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Basic and Advanced

Airway Workshop

Course description
 This is an intensive lecture on basic and advanced airway
management course intended for physicians of all

 This 8-hour course will combine lecture series, interactive

case discussions, and hands-on workshops.The course
content will cover approach to different airway scenarios and
will include:
o Airway assessment, identification and management of
anatomically challenging airways and physiologic
o Hands-on emergent airway access, training with basic and
advance techniques and devices for oxygenation and
 In the morning:

 Didactic lecture will be given by experts in the field and

cover topics such as airway anatomy, assessment of adult
airway, and management of airways with difficult physiology.

 Case discussions included in this course will give the

participants the opportunity to discuss and work through real-
life scenarios contributed by experts and participants. The
participants will be divided into four groups, with ten
participants each group and shall be assigned a facilitator,
they will be given 20 minutes to tackle a set of cases.
Afterwards there will be an exchange of facilitators and they
will again be given another set of cases to be discussed for
the same amount of time.
 In the afternoon…

 Workshops will be facilitated by experts in the field and will include hands
on sessions using mannequins and equipment such as laryngoscopes,
video laryngoscopes, and fiberoptic scopes.
 During the workshop, participants will be divided into 4 groups and will be
assigned to a station with a facilitator where demonstration of skills such
as, basic laryngoscopy, bag-valve mask ventilation, use of airway
adjuncts, LMA insertion, video laryngoscopy, and fiberoptic intubation.
Participants will be given the chance to do return demonstration for a
duration of 5 minutes per participant for each station. After all the
members of each group are done with the return demontration, the group
will rotate to another station.

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