Conn's Syndrome

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Literature Review

Resti Anjelina Waji

 Excess production of the hormone aldosterone
from the adrenal glands  low renin levels,
hypertension, and hypokalemia
 Conn syndrome was named after J. W. Conn
(1955), in a patient who had hypertension with an
aldosterone-producing adenoma
 Primary hyperaldosteronism is used to describe
Conn syndrome irrespective of whether the patient
has an adenoma or not

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10


bilateral idiopathic adrenal


aldosterone-producing adrenal

familial aldosteronism

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

increased amount of aldosterone

renal sodium reabsorption and water

retention and potassium excretion

↑ sodium reabsorption  plasma volume

expansion  hypertension
potassium excretion  hypokalemia

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

fatigue, muscle weakness, cramping (hypokalemia)

headaches, and palpitations


polydipsia and polyuria from hypokalemia-induced

nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

• Hypertension with hypokalemia
• Hypertension difficult to treat
Screening • other family members with the same condition

• Potassium (serum and urinary)

• aldosterone-to-renin ratio

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

• saline suppression test
• ambulatory salt loading test
• fludrocortisone suppression test
Test • captopril suppression test

• CT scan  adenoma

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

Depends on the underlying cause

Adenoma  adrenalectomy

Hyperplasia of both glands  spironolactone

or eplerenone or other potassium-sparing
diuretics like amiloride

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

In the absence of treatment  poorly
controlled high blood pressure 
increased rates of stroke, heart disease,
and kidney failure

With appropriate treatment, the

prognosis is excellent

Parmar MS, Singh S. Conn Syndrome. J NCBI. 2019; 12(7): 1-10

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