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Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Segments


• Cake ingredients shop

• Cafes • Buy fresh ingredients • We produce unique • We will launch
• Restaurant for our product macaroon that are giveaway program, • Kids
different than give a consumen a • Teenagers
other’s macaroon in discount, promo on • Cake lovers
Indonesia with a special day ,and open • Macaroon lovers
unique flavor and some booth in some
affordable price event with special
promo to make our
customer keep in
touch with us
Key Resources

• We use social media

such as
• Cake ingredients
• Tools for produce our
m,Twitter for
promotion and also
we will make a
collaboration with
some cafe that sell
a sweet beverages.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• We got income from selling our Macaroon,from collaboration

with others,etc

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