Presentation - MCN - CGT - 15 & 16

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What Makes a Leader?

Relevance of Emotional Intelligence

Presentation by :

Pawan Kumar Mishra (CGT19015)

Piyush Arora (CGT19016)
While technical skills are important for leadership roles, truly effective leaders are distinguished by a high degree of
emotional Intelligence (EI)

Leader is a person who leads or commands a group, For engaging diverse stakeholder base, managing the emotions of
organization or country self and others has become very important

Leadership qualities traditionally perceived for success Emotional Intelligence as the ability to be aware of, control, and
and effective business results - express one’s emotions. There are five essential components of
emotional intelligence, namely:
 intelligence,

 toughness,

 determination and

 Vision

Growing globalization and cross culture demand

engaged workforce, require new skill sets in leaders

What are these skill sets ??


 SELF AWARENESS is knowing and being honest with yourself

 It is the ability to recognize and understand one’s moods, emotions,

strengths, weakness, needs and drives, as well as their effect on others

 People with high self-awareness are always conscious of their true


Emotional Self-Awareness Accurate Self-Assessment Realistic Self-Confidence

Recognize your inner Know your real limits and Be willing and able to play
signals, note how strengths, be graceful in to your strengths, admit
decisions and values learning, know when to you have them
match ask for help

Know Thyself
Image courtesy: INSEAD knowledge


 Managing one’s internal states, impulses and resources

 Ability to use awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and

positively direct your behavior

 Self regulating people have more control of their feelings and

impulses and are considered reasonable, thereby creating an
environment of trust and fairness

 Enables individuals and teams to manage ambiguity with openness to


The first and best victory is to

conquer oneself
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 Passion to work for reasons beyond money or status

 Embedded desire to achieve for the sake of achievement

 High commitment & energy, love to learn, taking pride in the


 Not comfortable with status quo, eager to explore new

approaches to their work

 Always raising the bar and keeping score of the performance

Love what you do. Do what
you love.

Image courtesy:


 Awareness and consideration of other’s feelings, needs,

concerns during negotiations and decision making

 Empathy is important because -

 Increasing use of teams
 Rapid pace of globalisation
 Growing need to retain talent

 Builds deep understanding of cultural and ethnic differences

among the members of group

Listen, attune, understand

other’s perspectives

Image courtesy: INSEAD knowledge


 Ability to manage relationship with others by effectively

managing other people’s emotions for finding common
grounds and building rapport

 Social skills enable –

•Effectiveness in leading change
•Expertise in building and leading teams

 Social skill is the culmination of other dimensions of

emotional intelligence, making it a key leadership capability

When we focus on ourselves, our world

contracts. But when we focus on others, our
world expands
Image courtesy:

Emotional Intelligence can be gained and improved by continual learning and practice

 Emotional intelligence increases with age and is governed Stage II : Assessment Stage I : Insight
by part of brain which governs feelings, impulses, and
drives. Where we stand on each Gaining insight into which
aspects of EI currently aspect of E.I. to work on
 Research indicates that the human brain learns best
through motivation, extended practice, and feedback.

 Pre-requisite for learning EI : Desire to learn and the

intention to apply it in real life.
Stage III : Training Stage IV : Application

Formal classroom training with Incorporating the chalk talk in

group exercises real life

1 | Image Courtesy : Google images

For all levels of jobs, Emotional Intelligence competencies are twice as effective as IQ in determining an
individual’s success rate

What I understand What I do  E.I. has gained recognition from a

“nice to have” to “need to have”
attribute for successful leadership
Personal Self Self
Competence Awareness Regulation
 Organizations building competency
models and training modules for
Motivation emotional intelligence

Social  The higher the level of a position in

Empathy Social
Competence an organization, the more emotional
Skills intelligence seems to matter1

Note: Slide heading & 1 : Goleman 1998; Spencer & Spencer 1

Thank you


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