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Unit -4

Human Resource Management

Concept of Training and Development

The act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a

partiular job, and thus it’s a process of learning a sequence of
programmed behaviour to do that particular job.


It refers broadly to the nature and direction of change induced

in employees, through the process of training and educative
Concept of Training and Development
Concept of Training and Development
Concept of Training and Development
Training & Development : A Comparison

 short term
 for a definite purpose.

 long term educational
 for general purpose.
Role of Training & Development
• The need for training & development is determined by
the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as
• Training & Development need = Standard performance
– Actual performance.

 Increase in Efficiency.
 Increase in Morale of Employees.
 Better Human Relations.
 Reduced Supervision.
 Increased Organisational Viability and Flexibility.
The Benefits of Employee Training

How Training Benefits the Organization:

• Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes towards profit

orientation. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization
• Improves the morale of the workforce
• Helps people identify with organizational goals
• Helps create a better corporate image
• Fosters authenticity, openness and trust
• Improves relationship between boss and subordinate
• Aids in organizational development
• learns from the trainee
• Helps prepare guidelines for work
• Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies.
• Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization
• Organization gets more effective decision-making and problem-solving skills
Benefits to the Individual Which in Turn
Ultimately Should Benefit the Organization:
• Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving
• Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition,
achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and
• Aids in encouraging and achieving self-development and self-confidence
• Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict
• Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills
and attitudes
• Increases job satisfaction and recognition
• Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills
• Satisfies personal needs of the trainer (and trainee)
• Provides the trainee an avenue for growth and a say in his/her own future
• Develops a sense of growth in learning
• Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills; also writing skills when
exercises are required. Helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks

Benefits in Personnel and Human Relations, Intra-group
& Inter-group Relations and Policy Implementation:

• Improves communication between groups and individuals:

• Aids in orientation for new employee and those taking new jobs
through transfer or promotion
• Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action
• Provides information on other government laws and administrative
• Improves interpersonal skills.
• Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.
• Improves morale
• Builds cohesiveness in groups
• Provides a good climate for learning, growth, and co-ordination
• Makes the organization a better place to work and live

• On the job training

• Off the job training

On the Job Training

It refers to new or inexperienced employees learning

through observing peers or managers performing
the job and trying to imitate their behavior.
Methods of on the Job Training

• It is one to one interaction
• Considered as corrective measure for
inadequate performance.
• Helps in identifying weaknesses and focuses
on areas which needs improvement.
• Mentoring focus on attitude development.
• Conducted for management-level
• Mentoring is done by someone inside the
It is one-to-one interaction
• It helps in identifying weaknesses and focus
on the area that needs improvement
Advantages of “On-the –job”
• Generally more cost effective
• Less disruptive to the business - i.e. employees are not away from
• Training with equipment they are familiar with and people they
know can help them
• Gain direct experience to a standard approved by the employer
• On the job training is also productive, as the employee is still
working as they are learning
Off-the-Job Training Method
• Trainee is separated from the job
• Take place at training agency or local college,
training centres
• Study materials
• Fully concentrate on learning rather than
• Freedom of expression
Types of Off the Job methods

• Vestibule Training
• Management Games
• Role Playing
• Films
• Lecture Methods
• Outbound Training
Vestibule Training

• Actual work conditions are simulated

• Materials, files and equipments are used
• Duration ranges from few days to a few
• Theory can be related to practice here
• Training becomes more reality-based.
• Directly applies to jobs.
• Increases the chances of retention.
• Prevents trainees from making costly
mistakes or damaging equipment.
• Allows instructors to give more personalized
attention to the learners.

• Time Consuming
• Expensive
• Trainer has to be very skilled
• There has to be elaborate setups for the same
Management Games

• To improve decision making and analytical skills.

• To develop awareness of the need to make
decisions lacking complete information.
• To develop an understanding of the
• To develop the ability to function cooperatively
and effectively in a small group situation.
Types of management Games

• Executive Games are general management games and cover all functional areas
{like planning, decision making, etc} of business and their interactions and dynamics. Executive
games are designed to train general executives.

• Functional Games, on the other hand, focus on middle management decisions

and emphasize particular functional areas {like Marketing or HR} of the firm.

Is the method of human interaction that involves realistic

behavior in imaginary situations.

Benefits of Role playing

• Developing interpersonal skills and communication skills

• Conflict resolution

• Group decision making

• Developing insight into one’s own behavior and its impact on others
Types of Role play

• Multiple role play

• Single role play
• Role rotation
• Spontaneous role play
Films/Video Presentations

• Content for the training experience comes

primarily from a videotape or computer-based
• Interest of the audience can be maintained by
showing them audio visuals
• Easy to handle and explain
• Provides a lot of content to talk about
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages –
• Easy to train and the trainer can follow up with questions and discussions
• Assured to provide same information to all the trainees

• Expensive to develop
• Such type of training has to be outsourced which may make the training less content specific.
Outbound Training

• Outdoor and action-oriented programs through experiential learning

• Develops Leadership, teamwork and risk-taking abilities
• Interesting as compared to classroom leaning
• Conducted by professionals who are very cooperative

• Trainees can immediately see the consequences of wrong actions

• Materialistically enhance their thinking and behavior


• Work time has to be allotted for it.

• Interest of the participants is required.

Lecture Method

• Lecture is traditional & direct method of

• It is a verbal presentation of information by an
instructor to a large audience.
• The lecture must motivate & create interest among
the trainees in order to become effective
• It is presumed to posses a considerable depth of
knowledge of subject at hand.
• This method is used mainly in college and

• Less time required for preparation

• Provides lots of information quickly

• Cost per trainee is very low


• Does not involve trainees too much.

• Trainees may forget the teaching as it is presented only orally.

Few Other Methods
In-Basket Exercise

• Also known as In-tray method of training.

• The trainee is presented with a pack of papers & files in a
tray containing administrative problems & is asked to take
decisions on these problems & are asked to take decisions
on these within a stipulated time.
• The decisions taken by the trainees are compared with one
another. The trainees are provided feedback on their
Experiential Exercises
• Usually short, structured learning experiences where individuals
learn by doing.

• For instance, rather than talking about inter-personal conflicts &

how to deal with them,

• an experiential exercise could be used to create a conflict

situation where employees have to experience a conflict
personally & work out its solutions.
Advantages of “Off-the –job”
• Learn from specialists in that area of work
who can provide more in-depth study
• Can more easily deal with groups of workers
at the same time
• Employees respond better when taken away
from pressures of working environment
• Workers may be able to obtain qualifications
or certificates
Disadvantages of “Off-the –job”
• The trainer should have specialised skills and
knowledge to train
• The trainer may not be given much time to
spend with the employee to teach them
• The trainer may posses bad habits and pass
these on to the trainee
Training Process
 This phase is where training program objectives
begin to take shape
 This is a crucial state
 Current results and desired results are compared
 Treating workers as stake holders

 Link the needs assessment to the actual creation
of new curriculum
 Assemble information tied to each program
 If the training is designed on the basis of
trainees, better product can be obtained
begin to think about the operational
considerations of the program
Decision making process also starts here

This includes items like, references, info packs,
case studies, movies, games, and other visual
The information must be kept organized
 feedback from previous sessions is included
Keep the trainees engaged with activities such as
trivia questions, interactive exercises, and
group discussions
 It is a proven fact that engagement raises
knowledge retention

This is when the training actually takes place
Here are a few things to think about:
 Practice
 Feedback forms
 Management/leadership observations and
 Facilities management, including room
arrangement and equipment
 Classroom rules and expectations, including safety
and evacuation procedures
 If the outputs of the program are less than
desired, then changes to the program may be
Companies should establish a systematic
evaluation process
the evaluation of the program should occur in two
phases: 1) immediately after the program, and 2)
some period later…for instance 6 months
The evaluation performed immediately after the
program serves to correct urgent training issues
such as incorrect data.
Advantages of Training
Disadvantages of training

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