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Property Plant and


Chapter 9
Plant Asset Expenditures
Plant assets are resources that have
• (1) physical substance (a definite size and shape),
• (2) are used in the operations of a business,
• (3) are not intended for sale to customers,
• are expected to provide service to the company for a number of years,
except for land (*plant assets decline in service potential over their useful
lives/ Land does not depreciate (buildings, equipment does)
• Referred to as property, plant, and equipment; plant and equipment; and
fixed assets.
• Plays a key role in ongoing operations (companies need to keep them in
good working conditions)
• They can replace worn-out plant assets and expand productive resources
needed 2
The Cost of Plant Asset
Historical Cost Principle
• Requires that companies record plant assets at cost
• Cost consists of all expenditures necessary to acquire an
asset and make it ready for its intended use
• Ex. Cost of Factory Machinery includes Purchase Price,
Freight Cost, Installation Cost
• Once cost is established, companies can establish a basis for
accounting for the plant asset over its useful life.

Purchase Price of Land
Add: Closing Cost
Add: Clearing Costs
Less: Salvaged Materials Sold
Cost of Land

*Closing Cost: commissions, title fees, legal fees, taxes, etc.

*Clearing Cost: removal of unwanted building or items from the land
*Land improvements are recorded separately from land (Expense
Lalaland Ltd. acquires real estate at a cash cost of P2,000,000.
The property contains an old warehouse that is removed at
cost of P75,000 but with P15,000 proceeds from salvaged
materials. Additional expenditures are attorney’s fee,
P10,000, and the real estate broker’s commission, P80,000.
Cost of the land?

Purchase Price of Building
Add: Closing Costs
Add: Costs to Prepare Bldg for Use
Add: Cost of Construction
Cost of Building

*Closing Cost: commissions, title fees, legal fees, taxes, etc.

*Preparing Costs: wiring, renovation, flooring, painting
*Construction Costs: design fees, permits, labor, lighting
Purchase Price of Equipment
Add: Costs to Prepare Machine for Use
Add: Other Costs
Cost of Equipment

*Preparing Costs: installation, assembly, testing

*Other Costs: freight, tax, insurance in transit,
Expenditures During Useful Life
Ordinary Repairs - maintain operating efficiency and productive life of the unit.
• Debit to Maintenance and Repairs Expense
• Referred to as revenue expenditures
• Dr. Maintenance and Repairs Expense
• Cr. CASH

Additions and Improvements - increase operating efficiency, productive

capacity, or useful life of a plant asset.
• Debit plant asset affected
• Referred to as capital expenditures
• Dr. Plant Asset
• Cr. CASH

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SLD Inc. purchases a delivery truck at P4.2M. Related
expenditures consist of sales taxes P132K, painting and
lettering P50K, motor vehicle license P8K, and a three-year
accident insurance policy P160K.
Journal entry?
Equipment 4382000
License Expense 8000
Prepaid Insurance 160000
Cash 4550000
Depreciation Methods
Process of allocating to expense the cost of a plant asset
over its useful life in a rational and systematic manner.
• Process of cost allocation, not asset valuation
• Applies to land improvements, buildings, and
equipment, not land

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Depreciation Methods
Company/management selects the method it believes
best measures an asset’s contribution to revenue over
its useful life.
1) Straight-line method.
2) *Double Declining-balance method.
3) Units-of-activity method

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Depreciation Methods
Illustration: Barb’s Florists purchased a small delivery truck on
January 1, 2020.
Cost €13,000
Expected salvage value € 1,000
Estimated useful life in years 5
Estimated useful life in miles 100,000
Required: Compute depreciation using the following.
(a) Straight-Line (b) Units-of-Activity (c) Declining Balance

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Straight Line Method

• Depreciation expense is the same each period.

• Accumulated depreciation is the sum of current and prior
periods’ depreciation expense.
• Book value declines each period until it equals salvage value
at the end of the machine’s useful life.

Cost - Scrap Value

Useful Life
Straight-Line Method
Computations End of Year
Depreciable Annual Accumulated Book
Year Cost x Rate = Expense Depreciation Value
2020 $12,000 x 20% = € 2,400 € 2,400 €10,600*
2021 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 4,800 8,200
2022 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 7,200 5,800
2023 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 9,600 3,400
2024 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 12,000 1,000
Journal Entry
2020 Depreciation Expense 2,400
*€13,000 − €2,400
Accumulated Depreciation 2,400
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Straight-Line Method
If truck was purchased on April 1, 2020.
Computations End of Year
Depreciable Annual Partial Depreciation Accum.
Year Cost x Rate = Expense x Year = Expense Deprec.
2020 €12,000 x 20% = € 2,400 x 9/12 = € 1,800 €1,800
2021 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 x = 2,400 4,200
2022 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 x = 2,400 6,600
2023 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 x = 2,400 9,000
2024 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 x = 2,400 11,400
2025 12,000 x 20 = 2,400 x 3/12 = 600 12,000

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Declining-Balance Method
• Accelerated method
• Decreasing annual depreciation expense over asset’s
useful life
• Double declining-balance rate is double the straight-
line rate
• Rate applied to book value

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Declining-Balance Method
Computations End of Year
Beginning Annual Accumulated Book
Year Book Value x Rate = Expense Depreciation Value
2020 €13,000 x 40% = € 5,200 € 5,200 €7,800 (a)
2021 7,800 x 40 = 3,120 8,320 4,680
2022 4,680 x 40 = 1,872 10,192 2,808
2023 2,808 x 40 = 1,123 11,315 1,685
2024 1,685 x 40 = 685 (b) 12,000 1,000

(a) €13,000 − €5,200

(b) €1,685 x 40% = €674, expense adjusted to €685 to result in residual value of €1,000.

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Declining-Balance Method
Assume the delivery truck was purchased on April 1, 2020.
Computations End of Year
Beginning Annual Partial Depreciation Accum.
Year Book Value x Rate = Expense x Year = Expense Deprec.
2020 €13,000 x 40% = € 5,200 x 9/12 = € 3,900 €3,900
2021 9,100 x 40 = 3,640 x = 3,640 7,540
2022 5,460 x 40 = 2,184 x = 2,184 9,724
2023 3,276 x 40 = 1,310 x = 1,310 11,034
2024 1,966 x 40 = 786 x = 786 11,820
2025 1,180 x 40 = 472 x = 180 (a) 12,000

(a) Expense adjusted to €180 to result in residual value of €1,000.

Units-of-Activity Method
• Companies estimate total units of activity to calculate
depreciation cost per unit
• Expense varies based on usage
• Units-of-production method

Depreciable Total Units Depreciable Cost

Cost ÷ of Activity = per Unit
€12,000 ÷ 100,000 miles = €0.12

Units-of-Activity Method
Computations End of Year
Units of Annual Accumulated Book
Year Activity x Rate = Expense Depreciation Value
2020 15,000 x €.012 = € 1,800 € 1,800 €11,200*
2021 30,000
2022 20,000
2023 25,000
2024 10,000

Copyright ©2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 21

Units-of-Activity Method
Computations End of Year
Units of Annual Accumulated Book
Year Activity x Rate = Expense Depreciation Value
2020 15,000 x €.012 = € 1,800 € 1,800 €11,200*
2021 30,000 x .012 = 3,600 5,400 7,600
2022 20,000 x .012 = 2,400 7,800 5,200
2023 25,000 x .012 = 3,000 10,800 2,200
2024 10,000 x .012 = 1,200 12,000 1,000

Journal Entry
2020 Depreciation Expense 1,800
*€13,000 − €1,800
Accumulated Depreciation 1,800
Copyright ©2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 22
Straight- Declining- Units-of-
Year Line Balance Activity
2020 € 2,400 € 5,200 € 1,800
2021 2,400 3,120 3,600
2022 2,400 1,872 2,400
2023 2,400 1,123 3,000
2024 2,400 685 1,200
€12,000 €12,000 €12,000

Annual depreciation expense varies, but total depreciation

expense is the same (€12,000) for the five-year period.

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Component Depreciation
Lalaland Inc. builds an office building for P4,000,000 and is allocated
over the 40-year useful life of the building.
However, assume that P320,000 of the cost of the building relates to
a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and has 5
years depreciable life while P600,000 relates to flooring with 10

*IFRS Requirement

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Component Depreciation
Assuming that Lexure uses straight-line depreciation, the following
shows the computation of component depreciation for the first year
of the office building.

Building cost adjusted (HK$4,000,000 − HK$320,000 − HK$600,000) HK$3,080,000

Building cost depreciation per year (HK$3,080,000 ÷ 40) HK$ 77,000

Personal HVAC system depreciation (HK$320,000 ÷ 5) 64,000
Flooring depreciation (HK$600,000 ÷ 10) 60,000
Total component depreciation in first year HK$ 201,000

Revising Periodic Depreciation
1. determine new depreciable cost
2. divide by new remaining useful life

Remaining Book Value - Scrap Value

New Remaining Life
Ex. Cost: P500,000; Est. Life: 10 years; No Scrap Value
After 4 years, you realize that the est. Life is 9 years not 10
Step 1: Get the current book value
10 = 50,000 x 4 = 200,000
Book value: 500,000 - 200,000 = 300,000

Step 2: Est. depreciation using new life

= 60,000
Ex. Cost: P500,000; Est. Life: 10 years; No Scrap Value
After 4 years, you realize scrap value is 60,000
Step 1: Get the current book value
= 50,000 x 4 = 200,000
Book value: 500,000 - 200,000 = 300,000

Step 2: Est. depreciation using new scrap value

300,000- 60,000 = 40,000
Revising Periodic Depreciation
Barb’s Florists decides on January 1, 2023 (after 3 years), to
extend the useful life of the truck by one year (a total life of
six years) and increase its residual value to €2,200. The
company has used the straight-line method to depreciate the
asset to date. Depreciation for the first 3 years is as follows.

Equipment cost €13,000

Residual value − 1,000
Depreciable base 12,000
Useful life (original) ÷ 5 years
Annual depreciation € 2,400 × 3 years = €7,200

Revising Periodic Depreciation
Net book value at date of change in estimate (after 3 years).
Plant Assets:
Equipment €13,000
Accumulated depreciation 7,200
Net book value € 5,800

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Revising Periodic Depreciation
Calculation of depreciation expense for 2023, year 4.
Net book value after year 3 €5,800
Residual value (revised) − 2,200
Depreciable base 3,600
Remaining life ÷ 3 years
Revised Annual depreciation €1,200

Journal entry for 2023 and future years.

Depreciation Expense 1,200
Accumulated Depreciation 1,200

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Plant Asset Disposals
Companies dispose of plant assets in three ways —
1. Retirement: Equipment is scrapped or discarded
2. Sale: Equipment is sold to another party
3. Exchange: Equipment is traded for new equipment

Record depreciation up to the date of disposal.

Eliminate asset by (1) debiting Accumulated
Depreciation, and (2) crediting the asset account.

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Retirement of Plant Assets
Hobart Publishing retires its computer printers, which cost
€32,000. The accumulated depreciation on these printers is
€32,000. Prepare the entry to record this retirement.

Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 32,000

Equipment 32,000

*Asset fully depreciated but still useful will still be reported in balance sheet but no
depreciation is expensed from thereon

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Retirement of Plant Assets
Sunrise Company discards delivery equipment that cost
€18,000 and has accumulated depreciation of €14,000. The
journal entry is?
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 14,000
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets 4,000
Equipment 18,000

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Sale of Plant Assets
On July 1, 2020, Wright Interiors sells office furniture for
€16,000 cash. The office furniture originally cost €60,000. As
of January 1, 2020, it had accumulated depreciation of
€41,000. Depreciation for the first six months of 2020 is

(proceeds from sale 16 000 CASH)

16k is higher than 11k (the book value) = then GAIN on
disposal of plant assets

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Sale of Plant Assets (GAIN)
Cost of office furniture €60,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (€41, 000 + €8,000) 49,000
Book value at date of disposal 11,000
Proceeds from sale 16,000
Gain on disposal of plant asset € 5,000

Wright records the sale as follows on July 1.

Cash 16,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 49,000
Equipment 60,000
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets 5,000
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Sale of Plant Assets (LOSS)
Assume that instead of selling the office furniture for €16,000,
Wright sells it for €9,000.
Cost of office furniture €60,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (€41, 000 + €8,000) 49,000
Book value at date of disposal 11,000
Proceeds from sale 9,000
Loss on disposal of plant asset € 2,000
Cash 9,000
Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 49,000
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets 2,000
Equipment 60,000
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Exchange of Plant Assets
Maryo Karth exchanged old trucks (cost €64,000 less €22,000
accumulated depreciation) plus cash of €17,000 for a new semi-
truck. The old trucks had a fair market value of €26,000.

Cost of used trucks €64,000

Less: Accumulated depreciation 22,000
Book value 42,000
Fair market value of used trucks 26,000
Loss on disposal of plant assets €16,000
Fair market value of used trucks €26,000
Cash paid 17,000
Cost of new truck €43,000
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Exchange of Plant Assets

Equipment (new) 43,000

Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 22,000
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets 16,000
Equipment (old) 64,000
Cash 17,000

Exchange of Plant Assets
Luigi Wheel trades its old delivery equipment (cost €40,000 less
€28,000 accumulated depreciation) for new delivery equipment.
The old equipment had a fair market value of €19,000. Luigi also
paid €3,000.
Cost of old equipment €40,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 28,000
Book value 12,000
Fair market value of old equipment 19,000
Gain on disposal of plant assets € 7,000
Fair market value of old equipment €19,000
Cash paid 3,000
Cost of new equipment €22,000
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Exchange of Plant Assets

Equipment (new) 22,000

Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment 28,000
Equipment (old) 40,000
Gain on Disposal of Plant Assets 7,000
Cash 3,000


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