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In this unit you are going to learn
 Expression for asking information
 Expression for giving information
In this section, you will learn how to:
• listen to the someone who gives information.

After learning the lesson in this

section, you are expected to be able
• ask and give the information appropriately.
Lead - in
• Look at the picture and Listen carefully.
Where do you I come from
come from? Palembang

I come
from Bali What
about you?
Answer these questions.
1. What are they talking about?
2. When you want to know some
information, what will you say?
Activity 1

Answer these questions orally!

1. What do you do when you lose your
2. What do you do when someone asks you
the way to the post office?
3. What do you say if you want to know
about the time?
4. What expression do you use to ask for
Activity 2

Listen and practice these expressions after your

Asking for information
– Excuse me. What is your name?
– Can you tell me where do you live?
– Can you help me find the classroom?
Giving information
– My name is Anisa.
– I live on Jalan Setiabudi.
– Excuse me. What is your name?
– Can you tell me where do you live?
– Can you help me find the classroom?
Activity 3

Listen to your teacher and repeat after

him/her! (Listening script)
1. What are they talking about?
2. When you want to know some information,
what will you say?
3. Where is the post office?
In this section, you will learn how to:
• ask and give information.

After learning the lesson in this

section, you are expected to be able
• ask and give information appropriately.
Activity 4
Listen and repeat.
1. Atik : Where is my book?
Baby : It’s on the table.
2. Edy : Do you know where the cat is?
Bejo : It’s under the chair.
3. Siska : Mom, where is my shoes?
Mother : It is behind your father’s shoes.
Jika kita bertanya dapat menggunakan W-H
questions seperti:

What … When …
Where … Who …
Why … Whose …
How … Whom ….

Example: Where do you live?

How old are you?
Whose book is it?
Study the sentences.
• The book is on the table.
• The ball is under the chair.
• The broom is behind the door.
• The boys are in front of a car.
• The hat is in the drawer.
• I am sitting beside Sigit
• The cat is under the chair.
• The boys are in front of a car.
• The girl is standing next to me.
• On, under, behind, in front of, in, beside and next to are
called prepositions.
A question using “where” is used to ask a
position of a thing, place or person. To answer
such a question, we need preposition, such as
at, in, on.
•We use in to mention areas (town, village),
such as in Jakarta, in my village, etc.
•We use on to mention street without number,
such as on Jl. Kebon Kacang, on Jl. Bumi,
•We use at to mention street within number,
such as at Jl. Kebon Kacang number 10, at
Jl. Bumi number 13, etc
•Pattern: Where + is + (singular noun)?
Where + are + (plural nouns)?

Dina : Where is
the bag?
Meita : It’s on the
2. Peter : Where is
the ball?
Brian : It is in
the box

Sheren : Where are the books?
Rini : They are above the pen
Activity 5

• Look at the pictures carefully and fill in

the missing dialogues.

Nuh : Dea, where is my glass?

Dea :…
2. Mother: Where is the spoon?
Viki : …

Mirza : Do you know. Where my pen is?
Cand : …
Sherly: Dinda, Where is my bag?
Dinda : …

Surya : Nic, where is the boll

5. Nico : …

6. Isma: Ul, where is my books

Ulfa : …
Activity 6

Read and practice the dialogues below.

Dialogue 1
1. Mrs. Ani: Could you tell me where the Bank is,
Mrs. Ita : Yes, go straight and the bank is
first on the left.
Dialogue 2
2. Tourist: Could you tell me the way to railway
Azis : Go straight until you find a
Dialogue 3
3. Imam lost her pen and she asks Nina about it.
Imam: Do you know where my pen is?
Nina : Which one?
Imam: The red one. The one I put on the table.
Nina : No, I don’t know where it is
Dialogue 4
4. Keke : Did you see my novel?
I lost it yesterday.
Nia : .I saw it in the shelf
Keke : .Really? Thanks.
Dialogue 5
5. Father is on his way to a stall. A man comes to him. He wants to
go to Iwan’s house. He doesn’t know where it is.
The man : Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Irwan’s house is?
Father : Of course. It is in front of the fruit stall.
The man : Oh, I see. Thank you.
Father : You’re welcome.
Activity 7

Work in pairs. Ask for personal

information and fill it in the blank
spaces. You can ask for information
about your friend.
You : Good morning. I’m (your name).
Are you … (your friend’s name)?
Your friend : Yes, please call me … (your friend’s name)
You : What’s your full name?
Your friend :…
You : Where are you born?
Your friend :…
You : What is your idea?
Your friend :…
You : What is your hobby??
Your friend :…
You : Are you interested in sport?
Your friend :…
You : What is your favorite food?
Your friend :…
You : Well. It’s time for us to go the class/
Your friend : Okay, Let’s go
Activity 4
Ask and answer questions to your friends based on the pictures


Some one comes to school, but he doesn’t know where the

headmaster’s room. You give the information he needs.

Ask where your friend bought the shoes.

Your friend tell the name of the store and
how to go there.

Mrs. A ask the customer what kind of

food he likes. The customer ask if
3. he likes traditional food.

Rohili lost his book and she ask Sania. Sania said she doesn’t know it

Mr. A wants to go to a hospital and he asks

where the hospital is.
Mr. B gives the direction, how to go there.
Activity 4

• In pairs, make a dialogue based on the

guideline below. Then, act the dialogue
Suppose you have a new classmate,
you are talking about your personal
You Your friend

Greet to her/him Answer the greeting

Tell the name, and ask her/his

Ask what his/her name. name too

Tell the name and ask where she/ Tell the address, and ask
he lives. what his/her hobby?

Express the gratitude Respond the gratitude

Learning Review

After studying all subjects in this chapter,

answer the following questions.
1. What do you say to ask a new student’s name?
2. What do you say when your friend asks your
If you find some difficulties while answering
the questions, you can learn the subjects
once more or you may consult your teacher.

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