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Human digestive system

What does the digestive system do?

Humans are ingestive heterotrophs, the digestive system is used to convert

macromolecules in to micro molecules, that can be metabolized by our body

The digestive system consists of a alimentary canal that is continuous

throughout the body it starts from pharynx and ends at anus

The canal has two openings mouth and anus

The digestive system consists of many parts as listen below:

1. Mouth
• Digestion of food starts in the mouth
• Mouth contributes to the physical and chemical digestion of food
• Teeth help in the physical digestion by churning and tearing the
• Where the saliva produced by the salivary glands have amylase in
them which breaks down sugar molecules.
• when the food reaches the pharynx at the end of the mouth it is
converted into bolus which is a slippery ball of food
• Esophagus is a long tube that runs down the chest
cavity it is involved in the transport of food from
mouth to stomach

• It performs peristalsis

• No digestion takes place in here

• Stomach is present just below the diaphragm
• Stomach as well performs the physical and chemical digestion
• it has extensive muscular layer which helps in churning and grinding of food
• The gastric juice produced by the stomach contains HCL and pepsinogen enzyme
which help in chemical digestion
• The pH of stomach is 1-2 which helps to kill pathogens that entered the body
through food as well
• After passing through stomach bolus is converted into chime a soup like material
Small intestine
• After stomach the chyme enter the small intestine where the
digestion is completed and absorption starts
• The liver and pancreas release there secretion into the small
intestine which contain bile salts and digestive enzymes
• Small intestine is further divided into duodenum, jejunum ,
Large intestine
• When food enters large intestine it is converted into chyle
• Large intestine is involved with the absorption of all the micro
molecules and nutrients and water.
Rectum and anus
• After passing through large intestine only solid waste is left
which is temporarily stored in the rectum
• The stored waste of the body known a feces is passed out
through an opening known as anus
Associated glands
• The glands that help digestive system in its work are liver and
• Liver produces bile which is temporarily stored in gallbladder
• Where as pancreas produces pancreatic juice which is
excreted in small intestine it contains enzymes involved in
Fun facts!!!
• The average person produces 2 pints of saliva every day. That is 32 ounces,
or 2 cans of soda.
• The muscles in your esophagus act like a giant wave. That is what moves
food or drinks down to your stomach. This wave action is called peristalsis.
• The second part of your small intestine is called the jejunum. That’s just
fun to say!
• Enzymes in your digestive system are what separate food into the different
nutrients that your body needs.
• The gut-brain axis is the close bond that exists between the digestive
system and your brain. Emotions (including stress) and brain disorders
affect how your body digests food.
• Your body can move your food through the digestive system even while
you are standing on your head. It is not connected to gravity because it
works with muscles.

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