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Elva Amurita Zebua, S.TP., M.

Our body is a wonderfully efficient factory


It accepts raw materials (food), burns some to

generate power, uses some to produce finished
goods, routes the rest to storage, and discards waste
and by-products.

Your biological factory never stops; even though a

storage or energy production process may dominate,
all your factory operations are active at all times

Even during sleep, your body uses energy for

breathing, pumping blood, maintaining body
temperature, delivering oxygen to tissues, removing
waste products, synthesizing new tissue for growth,
and repairing damaged or worn-out tissues
What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is all chemical reactions

within organism that enable them to
maintain life.

Metabolism is a general term that

encompasses all chemical changes
occuring in living organism

Metabolic pathway

Chemical reactions that break down a large

compound into smaller units

Chemical reactions that build more complex

molecules from smaller ones
Catabolism is the breakdown of Involves reactions that build up
complex molecules into simpler complex molecules from simpler ones.
molecules. This occurs by the process Monosaccharides form
of hydrolysis where macromolecules polysaccharides by glycosidic bonds,
are broken down into their respective amino acids form proteins by peptide
monomeric units. Hydrolysis linkages, nucleotides form nucleic
reactions require the consumption of acids by phosphodiester bonds.
water molecules to break the bonds Anabolic reactions commonly are
within the polymer. Unlike an condensation reactions where water
anabolic reaction, catabolism is is the by-product of the it absorbs
exothermic where heat is released energy in this process and so is an
endergonic process.
In the first stage, the body breaks
down food into amino acids,
monosaccharides, and fatty acids

In the second stage, cells degrade

these molecules to a few simple
units, such us acetyl CoA, that are
pervasive in metabolism

In the third stage, the oxygen-

dependent reactions of the citric
acid cycle and electron transport
chain liberate large amounts of
energy in the form of ATP
What is ATP?

Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP, is a molecule that carries

energy within cells

Suatu molekul berenergi tinggi yang bila dihidrolisa bisa melepaskan

energi yang dikandungnya untuk keperluan proses kehidupan antara
lain sintesa protein dan molekul lain, kontraksi otot, penjalaran
impuls, dan replikasi DNA transport aktif
• Karbon + Hidrat
• Reaksi pemecahan karbohidrat adalah melalui hidrolisis
• Fungsi KH:
 Menyediakan energi
 Mengatur metabolisme lemak dan protein
 Sumber energi khusus untuk sistem syaraf dan otak

• KH siap dikatabolisme menjadi energi (ATP) jika berbentuk

• Ketika tubuh puasa/ kelaparan:
•  glukosa darah turun
•  glikogenolisis dan glukoneogenesis
Mekanisme glukosa-
glikogen di dalam darah
The major metabolic pathways in glucose metabolism

Post test  find the defenition of this processes

Exercise guys 

How many ATP molecules are produced from one

glucose molecule during the electron transport

The answer? Send to my e-mail:
Mengandung bahan nitrogen

AMINO ACID  Memiliki gugus samping yang

berbeda-beda  perbedaan
Terbagi atas 3:
1. Asam amino esensial
2. Asam amino non-esensial
3. Asam amino kondisonal 
precursor available. Ex: S-M
(sistein-metionin); T-F (tirosin-
fenialanin), A-L (arginin-lisin)
Karakter dan peranan protein
1. Protein dapat berperan karena dapat
mengenal molekul lain
secara spesifik
antigen u/ dimusnahkan
hormon u/ dikenali
molekul-molekul untuk
2. Pengenalan tsb dimungkinkan karena
bentuknya yg beragam
3. Rantai lateral aa yg menyusun protein
membentuk struktur tridimensional
sisi permukaan utk melekatkan
molekul (gembok kunci)
4. Protein enzimatik juga menunjukkan sisi
aktif katalis dan regulasi
Pencernaan dan Penyerapan Protein

1. Mulut : mekanik
2. Lambung : chemical breakdown (denaturation with HCL)
and enzymatic breakdown (protease, peptidase)
3. Usus halus : protease pankreatik dan intestinal

Penyerapan : usus halus  aa, di-, tri-peptida

Penyerapan melalui transport aktif
Di dalam usus
Sifat dan Fungsi Lipid

• Sifat lipid:
1. Larut dalam pelarut non-polar: etanol, eter,
kloroform, benzena
2. Bersifat padat dan cair pada suhu ruang
• Fungsi lipid:
1. Pembentuk flavor dan tekstur
2. Pembawa vitamin
3. Media pindah panas
4. Sebagai ingredient
Pembagian Asam Lemak

• Asam lemak:
1. Asam lemak jenuh (saturated fatty acid)
2. Asam lemak tidak jenuh (unsaturated atty acid)
Sumber asam lemak tidak jenuh:
1. Linoleat (O-6): minyak jagung, minyak biji matahari, minyak
biji kapas
2. Linolenat (O-3): minyak kedele
3. Oleat (O-9): olive oil

• Tubuh tidak bisa mensintensis ikatan rangkap C asam lemak,

sehingga perlu asupan dari luar
•  PUFA = asam lemak esensial
• Gejala klinis yang menandai defisiensi asam lemak esensial
antara lain, kulit kasar dan kering, terhambatnya pertumbuhan
pada bayi dan anak-anak, meningkatnya kemudahan terserang
infeksi dan luka yang tidak cepat sembuh
Kecukupan konsumsi asam lemak omega-6
dan omega-3 yang dianjurkan
Metabolisme Lemak


Gliserol Asam Lemak

Sintesis lemak

3-phospogliseroaldehid Asetil KoA

Terdiri dari 4 proses utama:
1. Dehidrogenasi

Enzim asil KoA dehidrogenase

•Menghasilkan enoil Koa
•Mempunyai akseptor hidrogen FAD+.
•Menghasilkan 2 ATP
2. Hidratasi

•Enzim enoil KoA hidratase

•Penambahan gugus hidroksi pada C no. 3
•Menghasilkan 3-L-hidroksiasil KoA
4. Thiolisis

•Enzim β-Ketothiolase mengkatalisis pemecahan ikatan thioester.

•Acetyl-CoA dilepas dan tersisa asam lemak asil ko A
Sintesis Lemak
•Reaksi awal : asetil KoA
menjadi malonil KoA
•Tahap memperpanjang
rangkaian atom C:
1.KondensasiEnzim: asil-
malonil ACP kondensase
2.ReduksiEnzim: ketoasil
ACP reduktase3.
DehidrasiEnzim: 3-
hidroksi asil ACP
4.ReduksiEnzim: enoil
ACP reduktaseACP = suatu
protein pengangkut asil
yang mengikat zat-zat
antara dalam sintesis
asam lemak
Asam lemak

Lemak trans dapat

meningkatkan LDL dan TG
dalam darah

Bagaimana proses
pembentukan asam lemak
Apa pengaruh asam
lemak trans

Your homework

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