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Loreal can therefore develop

apps and online platforms to Loreal can as a part of the Loreal can build a
suggest tips for healthy eating There is also an opportunity marketing campaign revolutionary skin
to accompany an effective for brands to move away enlists experts in skin, health tracking app
skincare routine. For Loreal could also introduce from the traditional choice of make up and nutrition. The
example, many dieters use ‘booster’ powders/drops, brand ambassador –
which would be able
apps to track calories, and so which can be added to celebrities and models – and nutritionists can offer to recommend which
skincare brands can offer homemade remedies to give focus on a new age of social advice on the topic of Loreal product the
nutritional trackers to help extra skin benefits. media health and wellness clean eating and how customer should use
women eat more of the stars who have cult changes to the diet can and additionally
ingredients which can play a followings. benefit the skin to a great suggest whether the
beneficial role in the extent. customer needs to
appearance of skin. consult
dermatologists for
additional care.

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