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By: Zahra Mohammed Al Sarraf

Class: 4(‫)و‬
Types Of Threats
Identity Theft
Internet Strangers
Cyber Bullying
◦ Phishing is stealing other users Personal Information.
It happens mostly by Email.
People try to scam you by faking emails from:
 Companies
 Banks
 Websites
A virus can cause damage to your digital device.
A virus can:
• Destroy data
• Make you device very slow
Identity Theft
Identity Theft is taking personal Information and
pretending to be someone else
Internet Strangers
Internet strangers are onlione users who try to meet up with children/ Teenagers.
Online Strangers are DANGEROUS.
They will make contact and:
• Pretend to be your friend
• Act nice and try to get your trust.
• Try to meet you without your parents knowing.
If contacted by an online stranger you need to tell a trusted Adult.
Cyber Bullying
Online bullying is dangerous for many reasons:
• It is not easy to see
• It can happen by messages, pictures, speaking over
online games, etc.
• Victims find it hard to tell an adult.
Thank you

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