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Unit : Step 2- Create value from technologic innovation


GROUP: 212032_32


Valuation and Negotiation of Technology

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
3. Choose one of all the computer programs mentioned by the
the chosen program is FACTOOL, it's a billing program that basically
provides functions for posting, searching, and printing invoices.
3.1 Identify at another computer program that can solve the same
need for the company.
A program that can perform the same functions as the program we
have set is CONTAPYME
3.2 Find a quotation for each one of the two computer programs
In the case of FACTOOL, the program is completely free, so the
quotation would not be necessary.
3.2 Find a quotation for each one of the two computer programs
In the case of FACTOOL, the program is completely free, so the
quotation would not be necessary.

In the case of CONTAPYME: (price in colombian pesos,for more

information see references)
3.3 Analyze and compare the two computer programs in relation to
its advantages or disadvantages.
In the table below you can see the advantages and disadvantages that
each program has.

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple interface Risk of computer virus
FACTOOL It's portable It´s not compatible with excel
It's free
Program with more accountig functions
Increased security
CONTAPYME Costly upgrades.
Offer 3 plans of different prices
Compatibility with microsoft office
Conclusion about two programs
• you can see that CONTAPYME is a very versatile software, however,
because the company in study is small and the accounting they
handle is relatively simple, it concludes that the best option is
FACTOOL if economic looks are concerned.
Conclusion about digital transformation
As we saw in the comparison of software, on the internet there are free
programs that can meet certain needs, however, they are basic
programs. if you want more difficult accounting jobs you have to pay
for getting a software, the prices vary, although relatively not
expensive, for the Colombian economy to buy a software is not
profitable for small businesses, so digitization in Colombian companies
tends to be slower than in other countries in the region. to promote
digital transformation, the Colombian government could provide
subsidies to small businesses in order to technify processes such as
accounting, in turn transforming the Colombian entrepreneur's
mindset in investing in specialized programs to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of companies .
YouTube link of Computer programs analysis

• GHEŢA, I. M. (2017). Theoretical and Methodological Considerations

Regarding the Evaluation of Intangible Assets. (pp 373–376).
• Mc Manus, J. P. (2012). Intellectual Property : From Creation to
Commercialisation: A Practical Guide for Innovators & Researchers. 16.
Valuation of Intellectual Property.
• Cohen, J. A. (2005). Intangible Assets : Valuation and Economic Benefit (pp
• Contapyme. (s.f.). Paquete contable mínimo. Recuperado de

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