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Presented by:
Manisha khardia
M. Tech (WRE)
 Introduction

Soil plant water relationship relates to the properties of soil and plant that affect the
movement, retention and use of water. Soil provides the room for water to be used by
plants through the root present in the same medium. Water, as such and also as a carrier
of large amount of nutrients, is required in large measure for the successful growth of
crop. Due to inadequate or uneven distribution of the rainfall during the growth span of a
crop, it become essential to apply additional water to the soil for plant use in the form of
irrigation. The rate to entry of water into the soil and its retention, movement and
availability to know the physical properties of soils in retention to water for efficient
management of irrigated agriculture.
 Soil physical properties Influencing

Soil is a three phase system comprising of solid phase made of mineral and organic matter and various chemical compound, the liquid phase called the soil
moisture and the gaseous phase called the soil air. The main compound of solid phase is the solid particles, the size and shape of which give rise to pore spaces
of different geometry. These pore spaces are filled with water and air is varing proportions, depending on the amount of moisture present. The presence of soild
particles, liquid(soil solution) and gas(soil air) constitute a complex polyphasic system. The volume composition of these three constituents in soil system varies
widely. A typical silt loam soil, for example , contains about 50% solids, 30% water and 20% air. In addition to the three basic components, soil usually contains
numerous living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, insects and small animals which directly or indirectly affect soil structure and plant growth. The
most important properties influencing irrigation are its infiltration characteristics and water holding capacity. Other soil properties such as soil texture, capillary
conductivity, soil profile condition, and depth of water table are also given consideration in the management of irrigation water.
 Mechanical composition of the soil

The most commonly used classification are those proposed by

United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) which are as
follow: Fraction Particle diameter

Gravel >2mm

Very coarse sand 1 to 2mm

Coarse sand 0.5 to 1mm

Medium sand 0.25 to 0.5mm

Fine sand 0.1 to o.25mm

Very fine sand 0.05 to 0.1mm

Silt 0.002 to0.05mm

Clay <0.002mm
 Soil texture

The relative proportion of sand, silt and clay determines the soil
texture. Texture is designated by using the names of predominant
size fractions and the word “ loam” whenever all three major size
fractions occur in sizeable proportions.
 Volume and mass Relationship of soil

(a) Partially saturated soil (Three phase system)

Volume and mass Relationship of soil

(b) Completely saturated soil (Two phase system)

Volume and mass Relationship of soil

(c) Completely dry soil (Two phase system)

Void ratio(e)

Void ratio of a soil is the ratio of the volume of voids to

the volume of solid. Thus,

void ratio= Vv/Vs

The void ratio is greater than zero (as soil has to contain
some voids), but there is no upper limit to the value of
void ratio. As this the ratio of two volumes, it is unit less.

The porosity (n) of a soil is the ratio of the volume of

voids to the total volume of the soil. Thus,
The porosity cannot be greater than 100%. As this the
ratio of two volumes, it is unit less.
Degree of saturation(s)

The degree of saturation (S) is the ratio of the volume of water to

the volume of voids. Thus,
For fully saturated soil, Vv=Vw, Thus, S= 100% or 1. Similarly, for completely dry soil,
Vw= 0, Thus, S= 0. For partially saturated soil, S value can be in between 0 to 100%. As
this the ratio of two volumes, it is unit less.
Unit weight

Depending upon the state of the soil, the unit weight of the soil also
changes. Bulk unit weight of the soil is defined as the total weight
of the soil mass per unit of total volume. The bulk unit weight is the
unit weight of the soil in its natural condition. In SI unit, it is
expressed as ‘kN/m3’. Thus,
unit weight=weight/volume
Soil wetness

The term soil wetness refers to the relative water content in the soil.
Mass wetness-
It is the ratio of mass of water to the mass of soil and is often
referred to as the ‘gravimetric water content’.
Volume wetness-
It is the ratio of volume of water to the total soil volume. The
relative water content of soil is expressed on volume basis of water
and soil.
Soil profile

The soil is found in layers, which are arranged during the formation of soil. These layers
called horizons, the sequence of layers is the soil profile. The layers of soil can easily be
observed by their colour and size of particles. The main layers of the soil are topsoil,
subsoil and the parent rock. Each layer has its own characteristics.
The vertical section of the soil that is exposed by a soil pit is termed as the soil profile. A
soil pit is a hole that is dug from the surface of the soil to the underlying bedrock. Soil
profile plays a very important role in determining the use of the soil. It helps one to
differentiate the given sample of soil from other soil samples based on factors like its
colour, texture, structure, and thickness, as well as its chemical composition.
Types of soil
On the basis of agriculture soil is classified into 9 groups, in which first 4 are major groups and remaining 5
are minor groups.
Black soil
Alluvial soil
Red soil
Laterite and lateritic soil
Red and yellow soil
Desert soil
Terai soil
Saline and alkali soil
Peaty and peaty saline soil
Black soil

The black colour of the soil is due to the presence of titaniferous

magnetite, compounds of iron and aluminium, humus and colloidal
hydrated double iron and aluminium silicate.

These soils are well suited to leguminous crops like cotton, citrus fruits,
millets, wheats, linseed, castor, tobacco, sugar cane and safflower.
Alluvial soil

Alluvial soil has the highest productivity with respect to

other soils.
The soil is generally covered by tall grasses and
forests, as well as a number of crops, such as rice,
wheat, sugar cane, tobacco, maize, cotton, soybean,
jute, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, etc.
Red soil

The texture of red soil varies from, sand to clay, the majority
being loam
On the uplands, they are thin, poor and gravelly, sandy, or
stony and porous, light-colored soils on which food crops
like bajra can be grown.
Laterite soil

Laterite is a soil and rock type rich in iron and aluminium and is commonly considered to
have formed in hot and wet tropical areas.
They are good for oil palm, tea, coffee and cashew cultivation.
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has
employed this system to rehabilitate degraded laterite soils in Niger and increase
smallholder farmers' incomes.
Red and yellow soil

Red soil is a type of soil that develops in a warm, temperate,

moist climate having thin organic layer.
Agriculture can be practised in red and yellow soils with
proper application of fertilizers and manures. As it has
low water holding capacity, proper irrigation must be given.
They can produce excellent crops like cotton, jowar, linseed,
fruits, millets and potatoes.
Desert soil

The desert may look dry, but it still contains a lot

of living organisms.
There are some crops that are drought resistant
and also improve soil nitrogen levels e.g. gavar.
Terai soil

These type of soil lying at the foot of himalaya range,

possess certain characteristics of their own
The excessive soil moisture and the fertility of the soil have
caused excessive growth of vegetation and weed, but
once drainage is improved and cultivation adopted, the soil
become highly productive.
Saline and alkaline soil

The saline soil represent the group of soil that are characterised by
the occurrence of a high proportion of soluble salts, usually the
chloride and sulphate of the alkali base.
Peaty and peaty saline soil

This type of soil are developed from the brackish water

sediment and contain a good amount of sulphides,
principally composed of pyrites.
Plant-soil-atmosphere can be summarized as follows: The plant
need water, the soil stores the water needed by the plant, and
the atmosphere provides the energy needed by the plant to
withdraw water from the soil.
Soil plant atmosphere

60-90% of a physiologically active plant is water. Water is required for such plant process-

1. Digestion

2. Photosynthesis

3. Transport of minerals and photosynthates

4. Structural support

5. Growth

6. Transpiration
Soil plant atmosphere
 Transpiration occurs when the vapour pressure within the leaf exceeds that of the surrounding air and stomata are open to allow carbon dioxide into the plant for photosynthesis.

 The rate at which vapour escape the leaf, that is the transpiration rate-

 T= e( leaf)- e(air)/ r(leaf)-r(air)

 where, T= transpiration rate

 e(leaf)= vapour pressure within the leaf

 e(air)= vapour pressure of air

 r(leaf)= resistance to vapour flow through the stomata

 r(air)= resistance to vapour by air boundary layer around the leaf

Soil plant atmosphere
 The plant extracts water from the soil to replenish water lost by transpiration. Water moves through the soil into roots, up the xylem and into the leaves due
to a water potential gradient(difference) between leaf and the soil. This process is called passive absorption. The rate of water flow given by-

 Q= Ψ (leaf) -Ψ (soil)/ r(plant)+r (soil)

 where Ψ(leaf)=Ψ (T)-Ψ(π)

 Ψ(leaf)= total potential in leaf

 Ψ(soil)= total potential in soil-plant

 Ψ(T)= turgor pressure within the plant

 Ψ(π)= osmotic pressure within the planting

 r(plant)= resistance to water movement into the roots, up the xylem and into the leaf

 r(soil)= resistance of water movement in the soil

Soil moisture constant
 soil moisture constant, therefore, represents definite soil moisture relationship
and retention of soil moisture in the field.
 1. Field capacity
 2. Wilting coefficient
 3. Hygroscopic coefficient
 4. Available water capacity
 5. Maximum water holding capacity:
 6. Permanent wilting point
Field capacity

 It is the capacity of the soil to retain water against the downward pull of
the force of gravity. At this stage, only micropores or capillary pores are
filled with water and plants absorb water for their use.
 Factor affecting field capacity-
 1. soil texture
 2. soil structure
 3. type of clay
 4. organic matter content
 5. soil compaction6. impedition layer
Field capacity
Wilting coefficient
The stage at which plants start wilting for want of water is termed the Wilting Point and
the percentage amount of water held by the soil at this stage is known as the Wilting
Hygroscopic coefficient

The hygroscopic coefficient is the maximum

amount of hygroscopic water absorbed by 100 g
of dry soil under standard conditions of humidity
(50% relative humidity) and temperature (15°C).
Available water capacity
The amount of water required to apply to a soil at the wilting
point to reach the field capacity is called the "available" water.
The water supplying power of soils is related to the amount of
available water a soil can hold. The available water is the
difference in the amount of water at Field Capacity (0.3 bar)
and the amount of water at the Permanent Wilting Point (15
Maximum water holding
It is also known as maximum retentive capacity. It is the amount of moisture in a
soil when its pore spaces, both micro and macro-capillary, are completely filled
with water. It is a rough measure of total pore space of soil.
Permanent wilting point

It is defined as the minimal amount of water in the soil that the plant requires not
to wilt. If the soil water content decreases to this or any lower point a plant wilts
and can no longer recover its turgidity when placed in a saturated atmosphere
for 12 hours. The physical definition of the wilting point, is defined by convention
as the water content at −1,500 kPa.
Factor affecting permanent wilting point-
1. soil texture and structure
2. type of clay
3. organic matter content
Measurement of soil moisture

 The principal method of expressing soil moisture are-

 1. By the amount of water in given amount of soil.
 2. The stress or tension under which the water is held by the soil.
The amount of moisture that is held by a certain mass or volume of soil can be
expressed as weight percent or volume percent. Soil moisture on weight basis is
based on the dry weight of the sample.
Soil moisture content, percent by weight= ( Weight of moist soil- Weight of dry
sample)/ Weight of oven dry sample˟ 100
Moisture content percent by volume = Moisture content percent by weight ˟ Bulk
density content
Numerical Problem

 Undisturbed soil sample was collected from the field two days
after irrigation when the soil moisture was near field capacity. The
inside dimensions of the core sample were 7.5 cm diameter and
15cm deep. Weight of core sampling cylinder with moist sample
was 2.76kg and the weight with oven dry soil was 2.671kg. The
weight of the core sampling cylinder was 1.56kg. Determine the
available moisture holding capacity of the soil and the water depth
in cm per meter depth of soil.
Weight of moist soil= 2.76-1.56= 1.20kg
Weight of oven dry soil= 2.61-1.56= 1.05kg
Moisture content =( 1.20-1.05)/ 1.05˟ 100
Volume of core sampler= π/4 ˟ d2h =π/4˟7.5˟7.5˟15
=662cu cm
Apparent specific gravity = wt of dry soil in grams / volume of soil in cu cm
=1.05˟1000/662= 1.58
Available moisture holding capacity= Apparent specific gravity ˟ moisture content
= 1.58˟14.28= 22.56 cm per meter depth of soil.

 Soil water is very essential for the plant growth.

 Soil moisture constants are necessary to determine the
moisture present in soil in any under any certain condition and
at any instant of time.
 Different crops are grown on different soil based on their
physical and chemical characteristics and also their soil
moisture relationship.


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