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Personality Development

 Major factors affect the

development of
What is personality?

 Common answer
 Characteristics of a
 Nice
 Good looking

 Social skills
 Polite
 funny
What is personality?

 Sociologists say
 Sum total of behaviors, attitude, beliefs, and
values that are characteristic of an individual.

 Personality traits
 Determine how we adjust
 To our environment
 How we react in specific situations
Personalities over time

 Personalities constantly change during the

first half of a person’s life.
 Find new interests
 Like new things

 Personalities change for all sorts of reasons

 2 largest reasons
 Nature
 Nurture
Nature vs. Nurture

 Heredity
 The transmission of
genetic characteristics
from parents to children.

 Social environment
 Contact with other people
Nature’s Argument

 Most human behavior is instinct in origin.

 Instinct
 an unchanging, biologically inherited behavior pattern.

 Birds = building nests

 Birds = migrate in winter

 This leads to humans having 10,000 instincts:

 Laugh
 Smile
 breath
Nurture’s Argument

 A person’s behavior
and personality are the
result of his or her
social environment and

 Pavlov’s Dog
 Developed an
unconditional response
1970’s Sociobiology

 Systematic study of the biological basis of all

social behavior.

 Sociobiologists argument
 Varied cultural characteristics are rooted in
genetic makeup of humans.
 Competition
 Envy
 Hate
 Faith……religion?
4 major factors that shape individual
personality development


parents Personality

Birth order

 Characteristics present at
 Body build
 Hair type
 Eye color
 Skin pigmentation
 Aptitudes
 A capacity to learn a
particular skill or acquire a
particular body of
 Natural talents
 Sports
 Music
Birth Order
 Personalities are influenced
by whether we have

 1st born
 Achievement oriented

 Middle child
 More affectionate but

 Last child
 Risk takers
 Intellectual rebels
Parental Characteristics

 A parents personality
directly impacts a
child’s personality
 Hate
 Anger
 Happiness
 politeness
Cultural Environment

 Cultural environment
 Basic types of
personalities found in

 USA  China
 Competitiveness  Competitiveness
 Assertiveness  Family oriented
 individualism  Group oriented
Isolations of children

 Feral children
 Wild or untamed children

 Can children develop on

their own with no help?
1938 “Anna”

 Born to unmarried woman

 Grandfather locked her in

the attic
 Only fed her once a day
 No interaction
 Found in 1938 by social
 Could not
 Walk
 Talk
 Feed herself
 No facial expressions

 Born to unmarried woman

 Grandfather locked her and

Mother in the attic
 Only fed her once a day
 Interaction with mom only

 Found in 1960 by social

 Could not
 Talk
 Walk
 Ate with her hands

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