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Faculty and Class

Scheduling System
 Academic institutions and often find difficulties in scheduling faculty and classes. This
difficult task is devoted with hefty amount of time, human, and material resources.
Several factors such as diverse student groups, time allotments, courses, rooms,
teachers, and scheduling discretions are being considered in the task. For institutions
composed of several academic units, the complexity is worsened by a decentralized
preparation of schedule. In this approach, several uncontrolled scheduling elements
should be taken into account such as schedules of subjects to be taken offered by other
units, the use of resources such as rooms or facilities located in other units, schedule
preferences and constraints implemented by other units, all of which are affecting
schedule preparation process. Fitting schedules, mindful of considering every known
factor. They need several time-consuming face to face consultations among themselves
to settle anticipated conflicts.
 Aside from these individual exchanges of data a formal meeting is conducted prior
to the registration period of every academic term. This is attended by all faculty to
fix and finalize their individual schedules. This meeting is assumed as the best time
for them to consult each other about their individually prepared schedules for
cross-checking. Nevertheless, not all schedule-related problems are fixed in this
exclusive session as changes may still inevitably occur, therefore needing further
consultations between the dean . These situations contribute to the lengthy
schedule preparation and the frequent delay in the submission of final schedules to
the in-charge of registration that makes scheduling both physically and mentally
arduous task and to the lengthy schedule preparation and the frequent delay in the
submission of final schedules to the in-charge of registration. Moreover, manual
checking does not guarantee a conflict-free schedule. In most occasions, several
problems arise because of scheduling mistakes. Schedule conflicts affect the normal
flow of processes during registration. Classes are delayed until conflicts are
rectified. The worst scenario brought about by these scheduling lapses is when an
affected registered-student is forced to drop or change a course/subject enrolled
due to change in the schedule.
Background of the Study
 Today, almost all academic institutions use many types of computerized systems that
allow students, administrators, faculties and staffs to do something easily. In today’s
generation, technology has become an important part of our daily lives as it provides help
through problem solving, decision making and even interacting with other people.
Nowadays, people can access information with the use of computer technology. Thus,
more and more people take advantage of technology to make their jobs easier. Computers
are integral part of schools now instead of being supplemental features. They used in
variety of ways to augment knowledge an application. Modern educational institutions
adapted the computerization of records and transactions. To increase the rate of
reliability especially with their increasing number of school records. Problems range from
construction of time tables in schools, colleges and universities to exam time-tabling at
the end of these period.
Statement of the
The manual system of preparing faculty and class schedules in colleges is very time consuming
and usually ends up with various class clashes either at same time or with same teacher having
more than one class at a time. These are just due to common human errors which are very
difficult to prevent in processes as these. To overcome these problem people usually end up
making injudicious use of classrooms and labs .
To overcome all these problems we propose to make an automated system that enhancement
of the method must be developed and used in arranging class schedules.
• The circumstance would entail the need for a computerized scheduling algorithm which
covers all aspects of the activity of allocating resources such as instructors, lecture rooms
and laboratory rooms to each class or section, at the same time, satisfying some
predetermined academic rules or constraints and objectives of the school.
Review of Related Literature
 According to Dr. Dibon (2010) a study on a report on the Impact of Workload on
Teachers and Student’s stated that Teacher’s expressed concern that higher level of
frustration and stress due to a lack of assigned time to prepare classes can negatively
impact on their interactions with students. The lack of preparation time can also result
in classes that are not planned/prepared as well as they could be. Further, when a
teacher doesn’t have time to properly assess student work, in a timely fashion, and has
little time to provide tutorial classes, remedial work for students who need extra help
is often compromised. Having adequate preparation time is a critical factor to a
teacher satisfaction. In this Study, the proponents aim to develop an “EFaculty
Loading” that will help organize the teachers work load. When teachers are satisfied
with the amount of time they had for preparation they were much more positive about
their work and profession in general. Manual system is retrieving, maintaining, security
and filling of records consume lot of time and effort. There are some cases wherein
misplaced of records are taking place because of the years gone by.
 Furthermore, these files were only kept in envelope, folder or wooden racks. There
are also instances when the right information is given to the wrong person, which may
affect quality of service. (M. Cantonas, 2008). The need for a computerized system
is very much essentials to establishments, especially, schools. It provide a great help
when it comes to organizing and speeding up process of work in offices. Senior
Scheduling System is a powerful tool designed to help create school’s master
schedule. The schedule created by the scheduling system can be analyzed, adjusted
and rerun an unlimited number of times until the desired results are achieved. The
power of Scheduling system will greatly reduce the time it takes to create school’s
faculty schedules.
 (Gordon Smith, 2007). It is important to have a system or software that is efficient,
reliable and can adapt to different environment. Faculty loading done manually is
time consuming. In today’s society, the use of modern technology is widely used to
conserve time and energy. The use of computerized faculty loading will reduce the
time in scheduling a faculty work load. A school has a limited amount of classrooms,
labs, and lecture halls to hold courses in. Many full-time professors have only
specialized areas of expertise within which they can teach, and have limits to how
many classes they can take on. Courses tend to have differing sizes, room
requirements, lengths, credits, and even some restrictions on which other classes
cannot be taught at the same time.
Case Diagram for the Scheduling System
showing the user and processes they can
interact with:
Software Features of the Proposed
• The user can specify the teaching loads and working days of each instructor.
• The user can set the subjects of an instructor.
• The user can set the section or group for a particular instructor. The system has the
capability to check availability of each instructor based on their teaching loads set
in the module of instructor constraints.
• The user can easily choose what schedule to edit, using either the instructor
module or the section module.
• The system has the capability to update all schedules involved when a schedule is
edited by the user.
• The system has the capability to detect conflicts automatically while plotting
• The user can choose whether to split a class into two meetings in two different
days, or join two classes of the same subject with different days in one day.
• The system has the capability to prompt or notify the user immediately after
plotting in an unavailable schedule slot.
• The system can generate specific reports for instructor, section or room schedule.
• The user can specify the columns to print in the details of instructor and room.
• The system has the capability to limit actions or activities of user by setting access
rights in each module. Access rights include actions such as adding and editing
records and viewing and printing particular reports.

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