ch04 Project Organization

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Ch 4

Project Organization

“Organize - to form into an

association for a common purpose
or arrange systematically”

Chapter 4 Project Organization 1

Project Organization
 Specialization of the human elements
 Different types = functional, product
line, geographical location, production
process, type of customer, subsidiary
organization, time, vertical or horizontal
 How to tie project to the parent firm
 How to organize the project itself

Chapter 4 Project Organization 2

Project as Part of Functional
 E.g. new technology project – under
vice president of engineering
 Introduction of new product line –
under vice president of marketing
 Project assigned to the functional unit
that has most interest

Chapter 4 Project Organization 3


VP Finance VP Marketing VP VP
Manufacturing Engineering

New Layout –
Robot Line
Project New
Model Proton

Functional Organization
Chapter 4 Project Organization 4
Major Advantages
 Maximum flexibility in the use of staff
 Individual experts can be utilized by many
different projects
 Specialist in the division can be grouped to
share knowledge and experience
 Functional division serves as a base of
technological continuity
 Functional division contains normal of

Chapter 4 Project Organization 5

 The client is not the focus of activity and
 Tend to be oriented towards functional
 No individual is given full responsibility for the
 Slow response to client’s needs
 Tendency to sub-optimize the project
 Motivation of project team is weak
 Does not facilitate a holistic approach to the
project Chapter 4 Project Organization 6
Pure Project Organization
 Project is separated from the rest of the
parent system
 Becomes self contained unit

Chapter 4 Project Organization 7

 PM has full line authority over the project
 All project workforce directly responsible to
the PM
 Lines of communication are shortened
 Maintain permanent group of experts
 High level of commitment
 Ability to make swift decisions
 Unity of command
 Simple and flexible structure
 Support holistic approach to the project
Chapter 4 Project Organization 8
Project Organization

Vice President Project A Vice President Project B Vice President Project C

Finance Manufacturing Finance Manufacturing Finance Manufacturing

Chapter 4 Project Organization 9

 Duplication of effort
 Stockpile equipment and technical
assistance “just in case”
 Lack of expertise in high technology
 Foster inconsistency and cutting corners
 Project takes on a life of its own
 Worry about “life after project ends”
Chapter 4 Project Organization 10
Matrix Organization
 Combination of functional and pure
project organizations
 Matrix project is not separated from
parent organizations
 Individuals come from respective
functions divisions and are assigned to
the project full time or part time

Chapter 4 Project Organization 11

Matrix Organization


Manufacturing Program Manager R&D Marketing




Chapter 4 Project Organization 12

Matrix Organization
 Cross-functional team members
 Draw temporarily on technological expertise
of relevant functions
 High technology areas – integrate functional
 Iterations in adapting “over the wall”
 Systems approach – integrity of product
 Close coordination and communication among
all parties Chapter 4 Project Organization 13
Advantages of Matrix
 The project is the point of emphasis
 Reasonable access t pools of technical talents
 Less anxiety about what happens after
project completion
 Rapid response to client needs
 Access to administrative units of the parent
 Better balance of company resources in
multiple projects
 Flexibility in control
Chapter 4 Project Organization 14
 Delicate balance of power
 Movement of resources – conflict
 Projects resist death
 Complex division of authority and
 Violates the principle of unity of

Chapter 4 Project Organization 15

Mixed Organizational Systems
 Divisionalization – breaking down large
organization into smaller more flexible units
 Spin-off the large projects as subsidiaries or
independent operations
 Allow formation of venture team
 Hybrid leads to flexibility
 Dissimilar groupings encourage overlap,
duplication and friction

Chapter 4 Project Organization 16

Mixed Organization


Project M Finance Engineering Project N

Chapter 4 Project Organization 17

Staff Organization
 Set up like functional organization
 Adds a staff office to administer
 Used for small, short run projects

Chapter 4 Project Organization 18

Staff Organization


Project S

Finance Manufacturing Engineering

Chapter 4 Project Organization 19

Choosing an Organizational
 Functional form – major focus on in-depth
technology, require large capital investment
 Pure project – large number of similar
 Matrix organization – require integration of
inputs from several functional areas and
involves reasonably sophisticated technology
and several projects must share technical
 Matrix organizations are complex
Chapter 4 Project Organization 20
Selection of Project
 Define the project / objectives
 Determine the key tasks
 Arrange key tasks by sequence and
decompose them into work packages
 Determine project subsystems
 List special characteristics – level of
technology, probable length, resource
requirements, level of outsourcing

Chapter 4 Project Organization 21

Project Team
 Project office – control center, chart
room (focus of all project activity)
 Close location to project manager
 Co-location of external parties
 Reduce physical distance
 Better communication
 Pressure to complete tasks

Chapter 4 Project Organization 22

Key Team Members
 Project Engineer
 Manufacturing Engineer
 Field Manager
 Contract Administrator
 Project Controller
 Support Services Manager

Chapter 4 Project Organization 23

Work Organization
 Project engineer (technical performance) and
project controller (budget) report to PM
 PM forecast of personnel needs
 Prepare WBS to determine exact nature of
 Skills requirements are assessed and
 Outsourcing of certain tasks

Chapter 4 Project Organization 24

Typical Organization of
Engineering Projects
Project Manager

Project Engineer Project controller

Manufacturing Engineer Control Administrator

Field Manager Support Services Manager

Chapter 4 Project Organization 25

Staff Critical to Project
 Senior project team members
 Staffs whom the PM will require close
 Staffs with rare skills for project success

Chapter 4 Project Organization 26

Human Factors
 Technical problem with a human dimension
 Perfectionist – can cause delay
 Motivation – recognition, achievement,
responsibility, advancement, the work itself
 Interpersonal conflict
 Management by Objectives (MBO) – allows
worker to take responsibility for design and
performance of a task

Chapter 4 Project Organization 27

Advantages of MBO
 Participative mechanism
 Allow professionals to design their own
 Team members know what is expected of
 Members have the opportunity to participate
in deciding their own responsibilities
 Members get timely feedback on their
 Project manager is provided a tool for
evaluating and controlling performance
Chapter 4 Project Organization 28
 Superior set objectives in consultation
and agreement with subordinates
 Subordinate develops action plan, a
detailed plan and scheduled that will
result in achieving the objective
 Final plan becomes a contract

Chapter 4 Project Organization 29

Major Sources of Conflict
Life cycle phase Conflict source

Project formation Priorities, procedures,

Buildup phase Priorities, schedule,
Main program Schedule, technical,
Phase out Schedules, personality,
Chapter 4 Project Organization 30

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