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Toppic Philosophy of Heraclitus

Submittet By Nasrullah
Submitted To Sir Riaz Ahmad
Reg-No 44 2k18
Department Bs English
Date 7/12/2019
Heraclitus born in 569
BC In Samos Greece. Died in 496 in
Metapontum,Lucania,Italy. He was a
pre_socratic philosopher. He was a confident
Person. He said about pythagoras and
Homer that they have lack of knowledge . He was known as
weeping philosopher. Because he was patient of depression. He
had so many names Heraclitus the obscure, Heraclitus the
ridler,Heraclitus the mobrivalier because it was difficult to learn
him and to know him. He was a gentle man. He hats humans. He
started to live in mountains where he eats grass.
FIRE: As pre- socratic philosophers
Belived all matters is made up of single
Element. Heraclitus also belived that all
matters are made up of single element
but that single element is Fire. Fire is the
basic fundamental of universe. he said
even our soul is the combination of fire
And water. The man who is good person.
his character is good his thoughts are
positive then his soul is made from Fire. on the
Other hand the person who the perosn who has bad character and
negative thoughts his soul is made from water. Mostly people’s soul is
between fire and water. he belived that world is changing because of
fire. he said if we throw wood in fire. some part of wood become ash
some part become air. the sound which we are listning from fire it is
water. In ancient times fire were consider as the tool which can change
one thing to another. that’s why heraclitus belived all things are made
from fire. he said “All things are in to change fire and fire for all things
just like good for golds and gold for goods”.
“No man ever steps twice in the same river”
He said no man ever step twice in the same
river. Because river and man both change after
the step in river. for example if we step in river
and after some time we again step in so now
the water has changed first water is went
forward now is new water and there are some
changing in man seconds but the
change come in the age of man.
Penta Rhei :
before the heraclitus anaximander and anaximanies both
talked about dialectus. but both were different point of view for
example Anaximander belived that all things born with their opposites
and they always repel with each other. Anaximanies has different point
of view he said he yes they always fight with each other but there is
balance or continum of change between them. So who was right?
Heraclitus said both are wrong or both are right.first he said penta rhei
It means that everything flows. everything continous flow heraclitus
said “ motion is the existense of all things”.It is impossiblefor one thing
stay in one place.Heraclitus also known as father of dialectus.
Heraclitus often used word logos for th god.logos is the greek
word which means reason. he belived that there must be a kind of
universal reason which guide eveything that happens in nature. the
universal is common for all of us.and most people lived by their
individual reason. so he saw entity or oneness which was the source of
everything he named it god or logos.
Heraclitus was a great philosopher. He said the basic
element of all matters is fire. But the empedocles who was philosopher
after heraclitus said the source nature cannot possible with one single
element. Empedocles belived that all nature consists of four elements
and these elements are earth, air, fire and water. He said world is the
combintation of these four elements.

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