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The civil right act of 1964

By: yahira ogando

on december 15th, 1955
Rosa Parks in the Montgomery bus boycott.
”People always said that I did not give up my seat because I was tired but
that is not true, I was not tired physically no, the only tired I was, was tired of
giving in “
Rosa parks
In august 1963 Birmingham, Alabama
• Over 200,000 protestors took part in a march through
Washington, DC.
Thousands of african americans were
arrested and many more were
attacked with fire hoses and pólice
dogs. Some of the homes and hotel
rooms of civil right leaders were even
On september 15th, 1963
The ku klux klan bombed the 16th Street baptist church
In july of 1964
president Johnson signed the Bill into laws

The act was a nacional law that finally made

racial discrimination ilegal in all public places
withim the united states. It also banned
discriminate and hiring practices and in
Remember we are all especial in our very own way.


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