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Amerian Dream by the novel

The Great Gatsby

by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who is Fitzgerald?
What is The Great Gatsby?
The American Dream
and The Great Gatsby

● the idea

● the question

● the concept
Main characters and their
American Dream

- Nick Carraway:
Nick is the first person
narrator and protagonist of the novel;
Nick’s American dream, that happiness comes
from living and working in give and take
- Jay Gatsby (James Gatz):
Gatsby is the supposed hero of
the novel.

Gatsby wants money to win back Daisy,

the "golden girl" from the respectable
world of old money.
- Tom Buchanan:
Tom is Daisy’s husband

Tom's American Dream,

apparently is to live whatever life
he chooses while still maintaining
the facade of a marriage.
How does F. Scott Fitzgerald
portray the American dream?
Through the character of Daisy
 Her wealthy family

 Luxurious life

 Materialistic wealth through

her marriage to Tom

 Her desirable beauty

 Her Social Status

Through the character of Jay Gatsby:
 Through his hard work and determination

 His self earned wealth

 Through his new social status

 His humble beginning

 Romance with daisy

 How he tries to present himself


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