective Coding Categories Conditions

Story Line Propositions

Causal Condition Intervening & Strategies Consequences


Template for Coding a Grounded Theory

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