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Fire Regulation on Board

• Fire management on board is set on SOLAS Chapter II-2. In

SOLAS Chapter II-2 contain of fire protection, fire detection
tools and fire extinguishers.
Fire Protection
• Fire Protection system of the vessels begins by establishing a
fixed work plan / procedure to prevent and cope with fire or
known to us as a fire plan. In other words, fire plan is a guide
about the information laying equipment for fire fighting to
facilitate the evacuation process and rescue action in case of
fire. There are some fire protection system that must be
installed to the ship, that are fire main system and local fire
main system
Fire Main System
• Fire main system is a system which has a component installed
in a ship that can’t bring in everywhere or not portable. The
component of this system for fire fighting are hydrant and
emergency fire pump.
Local Fire Fighting
• Local fire fighting is system or component fire fighting that is
easier to bring to another place, the component of this kind
of fire fighting are portable fire extinguishing and local fixed
fire fighting using sprinklers.
• The main cause of fire aboard is due to human negligence,
due to non-compliance with established work procedures and
no fire prevention as early as possible. There are types of fire
based on materials are fired as below.
Class Division of Room
A Class Division
The division of space formed by barriers and decks that meet the
following criteria:
• Construction is made of steel or equivalent material.
• The material is quite strong and stiff.
• Coated with non-combustible material so that the average temperature on
the non-exposed side will not reach a temperature of more than 140°C
from the original temperature, or the temperature on the connection part
will not rise by more than 180°C from the original temperature, within a
certain period of time, as follows:
– A-60: 60 minutes
– A-30: 20 minutes
– A-15: 15 minutes
– A-0: 0 minutes
Class A Division Construction is endeavoured to prevent smoke travel and
flame within 1 hour of standard fire test
B Class Division
The division of space formed by barriers and decks that meet the
following criteria:
• The construction is made of non-combustible material and all
materials used in construction and construction of "B Class
Division" are non-combustible materials, with the exception of
flammable veneers / coatings may be permitted, if eligible.
• The construction has an insulating value (coating) so that the
average temperature on the non-exposed portion does not rise
more than 140°C above the original temperature or the
temperature on the connection will not rise more than 225°C
above the original temperature, within the following timeframe:
– Class B-15: 15 minutes
– Class B-0: 0 minutes
C Class Division
The construction class comes from non-combustible material. There is no
requirement for road smoke and flame and no restrictions on temperature

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