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Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid R.

Table of contents!

 Early life.
 Conversion to Islam.
 Life after conversion to Islam.
 Personality.
 Relation with the Prophet P.B.U.H.
 Battles fought.
 Death.
Early life!

 Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid R.A belonged to a family who had given up
idol worship and used to believe in the faith of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
Hazrat Saeed belonged to the tribe of Quraish. His father Zaid bin
Amir died five years before the first revelation.
Conversion to Islam!

 Hazrat Saeed R.A converted to Islam by the invitation of the Prophet

P.B.U.H. It is said that Hazrat Zaid was the 28TH person who accepted
Islam. He accepted Islam in his teen age i.e. He was not twenty yet.
Life after conversion to Islam!

 Hazrat Saeed R.A was a pious companion of the Prophet P.B.U.H. He

took part in all the battles fought except battle of Badr. He had a
major role in the Muslim community. Hazrat Saeed was appointed
as the commander of the infantry by Hazrat Umar R.A after the
invasion of Syria but soon he left and resigned the specific post due
to his love for Jihad.
 Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid R.A was an educated man. He was a pious
and kind Muslim. He was also known as Abul Aawar. Hazrat Saeed
R.A was one of those ten persons who got the news of entering the
paradise in their lifetime i.e. Ten blessed companions. Hazrat Saeed
R.A played a major role in the Muslim community.
Battles fought!

 It is written in various books that Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid R.A took part
in all the major battles fought except the battle of Badr e.g.:
 1. Battle of Uhud.
 2. Tabuk expedition.
 3. Khyber expedition.
 4. Battle of Hunain.
 5. Conquest of Makkah.
 6. Battle of Khandaq and many more battles.

 Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid R.A died in the era around 50 A.H i.e. 671 A.D
in the reign time of Hazrat Mawiyah R.A at Al – Aqiq (currently
present in KSA). His body was carried back to Madinah where he
was buried by Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas R.A and Abdullah bin
Umar R.A.

 1. On whose invitation did Hazrat Saeed embraced Islam?

 2. Name the one battle which Hazrat Saeed did not fought?
 3. What was the religion of Hazrat Saeed R.A’s family before
embracing Islam?
 4. When did Hazrat Saeed R.A died and who buried him?
 5. Where did Hazrat Saeed R.A died?

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