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Anand Kumar Gupta

Sudhir Kumar Gupta
Vishal Kumar
j ˜ ner ʹ Wadia Groups and ( Chairman & M.D. - Vijay K.
Chauhan )
j Market Share Trend( last five year analysis ) ʹ
Major Mkt Share




j Competitors ʹ K. Rajan Pillai & Wadia Group (Britannia), Mr. Simon Scarff ,
Mr. Zubair Ahmed for Horlicks ãè C Devesh ar, K Vaidyanath &K N Grant (Ceo &
Directors of Sunfeast ) , Shri Ballabh Prasad Agar al °   
Priyagold Biscuits 

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As part of the efforts to ards a larger share of the global market,

Parle has initiated the process of getting     

The Parle name symbolizes quality, health and great taste. Today, the Parle brands have found their
ay into the hearts and homes of people all over India & abroad, hich has resulted into Parle-G
being the       
j Hygiene is the precursor to every process at Parle. From husking the heat and melting the sugar
to delivering the final products to the supermarkets and store shelves nation ide, care is taken at
every step to ensure the best product of long-lasting freshness. Every batch of biscuits and
confectioneries are thoroughly checked by expert staff, using the most modern equipment hence
ensuring the same perfect quality across the nation and abroad.

The consumer is the focus of all activities at Parle. Maximizing value to consumers and forging enduring
customer relationships are the core endeavors at Parle.
!  "|  "# 
Ho Parle ʹ G has utilized the po er of advertisement to attach ith people͛s emotions, right from the
||$| | 

j m  WH˜ESEERS & 4,2 , RETAI ˜TETS .

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m)-No Compromise on Quality
2)-Mass Production i.e. Volume
3)-Cost Cutting: They are in Back ard Integration so that to cover
4)-The profit by introducing sugar plants, Maida plants as ell as
)-Packaging Plant.
6)- Taste
| & '&& 
j Parle-G is consumed by people of all ages, from the rich to the poor, living in cities & in villages.
j While some have it for breakfast, for others it is a complete holesome meal.
j For some it's the best accompaniment for chai
j While for some it's a ay of getting charged henever they are lo on energy.
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åThe core positioning has al ays been ͚G for Genius͛. It͛s the snack/ biscuit that gives kids and adults alike
nutrition and energy, thereby giving them the po er to in/ achieve.͟ Aamir͛s ͚Supermarket͛
commercial has in essence the ͚G for Genius͛ positioning ith a t ist ʹ ͚Do Genius Ek Taakat͛, hich
basically means that every Parle-G kid and adult is a ͚Genius͛ in their o n ay. In this commercial, both
Aamir and Darsheel are the geniuses, ho have one common factor of strength ʹ Parle-G.͟

j 4  
Parle-G is consumed by people of all ages, from the rich to the
poor, living in cities & in villages. Parle company practices mass
marketing for Parle- G hich appeals to masses. It is a product liked
by everyone and does not cater only to a specific group or part of
the hole market. Thus it is mass production, mass distribution and
mass promotion of Parle- G for all buyers.(all segment)

j  &   
G for Genius͛ has been Parle-G͛s positioning line since
24. In 26-, the line as changed to ͚Hindustan ki Taakat͛, to assume
a bigger platform as the biscuit that stands for strength (taakat) in and for
India. But in early 2, Parle-G reverted to its ͚G for Genius͛ line ith a
little t ist ʹ ͚Do Genius͛.

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