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Process Scheduling,

Resource & Inventory


PM Noorhisham Tan Kofli
Course outline
Process scheduling
Specifying process scheduling
Viewing scheduling & related results
Resource tracking
Inventory tracking

11/12/2019 NTK, SZH 2

Process scheduling tools
o Operation Gantt Chart
o Equipment Occupancy Chart
o Recipe Scheduling Information

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Purpose of scheduling
• Based on the scheduling information & annual
operation time (AOT) specified for the plant, the
system will:
Make sure there is no conflict between start time &
end time of processing steps.
Make sure there is no conflict between specification of
annual operating time, the number of batches, plant
cycle time.
Calculate the following:
o Plant’s batch time
o The maximum number if batches possible
o Longest procedure & schedule bottlenecking equipment

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Scheduling function in SPD
For each operation: For entire plant:
i. The process time i. The AOT
ii. The setup & ii. The number of
turnaround times campaigns per year, and
iii. The starting time either:
Entire Plant a. The number of batches
iv. The number of
cycles (at per year, or
b. The batch cycle time, or
procedure level) c. The batch slack time
Procedure (s) level

Operation (s) level

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Important scheduling definitions
• Setup Time (ST):
 Duration spent for preparation before the actual execution of an operation.
 May involve cleaning, vacuuming, setting up of equipment.
• Process Time (PT): duration that an equipment is in use to carry out an
• Turnaround Time (TT): duration that an equipment is being prepared for
the next cycle.
• Operation Cycle Time (OCT):
 Amount of time for an operation’s cycle to be.
 OCT = ST + PT + TT
• Procedure Cycle Time (PCT): duration spent to complete an entire
procedure, including all operations in the procedure.
• Batch Time (BT): duration from the 1st operation till the end of the last
operation in a single batch.

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Operation Gantt Chart
Batch time

PCT for P-1


1 in P-2

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Equipment Occupancy Chart

cycle time


Batch time

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Recipe Scheduling Information
• Path: Task/Recipe
Scheduling Information
• Make the following
 Set the number of batches
per year: 20 (assuming that
the equipment used by this
process is used by other
 Set Recipe Cycle Time: 12
• Press “Update”
• Note the differences before
& after the changes

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Changes in scheduling
Variables Original After recipe change
Batch time 11.49
Min cycle time 10.52
Number of batches 752
Batch cycle time 10.52
Time slack 0

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Resource & inventory tracking
• Resources (Ingredient, heat transfer agent,
power, labor)
• Inventory (Ingredient, heat transfer agent)

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Resource tracking (Operator)
• Path: View/Resource Consumption Tracking
Chart/Labor/Multiple Batches… Operator
• Set to display for 4 batches & fit to window

2 operators are
needed in total

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Inventory tracking
• SPD can analyse & display inventory
information for material resources.
• Given the following info:
– 40 kg of material ‘B’ are used in each batch
– Suppose there is a 200 kg storage capacity for ‘B’
with an opening inventory of 100 kg
– Loading rate of ‘B’ into storage: 200 kg/hr
• Task: determine how often should shipments
of ‘B’ be scheduled?
11/12/2019 NTK, SZH 13
Inventory tracking
• Path: View/Resource Inventory Chart/Ingredient
(Multiple Batches).
• Select ‘B’ and select the Supply Info button. Fill out
the dialogue as shown in figure below:
– Storage capacity: 200 kg
– Initial content: 100 kg
– Supply mass flow: 200 kg/h
– Schedule variable – 10% (On-Trigger); 90% (Off-Trigger)
• On-Trigger & Off-Trigger settings: the supply of ‘B’
should be replenished when the inventory falls to 10 %
of the capacity; and halted when the inventory reaches
90 % of storage capacity.
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Inventory tracking
• Click OK to continue & the chart will be displayed with
2 batches. Set the number of batches to 12 by right-
clicking and selecting Set Number of Batches

90% of inventory
Supply rate = = 180 kg
200 kg/hr

Initial content
= 100 kg 10% of inventory
= 20 kg
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Working session
Do the same for the ingredient A, use the
same storage information based on B
(capacity, supply rate, etc.). Display for 12
batches. Suggest a solution for the problem
that occurs.

11/12/2019 NTK, SZH 16

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