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Corrosion Prevention

and Control
Construction Methods of :
Anti – Corrosion Protection.

Contents :
 Corrosion Identification:
• General Description of Corrosion
 Common Types of Corrosion – encountered
on the aircraft.
• Descriptions of Corrosion Types
 Anti – Corrosion Prevention and Control
– Design and Manufacturing
– Maintenance

 An Airframe & Powerplant (A&P)

Technician – must be Familiar with:
The different Types of Corrosion, and
How to Identify each.


The followings will help identify Typical

Corrosion that may be found on Aircraft.
 Through proper identification and
reporting of corrosion,
 Preventive Design Measures can be
undertaken to Improve the Aircraft and
their Maintenance.

General Description of Corrosion:
 Metal Corrosion – is the deterioration of
metals that results from reactions between those
metals and their environments.
Corrosion – is :
– A natural phenomena which attacks metal by
chemical or electro-chemical action, and
– Converts metal back into a metallic compound,
such as: oxide (oksida), hydroxide (hidroksida),
or sulfate (sulfat).
• Substances that cause corrosion is called
Corrosive Agents.
General Description of

FIGURE 6 – 1. Simplified Corrosion Cell showing Conditions

which Must Exist for Electro-chemical Corrosion.
Four (4) Requirements necessary– for
the Formation of Corrosion :
(See figure 6-1.) :
1. Presence of a metal that will corrode (Anode).
2. Presence of a dissimilar conductive material (Cathode) which
has less tendency to corrode, {including dissimilar metals,
crevice regions (daerah celah / retak/belahan), or grain
3. Presenece of a conductive liquid (Electrolyte), liquid with ions.
4. Electrical contact between the Anode and Cathode (usually
metal-to-metal contact), or a fastener, to provide a path for
electron flow.

 Corrosion Control, therefore, consist of Preventing the

chemical action by eliminating one or more these basic
General Classification of

Two General Classifications of

1. Chemical Corrosion, and
2. Electro-chemical Corrosion.

[Corrosion: Korosi/karat /berkarat/karatan ]

Appearance of Corrosion:
 Corrosion may vary from superficial discoloration
to deep pitting and intergranular corrosion.
Corrosion Appearance Varies with
various metals :
• On Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium – it appears
as surface pitting and etching, often combined
with a grey or white powdery deposit (Aluminum
chloride 2AlCl3 ).
• On Copper (Cu) and Copper Alloys – corrosion
forms a greenish film.
• On Steel – a reddish rust.
 Pure chemical corrosion - results from direct
exposure of a bare surface to caustic liquid or
gaseous agents.

The Most Common Agents causing Direct Chemical

Corrosion include:
1. Spilled battery acid or fumes from batteries.
2. Residual flux deposits resulting from
inadequately cleaned, welded, brazed, or
soldered joints.
3. Entrapped caustic cleaning solutions.
 Electro-chemical corrosion – is similar to the electrolytic
reaction that takes place in a dry cell battery.
• Corrosion is an electrochemical action in which one
metal is changed into a chemical salt.
Example :
• Aluminum structure is in contact with moisture having a
trace of hydrochloric acid (HCl).
• Chemical reaction between Aluminum and acid (HCl)
produces Aluminum Chloride ( AlCl3 ) and H2 , which
leaves the surface as free Hydrogen gas.

2 Al + 6 HCl  2 AlCl3 + 3H2

(cont’d) :
• Aluminum chloride (2 AlCl3 ), is a salt, forms
as a white powder on the surface of the
• This white powder - is the visible evidence of
• Corrosion occurs – when electrons leave an

• Electron flow (electricity flow or
current) – from the Negative
terminal to Positive terminal.
• Anode : is the more negative
• Cathode : is the less negative

An Anodic Metal – is a metal

that gives up electrons , and
corrodes easily.
 A Cathodic Metal – is a metal
that does not give up electrons
(cont’d) :
The Atom is said to be : When Atom possesses: Charged Atom is called:
Electrically balanced, or Number of Electrons Neutron
Neutral matches (=) Number of
Negatively Charged No. Of Electrons > no. Of Electron ( Negative Ion )
(bermuatan negatif) Protons
Positively Charged No. Of Electrons < no. Of Positron ( Positive Ion )
(bermuatan positif) Protons ; or
{ # Proton > # Electron }
• If there are more or fewer electrons than protons, the Atom is
said to be charged (bermuatan) and is called an ion. [or Charged
atoms are called ions ].
• An Ion is unstable, always seeking to lose or gain electrons so it
can change back into balanced/or neutral atom. 14
(cont’d) :

• Figure 12-2 (ref. JSAT, “General”, textbook):

shows a list of Electrochemical Series for
Metals, which are arranged in order of
• Any metal appearing in this series is anodic to
any metal which follows it and will corrode if
subjected to galvanic action.

(cont’d) :
ELECTRO-CHEMICAL SERIES FOR Figure 12-2 (ref. JSAT, “General”,
METALS: textbook):
(Nobility) Most Anodic – will give • Mild Steel
up electrons most easily. • Lead
• Magnesium • Tin
• Zinc • Copper
• Clad 7075 Aluminum alloy • Stainless
• Commercially Pure Aluminum • Steel
• Silver
• Clad 2024 Aluminum alloy
• Nickel
• Cadmium
• Chromium
• 7075-T6 Aluminum alloy
• Gold
• 2024-T3 Aluminum alloy

General Description of Corrosion:
corrosion (Karat/Korosi Logam) :
• Dissimilar metals (logam yang tidak sama atau
• Deposits (endapan)
• Crevices (celah, belah, lekah)
• Stress (tegangan)
• Fretting (guratan/kerusakan krn banyak dipakai,
path made by abrasion or erosion)
• Chemicals (zat-zat kimia)

• Dissimilar
• Deposits
(– )
• Crevices
• Stress
• Fretting
• Chemicals
Logam + Lembab = (WATER + IONS)
Four (4) Requirements – for the
Formation of Corrosion :
From the basic introduction above :
1. Presence of a metal that will corrode (anode).
2. Presence of a dissimilar conductive material
(cathode) which has less tendency to corrode.
3. Presenece of a conductive liquid (electrolyte).
4. Electrical contact between the anode and cathode
(usually metal-to-metal contact), or a fastener.

 Corrosion Control, therefore, consist of Preventing

the chemical action by eliminating one or more
these basic requirements.
( Berbagai Jenis/macam Korosi )

Sebagai Teknisi Airframe & Powerplant

(A&P Technician) – anda harus:
 Mengenal /familier dengan berbagai
macam korosi, dan mengetahui
 Bagaimana meng-identifikasi /
membedakan masing-masing tipe.

Types of Corrosion – Oxidation:
 Oxidation – is a chemical reaction between a metal,
and an oxygen (O2) gas.
• One of the simpler forms of corrosion is “dry”
corrosion, or it’s most generally known as oxidation.
• When a metal such as AL is exposed to a gas containing
oxygen, a chemical reaction between the metal and the
gas, takes place on the surface.
For examples:
• A metal, Iron or steel, joins with oxygen to form iron
oxide (Fe2 O3), or is more commonly known as rust .
• Aluminum joins /reacts with oxygen to form aluminum
oxide (Al 2O3).
Corrosion Prevention – Protection from
 The best way to Protect Iron from dry corrosion (oxidation)
is to keep oxygen from coming into contact with its surface.
• This is done –Temporarily by covering the surface with Oil
or Grease; or Permanently with a Coat of Paint.
 Aluminum alloy can be protected from oxidation by the
formation of an oxide film/coating on its surface. This film
insulate AL from any electrolyte, and prevents further
reaction with O2.
• Aluminum oxide coating/cladding (Alclad) aluminum alloy
is the protection for Aluminum used in structural
A. General Corrosion. J. Stress Corrosion.
B. Pitting Corrosion. K. Crevice Corrosion.
C. Fretting Corrosion. L. Chemical Attack.
D. Exfoliation Corrosion. M. Sacrificial Corrosion.
E. Filiform corrosion. N. Parting Corrosion.
F. Microbial Corrosion. O. Erosion Corrosion.
G. Concentration Cell P. Cavitation.
Corrosion. Q. Metal Diffusion
H. Intergranular Corrosion. Embrittlement.
I. Dissimilar Metal R. Hydrogen
(Galvanic) Corrosion. Embrittlement.

A. Common
General Corrosion
Types or
of Uniform
Surface Corrosion
A. General Corrosion or Uniform Corrosion (or
Surface Corrosion) –
• Is an overall attack where corrosion takes place
uniformly over the entire affected metal surface.
• This metal surface is unprotected and exposed
to an atmosphere containing battery fumes,
exhaust gasses, or industrial contaminants.
• Examples of surface corrosion:
– Dulling of a bright or polished surface;
– Etching by acid cleaners; or
– Oxidations (discoloration) of steel.
A. General Corrosion or Uniform Corrosion

B. Pitting Corrosion
B. Pitting Corrosion – is localized corrosion which
starts at a surface and progresses into the metal.
• It begins at deteriorated points or foreign
deposits on the surface film and growns by
concentration cell corrosion. (Also see G, H, K).
• On Aluminum (Al) and Magnesium (Mg) parts
these corrosion products appear white or grey
powdery deposit, similar to dust,which botches
the surface.
• When the deposit is cleaned away, tiny holes or
pits can be seen in the surface.
B. Pitting Corrosion

B. Pitting Corrosion

B. Pitting Corrosion

C. Fretting Corrosion
C. Fretting Corrosion – is caused by the wear or
chafing which results from movement between
two contacting surfaces in a corrosive medium.
• Corrosion occurs - when two surfces fit tightly
together but can move relative to each other,
and then rubbed agaist each other (known as
fretting). The abrasive wear breaks down the
protective surface film and allows corrosion to

C. Fretting Corrosion
• *Fretting corrosion occurs
around rivets in a skin and is
indicated by dark deposits
(black residue) around the
rivet heads trailing out
behind, causing it to appear
to smoke.
• Rivets showing this sign of
fretting must be drilled out
and replaced.
*Fretting (guratan/kerusakan krn banyak
dipakai, jejak yang dibuat akibat abrasi
atau erosi) 32
B. Fretting Corrosion

D. Exfoliation Corrosion
D. Exfoliation Corrosion – is a form of
intergranular corrosion, where the corrosion
follows elongated grain path created by
manufacturing processes of rolling, extruding
or forging. This corrosion results in a
“leafing” or delaminating effect. (Also see H.)

D. Exfoliation Corrosion

E. Filiform Corrosion
E. Filiform Corrosion – is corrosion that extends
outward under a break in a surface skin coat-
ing, such as under paint which has cracked at
a fastener head.
• This is a “concentration cell” type of corrosion
where the cracked paint provides a moisture
trap. (Also see G.)

E. Filiform Corrosion
• Filiform corrosion is first noticed as a puffiness
(menggelembung) of the finish, generally
around the lap joints.
• This type of corrosion often extends beyond
the initial area of indication given by the
lifting paint.

E. Filiform Corrosion

F. Microbial Corrosion
F. Microbial Corrosion – is caused by
microorganism such as those found in fuel
• Microorganisms live in water entrapped in fuels,
eating fuel hydrocarbons and elastomeric
• Their metabolic sludge provides the environment
for concentration cell corrosion.
• Microbial corrosion can appear as general
corrosion, pitting, or exfoliation corrosion. (Also
see A, B, G.).
F. Microbial Corrosion

G. Concentration Cell Corrosion
G. Concentration Cell Corrosion – occurs as a result
of differences in the environment at a metal
• A commonly encountered form is Oxygen
Differential Cell Corrosion where entrapped
moisture has a lower oxygen content than at the
• Specific examples of concentration cell corrosion
are: pitting (B), filiform (E), microbial (F), and
crevice (K).
G. Concentration Cell Corrosion
G. Concentration Cell Corrosion, OR CREVICE
 Corrosion of metals in a metal-to-metal joint,
 Corrosion at the edge of a joint even though the
metals are identical, or
 Corrosion of a spot on a metal’s surface covered by
a foreign material.
The Three General Types of Concentration Cell Corrosion:
1. Oxygen Concentration Cells,
2. Metal Ion Concentration Cells, and
3. Active-passive Cells.

G. Concentration Cell Corrosion

G. Concentration Cell Corrosion
• Forms in the areas where there is a deficiency
of oxygen.
• Can occur on Aluminum, Magnesium, or on
Ferrous metals. (e.g. Under marking tape of
ferrules on aluminum tubing; Beneath sealer
that has loosened, and Under bolt or scew
• Can prevent the protective film from re-
forming, when dirt or other oxygen-excluding
contamination forms on an anodized surface
and oxide film is scratched.
G. Concentration Cell Corrosion
– forms in the open at the edge of a lap joint.
• The Difference between Oxygen & Metallic
Ion cencentration cell corrosions are:

Concentration Cell Corrosion Corrosion Formation:

Type :
Metallic Ion Forms in the Open Surface
Oxygen Forms in the Closed Area
between the Faying Surfaces.
G. Concentration Cell Corrosion
• Metals which depend on a tightly adhering
passive film for corrosion protection, such as
corrosion resistant steel, are prone to rapid
corrosive attack by active-passive cells.

G. Concentration Cell Corrosion

Metal Ion Concentration Cell Oxygen Concentration Cell

H. Intergranular Corrosion
H. Intergranular Corrosion – is the localized attack
of the grain (crystal) boundaries of a metal while
relatively little corrosion occurs on the grains
themselves. The corrosion follows paths
between the grains.
• Most types of corrosion on Aluminum alloys are
intergranular. Microscopic examination of
polished specimens of corroded metal is usually
required to definitely identify a corrosion path as
• Exfoliation corrosion (D) is a readily identifiable
form of intergranular corrosion.
H. Intergranular Corrosion

I. Dissimilar Metal (Galvanic)
I. Galvanic or Dissimilar Metal Corrosion – results
when two dissimilar metals or alloys (in different
groups in the galvanic series, see Fig.4.7.5) are in
contact or otherwise connected electrically in the
presence of a corrosive medium (e.g. Moisture).
• The most reactive of the metal corrodes. (Also see M
and N.)
• This type of corrosion is usually accompanied by a
build-up of corrosion products in the contact area.
For example:
• Aluminum will corrode in contact with stainless steel,
• Magnesium will corrode in contact with Titanium.
I. Dissimilar Metal (Galvanic) Corrosion

I. Dissimilar Metal (Galvanic) Corrosion
Electromotive Metal or Alloy
Group I All Magnesium Alloys
Group II All Aluminium Alloys, Zinc, Cadmium, and Nickel-Zinc
Group III Steel, Cast Iron, Lead, Tin, Lead-Tin solder, and 400
series Stainless Steel.
Group IV 200, 300, and 400 series Stainless Steel, Precipitation
Hardening Steel (PH 13-8Mo, 15-5PH, 17-4PH, 17-7PH,
AM 350, A-286), Nickel, Inconnel, Monel, Titanium,
Chromium, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze, 70 Cu-30 Ni,
and Hasteloy B.
Group V Graphite, Gold , and Platinum
Fig. 4.7.5 Classification of Dissimilar Materials in the Galvanic series 52
I. Dissimilar Metal (Galvanic) Corrosion

Fig. 4.7.6 Galvanic Corrosion

J. Stress Corrosion
J. Stress Corrosion – is a deterioration by cracking
due to the combined effects of a tensile stress and a
corrosive environment.
• The stress which tends to pull the metal apart can be
residual stress within the metal from a manufacturing
process, or it can arise from improper installation of
the part (such as press fitting).
• Microscopic examination of the fracture surface and
metallurgical evaluation of the fracture are usually
necessary to definitely identify stress corrosion as the
fracture mechanism.

J. Stress Corrosion (cont’d)

J. Stress Corrosion (cont’d)
• Stresses (are internal or residual) may be
induced by :
– Working (as in bending or rolling),
– Non-uniform cooling during heat treatment, and
– Machining or Grinding.
• These stresses are dangerous because:
– They are difficult to measure or predict, and
– Usually do not become evident until a part or
assembly has failed by cracking.
J. Stress Corrosion (cont’d)
• Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) :
– Can occur in both aluminum and steel alloys,
including stainless steel.
– Can advanced more rapidly in a part or assy which is
subjected to pulsating or alternating stresses. This
effect is called Corrosion Fatigue and
– Can occur at stresses below the nominal fatigue
strength of the metal.
• This type of Failure – can also start with pitting
corrosion (stress raisers), leading to cracking.
J. Stress Corrosion (cont’d)

Other Common Types of Corrosion
K. Crevice Corrosion – is a term used to
describe the corrosion that takes place in a
“crevice” of stagnant area an is a form of
concentration cell corrosion. (Also see G.).
L. Chemical Attack – results from direct
exposure to reactive liquids or vapors.
Typical causes are spilled battery acids,
fumes (asap /uap) , and caustic cleaning
fluids (cairan pembersih yg tajam/reaktif).

Other Common Types of Corrosion
M. Sacrificial Attack – is the use of metals or
coatings that will preferentially corrode and
thereby protect the base materials.
• For exampe, the cadmium plating on steels
preferentially corrodes and protects the steel.
(Also see I.).
N. Parting Corrosion, or Selective Leaching, - is the
selective corrosion of one or more components
from a solid solution alloy; de-zincification of
brass is an example. (Also see I.)
Other Common Types of Corrosion
O. Erosion Corrosion – occurs when the rate of
deterioration increases because of a relative motion of a
corrosive fluid and the metal surface. It is characterized
by appearance of grooves, gullies, waves, rounded
holes, valleys, and usually exhibits a directional pattern.

P. Cavitation Corrosion or Cavitation Erosion – is the

attack caused by the formation and collapse of vapor
bubbles in a liquid near a metal surface. High velocity
liquid flow and large pressure changes create the
bubbles. Collapsing bubbles destroy the protective
surface film.
Other Common Types of Corrosion
Q. Metal Diffusion Embrittlement – is the
reaction of two metals, usually when either
one or both are liquid.
• The action is an attack on a metal grain
boundaries resulting in formation of brittle,
lower strength or lower melting point metal,
and subsequent cracks and property losses.
• For example, spilled mercury (Hg) on
aluminum (Al) can be very detrimental.

Other Common Types of Corrosion
R. Hydrogen Diffusion Embrittlement. Atoms
of hyrogen diffuse into the metal, collect at
internal voids and defects, and combine ro
form hydrogen gas.
• The pressure builds up to values high
enough to rupture one of the metal.
• Atomic hydrogen is often one of the products
of corrosion and contributes to hydrogen

Corrosive Agents
( Penyebab korosi )
 Corrosive Agent – is substance that is
capable of causing corrosion (a corrosive

 Common Corrosive Agents :

– Acids, Alkalis, and Salts.
– Mercury (Hg), Water, Air. Organic Growth,
• Most prominent corrosive agents , are
produced by : Water or water vapor
containing salt combine with oxygen in the
Corrosive Agents
• Almost all acids and alkalis form effective
electrolyte as they react with metals to form
metallic salts, but some electrolytes are more
active than the others.
• Examples:
1. Sulfuric acid (asam sulfat H2SO4) found in a/c
batteries is especially active in corroding AL.
2. Weak solution of Chromic or Phospheric acid is
often used as a surface treatment to prepare
metal for painting.
Corrosive Agents
3. Ferrous metals are subject to damage from both
acids and alkalis,
4. Aluminum is more vulnerable to strong alkaline
solutions than it is to acids. [e.g. AL structure
can be very severely corroded if it’s allowed to
remain in contact with a concrete floor. Water
draw out enough lime (kapur,gamping) from
cement to form an alkaline solution that
corrodes the aluminum (AL)].
Corrosive Agents
• In general, salts are the result of a metallic
element combining with a nonmetal. The
resulting compund is almost always a good
electrolyte, and can promote corrosive attack.
• Many compounds, other than sodium chloride
(NaCl), fall into the category of salts.
• Magnesium (Mg) – is particularly vulnerable to
corrosive attack from an electrolyte formed by
salt solutions.

Corrosive Agents
• Mercury is not commonly found in any quantity around
aircraft; but there is a possibility that Hg could be
spilled in an a/c.
• Mercury attacks aluminum by chemical reaction known
as amalgamation. In this process, the mercury attacks
along the grain boundaries within the alloy, and it flows
through tiny cracks to get to the lowest part of the
structure, where it will completely destroy the
Aluminum alloy in a very short time.
• Hg and its vapors are poisonous to humans.
Corrosive Agents
• Pure water reacts with metals to form
corrosion or oxidation. Water, with its
dissolved salts and other contaminants or
chemicals causes much more rapid corrosion.
• Marine atmosphere and air above industrial
areas hold large concentrations of salts, and it
is a fctor in the deterioration of metal.
 Corrosion Detection
 Corrosion Prone Areas
 Anti-Corrosive Treatments


Corrosion Detection

Corrosion Detection
• Corrosion can often be detected by careful Visual
Inspection of the airplane structure.
For Example:
Corrosion of Aluminum (Al) or Magnesium (Mg) appears
as a white or gray powder along the edges of the skins
and around rivet heads.
• Further more, since corrosion salts have more volume
than sound Al, they tend to push out against the skin.
Small blisters – appearing under the finish on painted
surfaces or lap joints – are indication of corrosion.

Corrosion Detection
• For complex structure of modern aircraft – use
magnifying glasses (kaca pembesar), mirrors
(cermin), borescopes, fiber-optics, and other
optical inspection tools for a good visual

Corrosion Detection - Methods
1. Visual inspection: magnifying glass, mirror;
2. NDT (Non-Destructive Tests): liquid/dye
penetrant, eddy current, magnetic particle,
ultrasonic, radio-graphic inspections.
3. Ultrasonic Equipment - Inspection:
a. Pulse-echo, and
b. Resonance method.
4. Radiological Inspection: e.g. X-ray
Corrosion Prone Areas
• Pesawat modern kebanyakan terbuat dari metal
(logam) tipis, yang reaktif (mudah ber-reaksi) – yang
hanya dapat men-tolerir sangat sedikit kehilangan
• Oleh sebab itu, salah satu fungsi anda sebagai
Teknisi Airframe & Propulsi (A&P Technicians/
engineers) adalah memeriksa/cek seluruh pesawat
adanya indikasi korosi, yang dapat mengurangi
kekuatan struktur pesawat.
• Hampir semua part/bagian dari struktur dapat
mengalami kerusakan seperti ini. Tapi, beberapa
bagian /daerah lebih rawan terhadap korosi dari
pada bagian lainnya. 75
Corrosion Prone Areas
• Corrosion Prone Areas : (JSAT, Ch.12, Section – C)
– Engine Exhaust Area
– Battery Compartments and Vents
– Lavatories and Food Service Areas (galleys)
– Wheel Wells and Landing Gear
– External Skin Areas
– Engine Inlet Areas
– Fuel Tanks
– Piano Hinges
Corrosion Prone Areas
• Corrosion Prone Areas - (cont’d) :
– Control Surface Recesses
– Bilge Areas
– Landing Gear Boxes
– Engine Mount Structure
– Control Cables
– Welded Areas
– Electronic Equipment .

Corrosion Prone Areas
• Bilge Areas: the bottom of fuselage below the floor.
• These are natural sumps for waste hydraulic fluids,
water, dirt, and odds and ends of debris. Residual oil
quite often masks small quantities of water which
settle to the bottom and set up a hidden chemical cell.
• Seaplane and Amphibian aircraft bildge areas are
protected by small bags of pottsium dichromate
inhibitor suspended near the low point in each bildge
compartment. These crystals dissolved in any waste
water and tend to inhibit the attack on exposed metal

Anti – Corrosive Treatments
• Except painting and organic treatments (oil,
grease, etc) the Following Treatments are
Normally Applied by:
– The Metal/ Component/ Aircraft Manufacturer
only, or
– At an Approved Based Maintenance Facility /
AMO, Approved Maintenance Organization.
• The Civil Aviation/Airworthiness Authority (CAA)
expects the a/c maintenace engineers to have a
reasonable knowledge of all those treatments.
Anti – Corrosive Treatments
1. Electro – Plating.
2. Hot Dipping.
3. Cementation.
4. Metal Spraying.
5. Phosphating.
6. Anodic Oxydation.
7. Chromatic Treatment.
8. Cladding.
9. Paints and Enamels.
10.Organic Treatments.
Anti – Corrosive Treatments
1. Electro – Plating : The surface of the part is
covered with a thin layer of metal by being
exposed to a solution of metallic salts which
is decomposed by electrolysis. Copper (Cu),
Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb),
Cadmium (Cd), Tin (timah putih), Zinc (Zn),
and precious metals are used for plating.
Cadmium plating is used extensively for steel
parts on aircraft.
Anti – Corrosive Treatments
2. Hot Dipping : The part is immersed in a bath of
molten metal thereby acquiring a covering of
that metal. Plating metals for this process have
relatively low melting points, e.g. Tin (tinning),
and Zinc (galvanising).
3. Cementation : The part is coated with a plating
metal by being heated whilst in contact with a
dust or powder of that metal, e.g. Aluminium
(calorising) and zinc (sheradising).

Anti – Corrosive Treatments
4. Metal Spraying : Molten particles of the plating metal
are sprayed onto the part. The particle impinge upon
the work to form an adherent coating. Aluminium,
brass (kuningan/loyang), copper, nickel, and zinc are
used as spraying metals. The actual process is like
spraying silver coloured paint with almost no heating
effect to the part being sprayed.
5. Phosphating : The part is immersed in a bath of boiling
acid phosphate solution. The solution reacts with the
surface of the metal to convert the surface and form a
metallic phosphate which is highly anti-corrosive.
The process is applied to ferrous metals and may be
known by various names, e.g.: Parkerising, Walterising,
Anti – Corrosive Treatments
6. Anodic Oxydation : Usually called anodising
but may be known by other names. The part
is placed on the anode bar of an anodizing
bath and immersed in the electrolyte. With
current flowing, the surface of the part is
chemically converted to an oxide layer. Used
extensively on aluminium and its alloys.

Anti – Corrosive Treatments
7. Chromatic Treatment : The part is placed in
a bath of chromatic solution which produces
a protective chromate film on its surface.
Applied to magnesium (Mg) alloys and zinc
exposed to humid atmospheric conditions.
8. Cladding : A mechanical process of rolling
one metal on to another, e.g.: a very thin
layer of aluminium is rolled onto both sides
of duralumin sheet to produce Alclad.

Anti – Corrosive Treatments
9. Paints and Enamels : May consist of protective
compounds held in suspension in a suitable
liquid, e.g.: Chromates in primers. Applied by
brushing , spraying or dipping and are often
used as additional protection to those listed
10.Organic Treatments : Oils,greases, lanolin,
jellies – are ofen used as temporary processes
and sometimes as an additional protection to
those listed above.

The Treatment of Corrosion
• Corrosion Removal
• Chemical Neutralization
• Protective Coating
• Treatment of Ferrous Metals
• Treatment of Magnesium Alloys


Methods of Corrosion Prevention
• Control of corrosion by Preventing water, and
other corrosive fluids, from entering the a/c
structure, by applying “environmental”
• The “environmental sealing“ task – consists
of – sealing all of the exterior joints and other
points of fluids entry by applying an
elastomeric compound, to the faying surfaces
of exterior skins.

Methods of Corrosion Prevention
 The effective /best way to Minimize or Prevent
the formation of corrosion is to exclude those
external agents which promote or accelerate
• To accomplish this, protective coating such as
plated films and cladding are used. These
protect the base metals by sacrificial corrosion.
• On stainless steel alloys – the natural occuring
oxide film serves as a protection.
Methods of Corrosion Prevention
DISSIMILAR METAL INSULATION To minimize the danger, areas to be joined are
Sprayed with two coats of Zinc-chromite Primer,
and a Strip of pressure-sensitive Vynil-tape is
placed between the surfaces before they are
assembled. [ Fig. 12-33 – Chart lists metal
combinations requiring a protective separator. ].

POWER-PLANT PRESERVATION When preparing engine for storge: the Engine

must be drained of Oil and refilled with a
suitable preservative.

FASTENERS The hole should be drilled and countersunk ,

treated with a conversion coating material, i.e
Alodine, primed w/ ZnCr. Fastener should be
coated with Primer and installed wet.

SEALERS AND SEALANTS Fig.12-34 – Fuel Tanks are sealed w/ a special

resilient sealer in all of the seams.
Methods of Corrosion Prevention
Type of Corrosion Corrosion Prevention or Control
Exfoliation , Stress Proper barrier Coating
Pitting Paint ;
In thin skin areas with anodic films.
Galvanic By closer material selection ; and Painting
Hydrogen Paint, Plating, and Baking
Water, with its Control of corrosion by Preventing water,
dissolved salts and and other corrosive fluids, from entering
and other chemicals. the a/c structure.
By applying “environmental” sealing: -
an elastomeric compound.
Methods of Corrosion Prevention
 Implement Corrosion Prevention into Design
and Manufacturing practices :
(1) Stress Corrosion Prevention
(2) Galvanic Corrosion Prevention
(3) Fretting Corrosion Prevention
(4) Intergranular Corrosion Prevention
(5) Design for Corrosion Prevention – General

Corrosion-Prevention Maintenance
Corrosion-preventive Maintenance – includes the
following Specific Functions :
(1) An Adequate Cleaning.
(2) Thourough Periodic Lubrication.
(3) Detailed Inspection for Corrosion and Failure of
Protective Systems.
(4) Prompt Treatment of Corrosion and Touchup of
Damaged Paint Areas.
(5) Keeping Drainholes free of Obstruction.

Corrosion-Prevention Maintenance
– includes the following Specific Functions -(samb) :
(6) Daily Draining of Fuel Cell Sumps.
(7) Daily Wipe-down of Exposed Critical Areas.
(8) Sealing of Aircraft against Water during foul –
weather and Proper Ventilation on warm,
sunny days.
(9) Making maximum use of Protective Covers on
Parked aircraft.
Elimination of Corrosion
• Elimination of any one of these conditions will
stop electrochemical corrosion. (See figure 6-
NOTE: Paint can mask the initial stages of
corrosion. Since corrosion products occupy
more volume than the original metal, painted
surfaces should be inspected often for
irregularities such as blisters, flakes, chips, and

Elimination of Corrosion

FIGURE 6 -2. Elimination of Corrosion by Application of an

Organic Film to Metal Surface 96
• Some factors which influence metal corrosion
and the rate of corrosion are :
(1) Type of metal;
(2) Heat treatment and grain direction;
(3) Presence of a dissimilar, less corrodible metal;
(4) Anodic and cathodic surface areas (in galvanic
(5) Temperature;
(6) Presence of electrolytes (hard water,
salt water, battery fluids, etc.);

• Some factors which influence metal corrosion
and the rate of corrosion are :
(7) Availability of oxygen;
(8) Presence of biological organisms;
(9) Mechanical stress on the corroding
metal; and,
(10) Time of exposure to a corrosive
(11) Lead/graphite pencil marks on aircraft
surface metals.

Definisi & Singkatan
• Filiform corrosion — a thread, or filament-like corrosion
which forms on aluminum skins beneath the finish.
• Finish — external coating or covering of an aircraft or part.
• Fretting corrosion — corrosion damage between close-
fitting parts which are allowed to rub together. The rubbing
prevents the formation of protective oxide films and allows
the metals to corrode.
• Galvanic corrosion — corrosion due to the presence of
dissimilar metals in contact with each other.
• Intergranular corrosion — the formation of corrosion
along the grain boundaries within a metal alloy.
• Pitting —the formation of pockets of corrosion products
on the surface of a metal.

Definisi & Singkatan
• Stress corrosion— corrosion of the
intergranular type that forms within metals
subject to tensile stresses which tend to
separate the grain boundaries.

1. JSGT : “ A & P Technician, General Textbook ”,
JEPPESEN Sanders Maintenance.  Ch. 12, sect.B, C
and D.
2. Boeing’s Corrosion Identification Guide.
3. Niu, Michael C.Y.: “Design”, ch.4, section 4.7.
4. FAA – AC 65-9A: " Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics,
General Handbook “, Consolidated Reprint (includes
CHG 1, dated 3/31/99). Ch. 6.
5. JSAT, Ch.6
6. FAA AC 43.13-1B: Chap. 6 – “ Corrosion, Inspection,
& Protection ”


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