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Assessing Global

Markets for
Potential Entry
Foreign Market Assessment Format

 Cover Page
 Table of Contents
 Chapter 1: Introduction (Company/Product Discussion)
 Chapter 2: Country Demographics)
 Chapter 3: Economic Analysis
 Chapter 4: Infrastructure & Technology
 Chapter 5: Socio-Cultural Dynamics
 Chapter 6: Government Policies on International Trade
 Chapter 7: Marketing Strategy for Trade
 Chapter 8: Conclusion
 Appendices
Cover Page
Table of Contents

 Table of Contents …
Company Introduction

 In this paper, we take the assumption that your company is a Multi-

national Enterprise Operating across countries with Philippines as its
home country of operations.
 Your company’s products or services will only be those of which can
be created or provided using Philippine resources (excluding
exported raw materials).
 Make a good profile for your company’s portfolio & assets in this
 Include charts to explain the standing of your company in both
domestic and international competition (e.g. Organizational Chart,
Made-up statistic analysis reports, etc.)
Country Demographics

 Do not just copy past country demographics.

 Explain paragraph by paragraph each of the important details of
this with the help of figures and such.
 Explain the figures and its implications to the opportunity of the
product or service that you provide (e.g. age, gender, age-per-
target market ratio).
Economic Analysis

 Discuss the economic standing of your country for assessment

 Purchasing Power of the country
 Prices of commodities similar to your product (use figures to illustrate and
 Resources Available (both tapped & untapped resources)
 Direction for Economic Growth
Infrastructure & Technology

 Discuss the level of manpower skills and technology of the country

 Minimum Wage Rate
 Laws protecting employees
 The country's’ most prominent means for supply chain
Socio-Cultural Dynamics

 Power Distance: How People Deal with Authority & Social Inequality
 Uncertainty Avoidance: How the culture deal with risks
 Individualism versus Collectivism
 Masculinity versus Femininity
 Religious Prohibitions
 Particular Norms and Traditions on Business Practices implemented in
that country
Government Policies

 Common levels of tariffs and quota on your particular product

 Laws of International Trade
 Laws on Businesses operating within that country (e.g. ratio of
 Trade Agreements currently implemented
 Exchange Controls
 TIP: You can elaborate the government policies and practices thru including
Cases of other business.
Marketing Strategies

 Consolidate all the data (economic, socio-cultural, government)

presented from the market analysis then provide your marketing
 Competition Analysis
 Supply & Demand
 Promotion & Advertisement
 Means of communication & Management
 Pricing
 Preference of Location for Operations & Logistics
 Any other important factors that can contribute to your formulation
of marketing strategies should be included in this chapter.
Marketing Strategies

 4 important points to include

1. Product
2. Pricing
3. Promotions
4. Place of Operations

 This chapter will involve the researcher to present his final choice for
product distribution.
 Final choices can be either to
1. Sell the same product with the ones being sold at home
2. Include some slight modifications to adopt to the target market
3. Sell a totally new product
 Then decide whether to
1. Export your product
2. FDI or
3. Provide license with another company to distribute your product

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