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Project Title:

Design and development of smart hybrid energy

generation system of 0.5 kw capacity

Presentation by

1. Doke Dhiraj Sunil

2. Navale Rohan Uttam

 Guide Name:-

Prof. A. D. Jadhav
 Introduction:
Electricity is most needed for our day to day life. There are two ways of electricity generation either
by conventional energy resources or by non-conventional energy resources. Electrical energy demand
increases in word so to fulfill demand we have to generate electrical energy. Now a day’s electrical energy
is generated by the conventional energy resources like coal, diesel, and nuclear etc. The main drawback of
these sources is that it produces waste like ash in coal power plant, nuclear waste in nuclear power plant
and taking care of this wastage is very costly.

Wind-solar hybrid system has numerous advantages. One of the advantages is reliability, when
solar and wind power production resources are used together, reliability is improved and the system
energy service is enhanced. What this mean is that in the absence of one type of energy, another would be
available to carry out the service. Other advantages are the stability and lower maintenance requirements,
thus reducing downtime during repairs or routine maintenance. In addition to these, as well as being
indigenous and free, renewable energy resources contribute to the reduction of pollution emissions.
 Problem definition:-

 Solar panels are too costly

 Solar energy is not available at night
time and cloudy days
 Wind turbine cant operate at low or
high speeds
 HAWT are not useful in our area as it
require more height and more speed of
 Need of project :

 Wind energy and solar energy are to be combined together to generate

 To get more energy generation in limited or same space.
 To minimize the running cost for the energy generation plant.
 Eco-friendly power generation.
 Literature survey:
 Paper on SolarMill- Wind and Solar Energy by Joselyn Cortez in 27 April 2018 .
 Research by Windstream Technologies, Inc.(WSTI).
 Research on My solarMill wind & Hybrid Energy Generator by Elemental Green
 International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 3,
March 2015. 1. ISSN 2250-3153
 Hybrid renewable energy system
 Objectives of project:

 Design and development of hybrid energy

generation of 0.5 kW capacity.
 Performance and evaluation of hybrid energy
 Power Generation:
1) Solar PV module
 Solar power is the conversion of
energy from sunlight into electricity,
either directly using photovoltaic (PV),
indirectly using concentrated solar power,
or a combination. Concentrated solar
power systems
use lenses or mirrors and tracking
systems to focus a large area of sunlight
into a small beam. Photovoltaic cells
convert light into an electric current using
the photovoltaic effect.
 Energy generated by solar pv module is
stored in the storage device after passing
it through MPPT.
 Energy stored is DC so this energy is
converted to AC by using inverter.
2) Wind Energy
 Wind power is the use of air flow through wind
turbines to provide the mechanical power to
turn electric generators. Wind power, as an
alternative to burning fossil fuels, is
plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean,
produces no greenhouse gas emissions during
operation, consumes no water, and uses little
land. The net effects on the environment are far
less problematic than those of nonrenewable
power source.
 Energy generated by wind turbine is rectified
and given to the load or storage device.
 As we know that it is very difficult to
superimpose renewable energy with the grid
energy, due to this problem we have invented
a new energy distribution system using
 In this system we are going to switch energy
use of the various loads either on grid energy
or on hybrid energy.
 This switching is done by using relay module
automatically by sensing power use of
individual load.
 When the power usage of load is calculated
then this power is compared with the power
of hybrid energy and then system will decide
to run the load on hybrid energy or not.
Mechanical breaking system

 As we know that when air speed greater

than 18 m/s then it is harmful to the wind
mill and it may create accidental condition.
 To overcome this problem we have to stop
the wind turbine when air speed increases or
storm condition created.
 To stop the wind turbine automatically
hydraulic breaking is used here which is
coupled with speed sensor.
 Proposed Cost estimation of project:

 Solar panel : 10000-12000

 Generator:- 5000-6000
 Fabrication of frame:- 1000-2000
 Fabrication of wind turbine:- 3000-4000
 Control system:- 6000-7000
 Mechanical braking system:- 2000-3000
 Battery system:- 8000-10000
 Miscellaneous:- 5000-7000

 Total expenditure about Rs: 45000-

 References:

[1] Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar “Designing of Hybrid Power Generation

System using Wind Energy- Photovoltaic Solar Energy- Solar Energy with
Nanoantenna” Internationa Journal of Engineering Research And Applications
(IJERA) Vol. 2, Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2012, pp.812-815 .
[2] Sandeep Kumar, Vijay Kumar Garg, “A Hybrid model of Solar-Wind Power
Generation System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol. 2, Issue 8, August
2013, pp. 4107-4016
[3] Non Conventional Renewable Energy Tariff Announcement (Purchase of
electricity to the national grid under standard power purchase agreements (SPPA)
PUCSL for 2012 2013.
[4]Explanatory notes to the Non Conventional Renewable Energy Tariff
Announcement dated 24th April 2009, Purchase of Electricity to the National Grid
under Small Power Purchase Agreements (SPPA) by SLSEA

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