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▪ Photogrametry
Photogram= Rekaman foto Metry =Mengukur

▪ Fotogrametri adalah teknologi untuk melakukan

pengukuran dan pemetaan/ pemodelan 3D melalui media
Sejarah Fotogrametri

Anal og
St er eo Pl ot t er
Perencanaan Jalur Terbang dan AOI & Jalur
Sebaran Titik Kontrol Terbang

Akuisisi Foto
Udara Foto Udara
cara akuisisi
data? Geotagging Foto
Foto Yang
Udara Koordinat

Pengolahan Foto


pertampalan ke samping

pertampalan ke depan
batas daerah pemotretan

Jalur terbang no. 1

Jalur terbang no. 2

Jalur terbang no. 3

Point Pengolahan Orthophoto
Cloud Foto Udara?


Jeanette Katesan,
Brian Noldy
Wingtra main specification
Wingtra main specification
Cover 100+ ha at 1 cm/px
GSD in a single flight

Combine image resolution and flight coverage. By

carrying a 42 MP photogrammetric-grade camera
and an ultra low distortion lens, the WingtraOne
covers 100 ha at 0.7 cm/px resolution in a single
flight or 400 ha at 3 cm/px. This makes WingtraOne

+ 2x as precise as flights with a 20 MP camera

+ Cover 10x more than multicopters

+ 80% quicker than terrestrial measurements

Increase safety with truly
autonomous take-off
+The WingtraOne works truly autonomously during its
entire mission, including take-off and landing

+ Instead of risky catapult or hand launches that can cause

dangerous injuries, the WingtraOne takes off vertically
without any human interaction

+ The remote take-off feature allows to maintain a safe

distance and keep hands off at all times eliminating the risk
of mishandling the drone and making flying skills
RGB Cameras
Multispectral &
Thermal Cameras
Redefine survey-grade
accuracy with WingtraOne PPK

WingtraOne PPK sets the new benchmark for

surveying grade accuracy of aerial imagery!

Thanks to its most advanced PPK module and

highest quality cameras like the 42MP full frame
camera Sony RX1RII, it is now possible to
reach down to 1 cm absolute accuracy in aerial
WingtraOne PPK highlights
+ Best in class survey-grade accuracy without ground
control points (GCPs)
+ Proven RMS error of 1.3 cm in X/Y and 2.3 cm in Z
+ Absolute orthomosaic & digital surface model accuracy
down to 1 cm
+ Agnostic workflow: Operate your existing reference
station & GNSS knowledge
+ Only pay for what you need: Your WingtraOne can be
upgraded to PPK accuracy at any time

Key facts with WingtraOne PPK and

+ Down to 1 cm (0.4 in) absolute accuracy
+ No further orthomosaic correction required
+ 5 min pre-flight setup
+ No GCPs needed
The WingtraOne Bundle

+ WingtraOne drone ready to fly & carrying sleeve


+ Payload camera of choice, fully integrated

+ Tablet with pre-installed ground control

+ software WingtraPilot

+ Remote control & telemetry modules

+ Charging station, 2x sets of batteries

+ Pilot case for accessories & spare parts (1 pair of

propellers, 1 pitot tube)
As a VTOL drone,
WingtraOne can fly in
two modes: hover and

Why VTOL forward flight. While

hovering, WingtraOne
can be manually
operated to fly in any
direction like a

drones are helicopter: up and

down, back and
forward and to both

replacing fixed
VTOL advantages
+ Fully autonomous vertical take-off
+ Safe for the operator
+ Obstacle avoidance during take-off and landing
+ Take-off and landing in confined areas
+ Increased equipment lifetime and reliability
+ Hover mode for special situations
+ Safeguarding of the cameras
+ Smooth landing on a rough terrain
+ Ability to adapt to moving environment
Tailsitters vs. quadplanes – why a VTOL tailsitter is the best surveying
drone for your mapping missions
▪ What are the differences between
VTOL quadplane and tailsitter
▪ Less actuators make tailsitters less
prone to failure
▪ Tailsitter drones are easier to set up
and transport
▪ Less complexity, less weight, less
harm to the environment
▪ Tailsitters deliver great overall
VTOL quadplane and tailsitter drones?

A VTOL quadplane drone looks and flies like a conventional

Different types of quadplanes plane, and has an unconventional vertical takeoff and landing
▪ A quadplane is a hybrid fixed-wing and multicopter aircraft.
▪ The simplest quadplane has 4 additional rotors configured in the same way
as a quadcopter – hence the name quadplane.
▪ The rotors are either affixed to the wings and/or body in addition to the
quadplane’s forward flight propellers, or they rotate to transition the
quadplane from hover to forward flight mode. Regardless of its rotor
configuration, a quadplane always takes off and lands on its belly.
VTOL tailsitter drones
▪ takes off and lands on its tail.
▪ After taking off, the entire
system tilts as it shifts from
hover to forward flight
mode, then flies horizontally
like a fixed-wing drone.
▪ No additional rotors are
required as a tailsitter uses
the same ones for both
hover and forward flight
A tailsitter drone like the VTOL WingtraOne lands and takes off from its tail, and modes.
tilts in the air to enter forward flight mode
Less actuators make tailsitters less prone to failure
▪ Quadplane - require additional
actuators that enable the transition
from hover to forward flight. This
additional weight places greater energy
requirements on a quadplane drone,
reducing its efficiency. At the same
time, more moving parts means higher
potential for mechanical failure.

▪ Tailsitters - tilts in the air while using

the same rotors for both hover and A quadplane has 3x more points of failure (actuators) than a tailsitter WingtraOne
forward flight modes. Require no drone
additional parts and saves a lot of
weight, allowing tailsitters like the
WingtraOne to carry a heavy, high-
quality camera with the same stability
and coverage of a fixed-wing aircraft.
Wingtra Take-Off
Wingtra Landing
Tailsitter drones are easier to set up and transport

The WingtraOne soft-case Unlike a quadplane, the tailsitter WingtraOne drone is

backpack is light and comfortable practically ready to work for you right out of the box, no
to carry assembly required
Wingtra Safety Rule
Less complexity, less weight, less harm to the environment

A 14 kg quadplane has a much higher impact than the lighter 4-4.5 kg WingtraOne in the
unlikely event of an unsuccessful landing

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