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Mission -v- Vision

What is the difference between a mission

statement and a vision statement?

• A mission statement is what an
organization is all about.

• A vision statement is what the organization
wants to become.
Mission Statement
A mission statement should answer three
key questions:

1. What do we do?
2. For whom do we do it?
3. What is the benefit?
Vision Statement

A mission statement explains what the

organization does, for whom and the benefit.

A vision statement, on the other hand,

describes how the future will look if the
organization achieves its mission.
Vision Statement
A vision statement describes how the future
will look if the organization achieves its

A mission statement gives the overall purpose of

an organization, while a vision statement
describes a picture of the "preferred future."
Example of Mission Statement
The purpose of the Police Service is to uphold the law
fairly and firmly: to prevent crime; to pursue and bring
to justice those who break the law; to keep the peace;
to protect, help and reassure the community: and to
be seen to do all this with integrity, common sense
and sound judgement.

We must strive to reduce the fears of the public and,

so far as we can, to reflect their priorities in the action
we take. We must respond to well-founded criticism
with a willingness to change.
Example of Vision Statement
The Police Service will be a world class agency
based upon a foundation of public trust, and
dedicated to keeping the public safe.
The department will serve as a beacon of
excellence and innovation.
We are committed to excellence developed
through pride, setting the standard, and earning
a reputation for providing effective, caring, and
courteous service.
We will capitalize on our strengths as a diverse
community and work force to make this vision a

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