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 Chronic infection disease

 Mainly affects the

 skin,
 peripheral nerves,
 mucosa upper respiratory tract,
 reticulo endothelial system,
 eye,
 bone ,
 testis,
 except central nervous system.
 to reduce the rate of new cases
 with grade-2 disabilities worldwide by at
least 35%.
 This will be carried out by enforcing
activities to decrease the delay in diagnosing
the disease and
 actuate treatment with multidrug therapy.
 This will also have the impact of reducing
transmission of the disease in the community
expand Multi Drug Therapy (MDT)
services to all health facilities
ensure that all existing and new
cases are given appropriate MDT
encourage all patients take
treatment regularly and completely
promote awareness in the
community on leprosy so that
individuals with suspicious lesions
will report voluntarily for diagnosis
and treatment
set targets and time table for
activities and make all efforts to
achieve them
keep good records of all activities in
order to monitor the progress
towards elimination
 Mycobacterium leprae
 Curved rod shaped
 Acid Fast Bacilli
 Gram positive
 Intracellular
 Prefer a growth temperature of less than 37° C
 Can not be cultured
 Africa / Central Asia ---- World
 All ages ranging : early infancy to very old age
 15 – 25 years old >>
 Both sex : Males : Females = 2 : 1
 Very long period : 3 – 5 years
 1990 : 7 / 10,000 ----- 2000 : 1 / 10,000
 Contact person
- Respiratory tract
- Skin

- Immunity
- Virulence
- Physical
- Environment : - Biological
- Social
 M. leprae  can not be cultured

Bacteriological examination :
1. Diagnosis
2. To get a cross spectrum
3. Evaluations
4. Prognosis
 Skin lession
 Ear lobe
 Nasal secretions / Nose blows
Individuals who have a vigorous cellular
immune response to M leprae have
 the tuberculoid form of the disease
 that usually involves the skin and
peripheral nerves.
 The number of skin lesions is limited,
 and they tend to be dry and
 hypoesthetic.
 Nerve involvement is usually asymmetric.
 This form of the disease is also referred
to as paucibacillary leprosy because of
the low number of bacteria in the skin
lesions ie, < 5 skin lesions,
 with absence of organisms on smear.
 Results of skin tests with antigen from
killed organisms are positive in these
Individuals with minimal cellular immune
response have the lepromatous form of the
disease, which is characterized by
 extensive skin involvement.
 Skin lesions are often described as
infiltrated nodules and plaques,
 and nerve involvement tends to be
symmetric in distribution.
 Results of skin tests with antigen from
killed organisms are nonreactive
 Patients may also present with features of
both categories;
 however, over time, they usually evolve to
one or the other (indeterminate or
borderline leprosy).
 Interestingly, most individuals who are
exposed to leprosy never develop the disease
 The organism grows best at 27-30°C;
 skin lesions tend to develop in the cooler
areas of the body,
 with sparing of the groin, axilla, and scalp.
 This form of the disease is also referred to as
multibacillary leprosy because of the large
number of bacteria found in the lesions (ie,
>6 lesions, with possible visualization of
bacilli on smear).
 Results of skin tests with antigen from killed
organisms are nonreactive
If shown one or more of the following cardinal
signs :
1. Hipopigmented or reddish skin lession with
definite loss of sensation
2. Involvement of the peripheral nerves, as
demonstrated by definite enlargement /
thickening peripheral nerves with loss of
3. Skin smear positive for Acid Fast Bacilli

If Not ----- Observe for 3 – 6 months

Ulnar and median - Clawed hand
Posterior tibial - Plantar insensitivity
and clawed toes
Common peroneal -Foot drop
Radial cutaneous, facial, and
greater auricular nerves
 destruction of nasal cartilage
(lepromatous leprosy),
 ocular involvement
 and diffuse thickening of the skin.
 Advanced cases of leprosy involve the loss
of eyebrows and lashes, but these
deformities are less common today.
Measurement of the Bacterial Index :
1. Diagnosis
2. To get across the spectrum
3. Therapy evaluation
Average Number of Bacterial Index
Acid Fast Bacilli (BI)
1000 / field 6+
100 – 1000 / field 5+
10 – 100 / field 4+
1 – 10 / field 3+
1 – 10 / 10 fields 2+
1 – 10 / 100 fields 1+
0 / 100 fields 0
 The proportion or percentage of regularly
stained bacteria of the total scored
 Ridley ( 1971 ) :
- Regularly stained bacteria = Solidly
- Irregularly stained bacteria =
Fragmented + Granular bacteria
 1. Response to treatment
 2. Drug resistance
 3. Determining the infectiousness of a

Treatment --- M I  quickly

B I  slowly
Drug resistance
1. Infectious / Non infectious
2. Possible – infectious
3. Possible – Disability
4. Duration of treatment
Ridley & TT BT BB BL LL

MADRID Indeter- Tuber- Border- Lepromatous

minate culoid line

WHO Paucy Bacillar Multi Bacillar

( 1988 ) <5 LESION >5LESION
Indeter- TT BT BB BL LL
Infectious Infectious Infectious Infectious Infectious Infectious
(-) (-) (-)

Children 2–3 Satelit Punch Out

lesion lesion
Hipopig- Macules – Macules : Dimor- Symetrical Symetri-
mented / hipopig- hipopig- phous papul, cal papul,
pink : Face, mented mented / features nodules nodules
back, reddish and tend
buttock symmetry
Indeter- TT BT BB BL LL
Loss of (+) (+) (+) Sensory Stocking
sensation loss, and gloves
(-) decreases anesthesia
sweating and
hair growth
Nerve (+) (+) (+) Nerve Nerve
swollen (-) damaged damaged

Lepromin (+) 4 (+) 3 (+) 1 -2 (-) (-)

Acid Fast (-) (+) / (+) 3 (+) 3 - 4 (+) 5 - 6
Bacilli (-) (-)
 Multi Drug Therapy :
- Prevention & treatment of resistance
- A shorter period of time for treatment
- To interrupt the transmission of the
 Paucibacillary Single Lesion Leprosy
(one lesion)
 Paucibacillary Leprosy (2-5 skin lesion)
 Multibacillary Leprosy (More than 5 skin

Rifampicin 300 mg Rifampicin 600 mg

Ofloxacin 200 mg Ofloxacin 400 mg

Minocycline 50 mg Minocycline 100 mg

Dosage : Single Dose R O M

Monthly Treatment : Monthly Treatment :
Day 1 : Day 1 :
Rifampicin 450 mg Rifampicin 600 mg
Dapsone 50 mg Dapsone 100 mg

Daily : Daily :
Day 2 – 28 Day 2 – 28
Dapsone 50 mg/daily Dapsone 100 mg/daily
Duration of treatment : 6 - 9 Months
Monthly treatment Monthly treatment
Day 1 : Day 1 :
Rifampicin 450 mg Rifampicin 600 mg
Clofazimine 150 mg Clofazimine 300 mg
Dapsone 50 mg Dapsone 100 mg

Daily 2 – 28 : Daily 2 – 28 :
Clofazimine 50 mg / daily Clofazimine 50 mg / daily
Dapsone 50 mg / daily Dapsone 100 mg / daily
Duration of treatment : 12 – 18 months
 During the course of leprosy,
immunologically mediated episodes of
acute or subacute inflammation known as
reactions may occur
 in up to 25% of patients with
paucibacillary leprosy and as much as
 40% in multibacillary leprosy.
 Clinical indications of a reaction are
 nerve pain,
 loss of sensation and
 loss of function.
 The reactions may rapidly cause severe and
irreversible nerve damage and must always be
treated promptly.
 If a patient does not respond to lepra reaction
treatment within 4 weeks or his/her condition
deteriorates at any time during lepra reaction
 send that patient immediately to the nearest
specialist centre.
 During a lepra reaction, do not interrupt leprosy
multidrug therapy.
 Treatment with multidrug therapy reduces the
frequency and severity of lepra reactions
 Type 1 reaction : Reversal reaction
 Type 2 reaction :
Erythema Nodosum Leprosum
( E N L reactions )
 are associated with the development of M. leprae antigenic
 They are delayed hypersensitivity reactions
 and may occur in both paucibacillary leprosy and multibacillary leprosy.
 high risk of permanent damage to the peripheral nerve trunks.
 If the reaction is mild and there is no evidence of neuritis (pain, loss of
sensation or function), the reaction should be treated with
 analgesics, such as acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol.
 However, if there is nerve involvement,
 treat with analgesics and corticosteroids, such as oral prednisolone. The usual course
begins with 40 - 60 mg daily (up to a maximum of 1 mg/kg), and the reaction is
generally controlled within a few days. The dose is then gradually reduced weekly or
fortnightly and eventually stopped.
 Most reversal reactions and neuritis can be treated successfully under
field conditions with a standard 12-week course of prednisolone but some
authorities claim that corticosteroids need to be continued for much
longer periods of time
 1. Reversal reaction
Mild Severe
Skin - Lesion become reddish - Same & rarely new skin lesion
& swollen - Fever, malaise
Nerve - Enlarge, painfull (-) - Enlarge, painfull (+)
- Nerve damage (-) - Nerve damage, loss sensation
- < 6 weeks - > 6 weeks
Skin & - Lesion become reddish - Same
Nerve - Painful on peripheral - Ulceration
nerves - Swollen on hand & foot
- < 6 weeks - Nerve enlarge
-- > 6 weeks
 areassociated with circulation and tissue
deposition of immune complexes.
 They are an antibody response or immune
complex response to M. leprae antigenic
determinants which
 occur only in multibacillary leprosy.
 Therapy for type 2 reactions may include
 analgesics, such as acetylsalicylic acid or
 and corticosteroids, such as oral prednisolone.
 In patients with severe type 2 reactions, who do not
respond to corticosteroids or in whom corticosteroids
are contraindicated,
 clofazimine at high doses or
 thalidomide may be used under close medical
 Clofazimine often requires 4-6 weeks before an
effect is seen, and therefore must never be used as
the sole drug for treatment of severe type 2
 However, it may be useful for reducing or
withdrawing corticosteroids from patients who have
become dependent on corticosteroids.
 The clofazimine dose for treatment of severe type 2
reactions is 300 mg daily, which should be given in 3
doses of 100 mg each.
 The clofazimine dose for treatment of severe type 2
reactions is 300 mg daily, which should be given in 3 doses
of 100 mg each.
 The total duration of this high dose of clofazimine should
not exceed 12 months.
 Thalidomide should be avoided in women of childbearing
age since it is a proven teratogen.
 If this is not possible, it is imperative that pregnancy is
excluded before this treatment is initiated.
 Effective contraception must be used during the 4 weeks
preceding and following treatment as well as during the
treatment period.
 Should pregnancy occur despite these precautions, there is
a high risk of severe malformation of the fetus.
Skin Skin nodules : Skin nodules >>
- Tender reddish - Painful
- Ulceration - Ulceration
- Fever & malaise
Nerve Enlarge Enlarge
Painful (-) Painful & swollen
Nerve damage (-) Nerve damage
Eye Not involvement Painful
Visual impairment
Testis Swollen, Painful (-) Painful, Enlarge
Skin, nerve, Same - Same
eye, testis - Very painful
- Fever
 Prednisone : 30 – 80 mg / daily and then
tappering off
 Continued M D T without interruption
- Immobilization
- Rest
Reffered to the nearest hospital
Lepromatous leprosy. Note the diffuse infiltration of the face with
leonine facies and madarosis.
Sequele of leprosy. The patient has madurosis, a saddle nose and
blindness in the left eye. Courtesy of Evangeline Handog, M.D.

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