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Intercellular Communication

Department of Physiology
School of Medicine
University of Sumatera Utara
Intercellular Communication
and Signal Transduction

The ability of cells to communicate

with each other is essential for
coordination of their diverse
activities to maintain homeostasis as
well as to control growth and
development of the body as a whole
Intercellular Communication
and Signal Transduction
Gap Synaptic Paracrine & Endocrine
junctions Autocrine
Message Directly Across By By
transmission from cell synaptic diffusion in circulating
to cell cleft interstitial body fluids
Local or Local Local Locally General
general diffused
Specificity Anatomic Anatomic Receptors Receptors
depends on location location &
Receptors for Hormones,
Neurotransmitters, & Other Ligands
Proteins that are not static component
of the cell, but their numbers increase &
decrease in response to various stimuli, &
their properties changes in physiologic
Hormone/neurotransmitter   active
receptors  (Down Regulation).
Hormone/neurotransmitter   active
receptors  (Up Regulation).
Mechanisms by Which Chemical Messengers Act

Mechanism Examples
Open/close ion channels in cell membrane Ach on nicotinic cholinergis recepttor;
norepinehrine on K+ channel in the heart
Act via cytoplasmic or nuclear receptors to Thyroid hormones, retinoic acid, steroid
increase transcription of selected nRNAs hormones
Activate phospholipase C with intracellular Angiotensin II, norepinephrine via 1-
production of DAG, IP3, and other inositol adrenergic receptor, vasopressin via V1
phosphate receptor.
Activate or imhibit adenylyl cyclase, causing Norepinephrine via 1-adrenergic receptor
increased or decreased intracellular production (increased cAMP); norepinephrine via 2-
of cAMP adrenergic receptor (decreased cAMP)
Increase cGMP in cell ANP; NO (EDRF)
Increase tyrosine kinase activity of cytoplasmic Insuline,EGF, PDGF,M-CSF
portions of transmembrane receptors
Increase serine or threonine kinase activvity TGF, MAPKs
G Proteins
Common way to translate signal to a biologic effect
inside cells is by way of nucleotide regulatory
proteins (G Proteins) that bind GTP.
Signal reaches a G protein
 exchanges GDP for GTP  effect.
GTP GDP  resting state.
GTPase activity is accelerated by RGS (Regulators
of G protein signaling)
Diseases caused by loss-or gain –of-function mutations of
heterometric G-protein-coupled receptors and G proteins

Site Type of Mutation Disease

Cone opsins Loss Color blindness
Rhodopsin Loss Congenital night blindness
Two forms of retinitis pigmentosa
V2 vasopressin Loss X-linked nephrotic diabetes insipidus
ACTH Loss familial glucocorticoid deficiency
LH Gain Familial male precocious puberty
TSH Gain Familial nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism
TSH Loss Familial hypothyroidism
Ca2+ Gain Familial hypercalciuric hypocalcemia
Thromboxane A2 Loss Congenital bleeding
Endothelin B Loss Hirschprung’s disease
Diseases caused by loss-or gain –of-function mutations of
heterometric G-protein-coupled receptors and G proteins

Site Type of Mutation Disease

G protein
Gs  Loss Pseudohypothyroidism type 1a
Gs  Gain/Loss testotoxicosis
Gs  Gain (mosaic) McCune-Albright syndrome
Gs  Gain Somatotroph adenomas with acromegali
Gi  Gain Ovarian and adrenocortical tumors

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